Join now. Le Genre Andromeda: 2 espèces (régions circumboréales). Particularité de l'espèce Andromeda polifolia: Arbuste étalé ou érigé, à rameaux de l'année dressées, rhizomes de plusieurs décimètres. Sa floraison magnifique est en forme de petites clochettes blanche rosée commençant vers le début du mois d'avril. Due to its low spreading habit reaching 2 to 3 feet tall and wide it also is a great addition to rock gardens, beds and borders and containers. Petite fleur rose vif de mai à juin. Posted by JuliaPGH on Jul 16, 2018 8:50 PM. It is the only member of the genus Andromeda, and is only found in bogs in cold peat-accumulating areas. Andromeda polifolia "Blue Ice", in het nederlands rotsheide of lavendelheide genaamd is een klein, wintergroen struikje met een bodembedekkende habitus. Das Kopieren von Texten und Fotos ist nicht erlaubt. I planted a beautiful Andromeda polifolia Blue Ice Bog Rosemary this spring and have been loving its unusual blue hue - ⦠Not that you might ever see them but the underside of each leaf is quite white. The common name â Bog Rosemary â is because its leaves resemble the leaves of the edible herb plant Rosemary. The shrub does not have many branches, but many shrubs will grow together to form a clump. Dabei erreicht die Lavendelheide 'Blue Ice' eine Breite von 30 cm bis 40 cm. Andromeda polifolia 'Blue Ice' (lavendelheide) is een klein wintergroen struikje met opvallende grijsgroene blaadjes. Pouze o nÄkolik let pozdÄji, pÅesnÄji v roce 2010 ji její nálezce Marcel Brand nechal patentovat a pÅedstavil svÄtu, kterému se od prvního okamžiku zalíbila. Andromeda polifolia 'Blue Ice' (COPF) Characteristics Find Blue Ice Bog Rosemary (Andromeda polifolia 'Blue Ice') in Edmonton Sherwood Park Fort Saskatchewan Leduc Alberta AB at Salisbury Greenhouse and ⦠Andromeda polifolia 'Blue Ice' (COPF) Characteristics For details, please check with your state. L'Andromeda polifolia Blue Ice est un arbuste robuste nain et tapissant au feuillage persistant bleuté de type lavande. Lavendelheide Blue Ice - silbrigblaue Belaubung, kompakter Wuchs. Deze Lavendelhei bloeit een roze bloemen in de maanden april en mei. Blue Ice Bog Rosemary features dainty nodding white bell-shaped flowers with shell pink overtones at the ends of the branches from mid to late spring. This Andromeda has amazing evergreen foliage and beautiful pink flowers. Nazwa gatunkowa "polifolia" pochodzi od greckich sÅów polios (biaÅy, szary) i folium (liÅÄ) i ma swoje odzwierciedlenie w kolorystyce spodniej strony liÅci. The needles are highly ornamental and remain powder blue throughout the winter. Andromeda polifolia 'Blue Ice' Lavendelheide vanaf ⬠5,13 Although the name implies that itâs part of the rosemary family, itâs actually a cousin of heather and is not edible. Andromeda polifolia ";Blue Ice" houdt van een ⦠Andromeda polifolia, common name bog-rosemary, is a species of flowering plant in the heath family Ericaceae, native to northern parts of the Northern Hemisphere. De plant kan goed gebruikt worden in een heidetuin. Andromeda polifolia Blue Ice is een wintergroen Andromeda struikje dat ook wel Lavendelhei wordt genoemd. The scientific name â Andromeda Polifolia â came about when this plant was first seen by Carl Linnaeus in his 1732 trek through Lapland.Linnaeus thought the plant was as beautiful as the mythical goddess Andromeda. Andromeda polifolia 'Blue Ice' ist ein kompakt, kriechend, buschig wachsender Zwergstrauch, der zwischen 20 cm bis 25 cm hoch werden kann. He also grows a white-flowered form in a hypertufa trough with success. - andromeda polifolia 'blue ice' potmaat 17cm 20/25cm Afbeeldingen zijn een zo waarheidsgetrouw mogelijke weergave andromeda polifolia 'blue ice' potmaat 17cm 20/25cm ⬠5,25: ⬠5,25 / stuk Het artikel is toegevoegd. 'Blue Ice' bog rosemary is cultivated from a plant native to much of northern Canada. V Äechách se vyskytuje hojnÄ, u nás jde o velmi vzácný druh s výskytem na nÄkolika lokalitách. ÑоÑадника|ФоÑо, опиÑ, ÑÑна, влаÑÑивоÑÑÑ. Fleurs terminales urcéolées, rosées, en ombelles. Druh 'Blue Ice' vás bude tÄÅ¡it ve vaÅ¡í skalce celý rok, protože se jedná o vždyzelený keÅ. Andromeda polifolia 'Blue Ice' Famille en latin Ericacées Hauteur livrée en cm 15 cm Taille de pot 2 Litres Type de plante Plante d'extérieur. Andromeda polifolia Blue Ice is a slow growing long-lived compact evergreen groundcover. Petit feuillage persistant vert glauque. Andromeda polifolia : un feuillage très fin et des fleurs roses en grelot. Die Lavendelheide 'Blue Ice' (Andromeda polifolia) ist ein kompakter, kriechender, buschiger, Zwergstrauch mit dekorativen immergrünen, ledrigen, lanzettlichen, blau-grauen Blättern. Andromeda polifolia 'Blue Ice' SZKÓÅKI KUROWSCY - Alle Rechte vorbehalten. Blooms heavily in early spring with small bell-shaped pink flowers. Deze bloeiende heester kan in de zon of halfschaduw geplaatst worden.. De grond kan het best vochtig en waterdoorlatend zijn en humusrijk en zuur. Blätter Great by water features, edging for the border. Alle