(LION is seen also carrying a large bucket of water. If you want to know more or withdraw your consent to all or some of the cookies, please refer to the Cookie policy. Now begone! I haven't seen the Lion since I've been here. MESSENGER: Secondly, we couldn't get the silver slippers away from Dorothy. I'd know those tacky panty hose of hers anywhere! It's terrible, wakin' up and your clothes are all outta style...And now, with a wave of my wanga...I'm gonna disappear on you. The most comprehensive collection of Broadway Musical Scripts!The Wiz Musical Script
LION: I was afraid you were gonna ask me that. By closing this banner, scrolling this page, clicking a link or continuing to browse otherwise, you agree to the use of cookies. He shakes and grits his teeth in anticipation of pain. LION: What good's a heart? Do you really think so? SCARECROW: Just looks like a bunch of flowers to me. SCARECROW: And this here...uh...owl. He moved! If you ain't got no courage? WIZ: ...same... CITIZENS: Uh!! The Wiz film takes themes from the stage version and builds on them to create a blended fantasy and sci-fi world that is at once evocative of the Black urban condition. Some time later. Now, I ain't gonna touch this slate...but on it, the name of this child shall be written. SCARECROW: The foolish wise man or the wise fool? I said, I demand to see...Momma, Momma, Momma... ACT ONE; SCENE SEVEN Outside the gates of Emerald City. Enjoy the free WiZ app, one of the most advanced light control systems for your home or business. (Observing TINMAN.) LION: (Doesn't get it yet.) TINMAN: Oh, I'll take my chances, your Wizness. song: "The Wiz Musical",
SCARECROW: Well, I thought it would be. ADDAPERLE: My magic slate. What's he say in the answer to your disgraceful self? Goin' around roarin' at people. GLINDA: Believe what you feel and know you're right because The time will come around When you say it's yours Believe that you can go home Believe you can float on air Then click your heels three times If you believe, then you'll be there Believe in yourself right from the start Believe in the magic that's inside your heart Beileve what you see and not what life told you to But believe in yourself If you believe in yourself Just believe in yourself As i believe in you!!! Y'hear? LION: It is not!! DOROTHY: There you are. TINMAN: No...I can't do that. DOROTHY: That's silly. (The SCARECROW is really scared. DOROTHY: Well, they did. /* TFP - themusicallyrics.com - below */
What's that old witch got you doin'? DOROTHY: No, wait a minute. ADDAPERLE: Yes! WIZ: And what's wrong with it here? Where? Dorothy! DOROTHY: But she didn't tell me how to get to the Emerald City. var opts = {
You also have to know where you're coming from. And I said: "Why?" Who? LION: Now, looka here...Mousifer...How come I can't never find me no mouse when I need one, baby? ALL: How does it feel? WIZ: And embrace what we fear. I wish I was back on unemployment! Even if it is making him a pretty mixed-up cat. TINMAN: Don't sniff that stuff. LION: Come-come-come, Mr. Wiz, what happened next, my man? They thought a miracle had delivered me to them. My name is Dorothy...and these are my friends... GLINDA: I know all about you. I never was any good at mulitple choice. SCARECROW: I don't understand... WIZ: Of course not. (MUSIC: "LION'S DREAM") LION: Yeah, and I suddenly have the urge to do a little cross-pollinating. CITIZENS: Uh!! DOROTHY: No, these are my friends. WIZ: I'm busy... SCARECROW: Busy? GATEKEEPER: I can't. You know, nowadays...it isn't enough just being good looking. But would you? (Scans DOROTHY and laughs then sees her silver slippers and lets out a blood-curdling scream.) The basic storyline is the same, with Dorothy being taken from her home by a large storm and being dropped down in Oz, surrounded by colors, sights and sounds she has never experienced before. WIZ: I don't gotta do anything. How to use wiz in a sentence. Ain't that