Alysa Salzberg is an American writer, worrier, teacher, and cookie enthusiast who has lived in Paris, France, for more than a decade. I like the saying in a positive way too . Death sucks, no matter how many people die. This is a most interesting and beautifully written analysis of French character, Alysa, particularly as it relates to negative events. : According to this forum thread, C’est comme ça is often considered the translation of the English-language expression “It is what it is.”. ), – Non, c’est l’heure du dîner. But overall, the French do seem to take a C’est la vie approach to tragedy. Merci beaucoup, Elaine! When French Together founder Benjamin Houy and I were discussing this article, he said it would be interesting for me to include any observations I might have about how the French deal with tragedy: Is C’est la vie generally the French approach to life? (S0.198093). For example, take one of my favorite songs, Chuck Berry’s “You Never Can Tell”. Knowledgeable personal service, custom orders and joie are our hallmarks. Feb 2, 2021 - Home; Moi; 29 Sep 2015. Despite a strong performance it did not reflect with the votes, only managing 19th place with 63 points. C’est la vie is an expression you might have heard, too, even outside of your French lessons or travels. This is supposed to be a popular song, though, so I’m assuming it was done here for reasons of sound and rhythm. Je n'ai plus que ma peau. There aren’t souvenirs commemorating the Bataclan attack the way there are 9/11-related objects of all sorts. What I was trying to show is that a tragedy where there was also a large loss of life that hit people who lived in a city very hard, was dealt with differently by a different culture. C'est ma vie. How dare you to dismiss their deaths. 5 Songs. I remember that I used to post Google banner like this. Funny talk shows and other humor-related offerings stopped airing for a while. Connect with Apple Music. The company's filing status is listed as Suspended and its File Number is C2126732. Se la vie, say la vie, say la vee, cie la vie, and sa la vie are all incorrect. A mon tour de gagner Je l'ai bien mérité. Also, think of the Chuck Berry song I used as an example; in that case, “C’est la vie” is sort of about how life is unpredictable, in this case in a good way. Just wondering whether “c’est la vie” is ever used to describe good things that happen in life? Let’s look at this iconic French phrase – and some of its cousins. As someone who grew up with a view of the Statue of Liberty and who was living a few blocks from the World Trade Center on 9/11, I in no way was trying to minimalize that tragedy. Posted in Unsorted by M0len'z. 1. Thirty-eight of the songs are from the 1960s ( beginning with "En blue jeans et blouson d'cuir", 1962), and only two are from the 1970s ("C'est ma vie" is the latest one, 1975). Sorry if that example is a bit weird and super-specific. C'est Mà Vie# "C'est ma vie" is a ballad type song by Evelina Sašenko that represented Lithuania at the Eurovision Song Contest 2011, held in Düsseldorf, Germany, after winning both the televote and jury voting in Eurovizija 2011,[1] the national selection show for Lithuania. After the close of the first semi, Lithuania drew position 4 in the grand final on May 14, 2011. I know some French people who cried when Johnny Hallyday died, or who tear up when they watch the same TV shows I (an overly emotional Italian-American) do. View credits, reviews, tracks and shop for the 1975 Vinyl release of C'est Ma Vie on Discogs. CBC's new writer-in-residence, Emira Tufo, thought moving away from the Plateau would be difficult — until she discovered all the quirks of her new neighbourhood in Verdun. Even the saddest details are recounted in a calm, informative voice. If that’s the case, please blame my cat, who is sitting on my lap and purring at the moment – c’est la vie. In music: “C’est comme ça” by delightful New Wave group Les Rita Mitsuko is known for its catchiness and award-winning video. Here are several that you’ll regularly hear in French-speaking countries. ), In music: Contemporary French group Yelle’s fun song “Que veux-tu” addresses a crush as most of us do in our hearts: Que veux-tu, je suis folle de toi (“What can you do – I’m crazy about you!”). When soon will shine at your face. The question gave me a lot to think about. But just look straight for tomorrow. And comparing tragedies by the number of deads is absolutely ridiculous. After 9/11, it was impossible to think of anything else. As you may be able to tell, c’est la vie literally translates to “That’s life.” In other words, “This is how it is” – often with the implication that there’s nothing you can do about it. We don’t know why things happen but they do anyways . C’EST LA VIE HOME & GARDEN, located in coastal Marblehead, MA, specializes in the home, entertaining essentials, lamps, lighting and gardens designed by Cassandra Hughes. Evelina managed to place 5th with 81 points, earning her a spot in the final on Saturday night. I used what seemed a similar example in the sense of a large, unexpected loss of people who were