Lavendelheide sind winterhart, in sehr strengen Winter (ohne Schnee) würde ich sie aber mit einem Vlies schützen, da sie immergrün ist (nicht mit Blättern). A nurseryman friend of mine has Andromeda polifolia 'Blue Ice' growing in full sun in a slightly raised bed with great drainage. Feuilles persistantes, alternes, entières, pétiolées. De Andromeda polifolia Blue Ice staat het liefst op een zonnige plaats en wordt 30 centimeter hoog. Imagine that. Andromeda Polifolia Blue Lagoon. WINTER SALE - Usually 7.99, today just 4.99 - Save £3! Standplaats Andromeda polifolia Blue Ice. Vente en ligne de Romarin des tourbières Blue Ice / ANDROMEDA polifolia Blue Ice, Petit arbuste persistant de 50 cm de hauteur pour autant de largeur. Andromède âBlue Iceâ (Andromeda polifolia 'Blue Ice') Description du produit Petit arbuste compact, en monticule, feuillage étroit, coriace, rameaux grêles, feuillage persistant. Andromeda polifolia Blue Ice. Not only does the plant thrive (with some winter leaf scorch), but it actually spreads underground into a colony!! Description. Buy 3 for £3.99 each and save 21 % Product ref: S20799. Avis clients de « Andromède, Andromeda polifolia 'Blue Ice' » Aucun commentaire Vous aimerez aussi Indisponible Abies Koreana, Sapin de ⦠Join the RHS today and get 12 months for the price of 9. Andromeda is onderhoudsvrij. Andromeda Polifolia Blue Ice. De Andromeda bloeit met lichtroze bloemtetjes in trossen van mei tot juni. Beautiful blue leathery ellipses pick up a purplish to bronze-mjpurple tone as cold weather predominates on this striking form of Bog Rosemary. As the name suggests, Blue Ice Bog Rosemary (Andromeda polifolia âBlue Iceâ) is a small evergreen native shrub with blue leaves that thrives in wet conditions and doesnât mind the cold. Of course it grows in soggy, boggy ⦠Staat graag in een licht zure grondsoort dei niet te droog is. Andromeda polifolia 'Blue Ice' - 1 remaining. Warto wiedzieÄ: Nazwa andromeda pochodzi od imienia ksiÄżniczki z mitów greckich, tak nazwaÅ tÄ krzewinkÄ Karol Linneusz, którÄ
odkryÅ w Laponii w 1732 roku. Andromeda polifolia Blue Ice bläulich, zwergig, immergrün, Blüte rosa, Mai - Juni, bis 50 cm, sonnig - absonnig, mooriger Boden, Andromeda requires constant moisture but not standing water, and a fertile soil with a low pH. Blue Lagoon is a compact low-growing rounded evergreen shrub. Related to our common heather, Bog Rosemary carries clusters of beautiful pale pink, bell-shaped flowers in early Summer and is very attractive to Der Jahreszuwachs liegt zwischen 5 cm bis 8 cm. £7.99 . Andromeda polifolia 'BLUE LAGOON' ... Kyhanka Blue Lagoon byla nalezena v bÅeznu roku 2006 jako samovolná mutace odrůdy Blue Ice v holandském Boskoopu. Andromeda polifolia, or Bog Rosemary, is a low, evergreen shrub or ground cover growing from 8 inches to 3 feet in height and, in its native state, typically found in bogs. It differs from its parent plant âblue Iceâ because its attractive foilage is a much more prominent blue-grey rather than blue-green. The needles are highly ornamental and remain powder blue throughout the winter. Help! Verwendungen Kübel, Steingarten, Bienenweide Blüte Die rosafarbenen Blüten der Lavendelheide 'Blue Ice' erscheinen in Dolden von Mai bis Juni. £4.99 . Blue Ice Bog Rosemary - Andromeda polifolia 'Blue Ice' Plant Details; Care & Info; Add to wishlist ; Low mound forming groundcover with icy blue needle-like evergreen foliage. It has attractive powder blue foliage. This low growing mound of icy blue foliage blanketed by masses of nodding, bell-shaped, small, pink flowers creates a dramatic effect as a groundcover. KONTAKT SZKÓÅKI KUROWSCY 24-130 KOÅSKOWOLA UL. Bog Rosemary Blue Lagoon A low growing shrub, Andromeda polifolia Blue Lagoon is an attractive evergreen with grey-blue foliage similar to common Rosemary, albeit inedible. KUROWSKA 105 tel. Andromeda polifolia 'Blue Ice' Sold by 17 nurseries. Andromeda polifolia, Äesky kyhanka bažinná, je vždyzelený keÅ Åadící se do Äeledi Ericaceae â vÅesovcovité. Arbustes nains. Deze plant heeft mooie, lijnvormige, grijsblauwe blaadjes met een witgrijze onderzijde en bloeit in de lente rijkelijk met kleine roze klokvormige bloempjes. Thrives in slightly acid and moist well drained soil. It is distributed across northern regions of North America, Asia and Europe. Blue Ice Bog Rosemary features dainty nodding white bell-shaped flowers with shell pink overtones at the ends of the branches from mid to late spring. , Plantes de terre de bruyère, Divers terre de bruyère | Pépinière en ligne Kerzarc'h It has attractive powder blue foliage. C'est une plante idéale en rocaille et extrêmement résistante au froid. Andromeda polifolia - Blue Ice - Dwarf Evergreen. Espèce endémique des tourbières de montagne, lâAndromeda polifolia ou romarin des tourbières qui appartient à la famille des Ericacées, comme les bruyères, est un arbuste nain à la silhouette arrondie et au port étalé de 50cm de haut et de 60cm de large. Gebruik bij het aanplanten tuinturf en strooi af en toe tuinturf bij.