somethin'? WIZ: And a time to remember. WIZ: My fellow Ozians. The WIZ pours the '"All-Brain" which is really glitter, onto the SCARECROW who whirls his head four times, primarily to clear the excess glitter, and then rises, with a big grin, totally changed and refined, the epitome of self-assurance.) SCARECROW: What can I say? SCARECROW: Turn the crank! How come? LION: Ain't that somethin', Little Momma. UNCLE HENRY: (Running Onstage) Em! TINMAN: Hey! You look with your eyes and not with your hands. MUNCHKIN: Is she dead? TINMAN: Man, you've got a yellow streak a mile wide! I hope my hat can handle it!! WIZ: Not afraid of anything, you thought. The WIZ enters in his flying gear and stands on a platform about to address his CITIZENS.) Now, then, you do believe you have a brain, don't you? GLINDA: Oh, I been watchin' you on my crystal ball, hoppin' around from one witch toanother...hittin' 'em with houses, and washin' 'em down the drain... DOROTHY: Yeah. Heeelllppp!!! ACT TWO; SCENE FIVE The throne room of the Wiz. Wait, wait! LION: In only one session? WIZ: Well, these ladies had never seen a balloon before. (LION enters followed by FIELD MICE.) GATEKEEPER: Oh, very well. All together, ladies... (POPPIES and LION dance as POPPIES capture LION in a trance.) WIZ: Check this out! You ain't payin' for my clothes. )No, wait!!! (To DOROTHY) Tell her! Plus de 5000 images et photos de couverture triées par catégories: Citations, Amour, Design, Voyage, Humour... Vous trouverez l'image qui vous correspond. CITIZEN: A giant vulture! (She runs to his arms and they embrace.) DOROTHY: Like what? WIZ: I said a time to keep!! LORD HIGH UNDERLING: Well, I did......why? The Wiz is a 1978 Universal Pictures film.. But I don't wanna be around when you wake him up. FOUR FRIENDS (Very feebly, and terrified): Ease on down, ease on down the road Ease on down, ease on down the road... DOROTHY: Why is it getting so dark? SCARECROW: Just as I thought. DOROTHY: Oh, please, Mr. Wiz, you just gotta help me get back to Kansas. MUNCHKIN: You just killed the Wicked Witch of the East. Get that water out of my sight! She's the prettiest of all us witches. Lights that easily connect to the cloud through Wi-Fi Drink! CITIZENS: Well.... WIZ: Yes, I said a time to keep...and a time to cast away. (EM and HENRY exit in a frenzy.) Man, what did you get into? WINKIE: Thanks to you, child, we're all free! DOROTHY: Who are you? Can you feel a brand new day? You...have got to peel off all of your clothes to find out who you truly are! would like to WiZify my [Wiz Khalifa:] First you both go out your way And the vibe is feeling strong And what's small turn to a friendship A friendship turn to a bond And that bond will never be broken The love will never get lost (and the love will never get lost) And when brotherhood come first Then the line will never be crossed Established it on our own ALL CITIZENS: The Silver Slippers...of The Wicked Witch...of the East!!! SCARECROW: Who are you? (Then, to LION:) And you! I gotta keep them on 'til I get home. in the Philadelphian Dialect (a language within a language) this word is short for "cheese wiz". WINKIES: Hallelujah!! SCARECROW: Brains? That comes under the heading of transporting a minor across state lines. DOROTHY: You know...I bet if you got started all over again someplace... WIZ: Oh, no.....no........... DOROTHY: You could do all this....and even have some friends. WIZ: So I rented myself a hot air balloon. Oh, no sir. A fellow consultant suggested downloading the "Text Wiz" to contact current and potential clients. MESSENGER: A message, your Evilness. Who...who do you think you are? DOROTHY: What do you want brains for? He's the wiz He's the only one Who could give your wish right to ya (he's the wizard) He can send you back through time By runnin' magic through ya All of the super power's his Listen and i'll tell you where he is He's the wiz and he lives in oz (he's the wizard) There's the way