innocently going about their lives in what seemed like a safe city. -Adam. Its lyrics are notoriously enigmatic, but the song is a great way to get this phrase stuck in your head. Translation of 'C'est ma vie' by Julio Iglesias (Julio José Iglesias de la Cueva) from French to English (Version #2) They know my dreams will come true. (Example: C’est comme ça mais avec plus de fraises (It’s like that but with more strawberries). As you may be able to tell, c’est la vie literally translates to “That’s life.”In other words, “This is how it is” – often with the implication that there’s nothing you can do about it. But I don’t think that tells the whole story. (I’m all for peace but warfare is a part of human nature. It’s not a contest. Maybe it’s a bit like the British “stiff upper lip” idea, or its current incarnation, “Keep calm and carry on.” When a sad or tragic event is covered on the French national news, the newscasters may seem slightly moved, but we are nowhere close to Jimmy Kimmel (who, granted, isn’t exactly a newscaster) crying over Cecil the Lion. She has taught English and French for more than ten years, most notably as an assistante de langue vivante for L'Education Nationale. As a dramatic person, I often get a bit carried away when something bad, frustrating, or even simply surprising happens. I’ve seen French people holding each other and quietly sobbing on the street while looking at impromptu memorials set up for friends who were victims of the 2015 terrorist attack at the Bataclan. I would be joking and the sort of resigned connotation that “c’est la vie” typically has would be understood as sarcastic or not to be paid attention to in this situation. There you go, another interesting doodle from Google. Typically, l’on is used in writing or more formal contexts. The Registered Agent on file for this company is Elissabat Jaij and is located at 500 E Imperial Hwy Ste H, Fullerton, CA 92835. Note that this expression is rarely, if ever, used with vous, since the tu here can be the person you’re talking to, or just a way to address a group or vague entity. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. C'est Ma Vie Menu. It is not by the original artist. for 31 years I am thinking about moving back down-home, Se la vi Se la Va.” Funny thing too, when I told her that I had not been able to give her a reason for why I had not already moved back home. (No, it’s dinnertime. It’s a love song about two teenagers who fall in love and make it work despite being young and poor. And truly, after such a long time I don’t know why I am still here. As I sing to you: Longevity and sillage of Ma Vie Pour Femme are lightly medium and soft. 1 talking about this. J'ai choisi des chaînes Mes amours, mes amis Savent que tu me tiens Et devant toi, sur scène Je trouve ma patrie Dans tes bras, je suis bien. No superhero is going to say it – or at least, no typical one; they would try to change things, as would lots of everyday inspirational figures. Having experienced both events firsthand, the comparision also seemed apt to me because of the sense of confusion and fear that sprang up as they were happening. « C'est ma vie» est une nouvelle série documentaire présentée par Karine Le Marchand qui vous emmène à la découverte de ces surprenantes histoires de famille. Note: There is only one way to write c’est la vie.Se la vie, say la vie, say la vee, cie la vie, and sa la vie are all incorrect. It’s not fair! Note: There is only one way to write c’est la vie. So what does C’est la vie mean?. I don’t believe that if the body count had been equal to that of 9/11, the French would have reacted much differently than they did after what happened at the Bataclan (and the additional terrorists attacks around the city and the Stade de France that night). That may sound negative, and in many contexts, it is. In this case, C’est la vie reinforces the fact that life is surprising (“C’est la vie, said the old folks, it goes to show you never can tell.”). "C'est ma vie" is a ballad type song by Evelina Sašenko that represented Lithuania at the Eurovision Song Contest 2011, held in Düsseldorf, Germany, after winning both the televote and jury voting in Eurovizija 2011, the national selection show for Lithuania. On a personal level, everyone is different. I know French people who have tattoos in memories of deceased loved ones. It can be a neutral statement, but it can also be a more insistent version of C’est la vie – essentially, “That’s the way things are.” I often hear it used by parents whose kids complain about one of their rules, or something they can’t have or do. Interestingly, like C’est la vie, all of them are the title or refrain of a catchy song, which you’ll also get to discover below! Listen to the audio pronunciation in English. Essentially, there’s no point in fighting or wanting something else, this is how it is. C'est mon dernier cadeau. Note that this phrase can also be used confirm or elaborate on a description. "Such is life" A phrase that is a way of shrugging off what can't be helped. Merci, June! A phrase that means “the end of the world (earth)” in a romantic or gothic way. As you can see from these songs, C’est la vie can be used in a negative, positive, or simply observational context, and sometimes its ambiguity can yield some cool results. C'est ma vie et je veux tourner la page. The meaning of c’est la vie. Shame on you. But under the same circumstances, I’ve seen many French people shrug and say C’est la vie – or some variation of that. 2019 Preview SONG TIME C'est ma vie. C'est ma vie recorded by Sogrenake and jcjeon45 on Smule. As Benjamin points out, it’s not about body count. J'ai perdu tant de fois A ce drôle de jeu-là. (But Mommy, I want a piece of candy now! But I hope that answers your question. She didn’t say that France easily moved on, she simply said that French people tend to me more private and show their emotions (including sadness) in a less public manner and did their best to try to move on. My cat adores me.” Available with an Apple Music subscription. See more ideas about december photo challenge, ferry building san francisco, the cruelest month. I had told this down-home gal that, “After living and working in E. TN. First, it’s important to say that “the French” or “French people” is, of course, a blanket term. Maintenant, mets la table. 1996: Canto L'Amore; 1998: I Successi di Adamo C’EST LA VIE HOME & GARDEN is located at 51 Atlantic Ave in historic Marblehead, Massachusetts. Thank you! C’est la Vie is currently located on our most established property. There’s nothing we can do about it.”). Thirty-eight of the songs are from the 1960s ( beginning with "En blue jeans et blouson d'cuir", 1962), and only two are from the 1970s ("C'est ma vie" is the latest one, 1975). Complete your Nello collection. The song is sung mostly in English but has some phrases in French too. Je veux un bonbon maintenant ! As for your question, I do think “c’est la vie” can be used for good things, but knowing that you mean it in a good way would depend on context and/or your tone. (My cat adores me, that’s life.). C’est pas juste ! It needs to be reapplied thru out the day. Don't close your eyes. How to say c'est la vie. Have a great day ? The story is covered in a neutral way, without seeking out drama. Lithuania started its Eurovision campaign by performing in starting position 17 in the first semi-final on 10 May 2011. Of course, there are many other ways to express C’est la vie. C'est ma vie, Verdun. The French are more reserved about showing their emotions. Suggesting you add this most popular and classic French song about the subject to your répertoire: Did you really compare the French Bataclan tragedy (130 killed, 413 injured) to the American 9/11 tragedy (2,996 killed, 6,000+ injured) as to how each nation dealt and how France easily moved on??? On n’y peut rien (literally ‘We are/One is not able do to anything here/there”) means there’s nothing to be done about an abstract situation (or life in general). Se la Vi Se la Va, Great article Alysa! (That’s the way it is! Incredible and so wrong!!! Note: Entries scored out are when Lithuania did not compete,, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 27 December 2020, at 21:47. Passed never ending forever. During the finals, some sign language was used as she began to sing the second verse of the song but this was only for a brief time. Learn more. But C’est la vie isn’t always negative. I’m wondering if you know of any more slang version being used by millennials in France? It's my life, the same as the tape you're making. C'est ma vie qu'elle bousille. No one denies these events are sad and even traumatizing, but that’s all kept neatly away. You may have noticed the l’on in the title instead of on. (Can I have a piece of candy, Mommy? Individual Part,Score,Sheet Music Single sheet music by Adamo: Published by SaxoWeb Québec at Sheet Music Plus. So by saying that is life is just that: That is life. There is, of course, no comparison in terms of size or number of lives lost here in Paris, and may there never be – anywhere, ever again. On n’y peut rien. We can try to solve and prevent events from happening good or bad but life finds a way to intercept that . Label: Pathé - 2C 004 81900,Pathé - 2C 004-81.900 • Format: Vinyl 7 Adamo - C'est Ma Vie (1975, Vinyl) | Discogs C'est ma vie, comme vous avec votre film. Try it free. Watch the video for C'est Ma Vie from Bahar's C'est Ma Vie for free, and see the artwork, lyrics and similar artists. Formerly Prelude to Europa Village, this French winery features a spacious wine cave for tastings and special events, beautiful rose gardens and outdoor gathering spaces, and an opportunity to simply bask in the moment as they do in France. Listen to Photogirl (C'est Ma Vie) by Poperetta, 1,254 Shazams. Really useful information about French expressions. You can read about her adventures here, or feel free to stop by her website. I’ve eve heard of people calling it a de-motivating phrase, because essentially, it means why fight. You can’t do anything about the situation, right? Visit us anytime on Instagram and Facebook. C'est MA Vie, Inc. is a California Domestic Corporation filed on December 1, 1998.