to the emerald city Now that's not too far, is it? It's right next door. Where are you? And all I ever got was a bunch of schizophobic phrenias... SCARECROW: (Turning in interest.) This website or its third-party tools use cookies, which are necessary to its functioning and required to achieve the purposes illustrated in the cookie policy. DOROTHY: And when we get back to Kansas, I'll give you my silver slippers. I wish i was home. SCARECROW: Well, finally, I know where my head is at! Don't hang me. WIZ: Ah, Addaperle. I guess that's all I am. (Pointing in opposite direction.) TINMAN: Now what? MOUSE: You're under arrest! DOROTHY: Oh, Lord, don't tell me I've done it again! Come on, Dorothy, we gotta be going before it gets dark. Now where is that Lord High Underling? TINMAN: We'll do our best, sir. You don't gotta do nothing at all. DOROTHY: I imagine it would. EVILLENE does a voodoo chant and a group of WINGED MONKEYS appear following a lead monkey.) ROYAL GATEKEEPER: Excuse me! DOROTHY: But, Mr. Wiz... WIZ: NOOOOOOOO!!!! (Seeing DOROTHY and LION.) Don't you ever talk to your feet? TINMAN: What happened? WIZ: ...moment... CITIZENS: Uh!! Glinda, it's me. Un soir, alors qu'elle court après son chien Toto, la jeune femme est transportée par un tourbillon de neige dans un univers parallèle, peuplé de sorcières, d'un magicien, d'esclaves et de créatures extraordinaires. })();
ADDAPERLE: But before you go, maybe you ought to take Evvamene's silver slippers. You was jivin' us all along. "The Wiz" is a more soulful take on the famous classic "The Wizard of Oz". Slide some oil to me Slip some to my side Standing here in one position Sure can make one tired Slip some to my elbows And my fingers, if you would Some on, slide some oil to me, girl Oooh, does that feel good Slide some oil to my feet Look, i have toes again Come on and slide some oil to my knees And let me see if i can bend Slide some oil to me I'm beginning to feel fine Come on and slide some oil to my throat And let me lubricate my mind And let me lubricate my mind And let me lubricate my mind (Dance interlude) Slide some oil to me I'm beginning to feel fine Some on and slide some oil to my throat And let me lubricate my mind And let me lubricate my mind And let me lubricate my mind DOROTHY: Hit it, Tinman. EVILLENE: Who hired this jive turkey? I have stepped outside of myself. MUNCHKIN: Yeah, and I don't think she's gonna like it! products for consumers. Do you know anything or not? Me, the Good Witch of the North. I come floating down out of the clouds. };
Go ahead, Glinda. Can't you feel a brand new day? She'll have to go see the Wiz. DOROTHY: No? LION: (Explodes in frustration.) (MUSIC: "WINKIE CHANT") (In the dreadful palace of the WICKED WITCH OF THE WEST, slave-like WINKIES pull and tug on a long rope, at the end of which is something we don't yet see. CITIZENS: Got it! (LION emits a mighty roar) ACT ONE; SCENE FOUR - The Wiz Musical Script - (MUSIC: "MEAN OLE LION") LION: Say what you wanna But i'm here to stay I'm a mean ole lion. Wordsmyth widget installation page. DOROTHY: But I was taught never to break a promise. SCARECROW: Except for fire. WIZ: Oh, no? UNCLE HENRY: You'd better hurry up, a big storm is heading this way. ADDAPERLE: And this kiss... (Kisses DOROTHY.) But I still haven't gotten home to Kansas, yet. Don't tell me. Man, it sure feels good to stand on my own two feet again! Everybody be glad Because the sun is shining just for us Everybody wake up into the morning into happiness Hello world It's like a different way of living now Thank you, world We always knew that we'd be free somehow In harmony let's show the world that we've got Liberty It's such a change for us to live so independently Freedom you see Has got our hearts singing so joyfully Just look about You owe it to yourself to check it out Can you feel a brand new day? Just a wave of my magic hankie... (She waves it, and to her surprise...magic does happen.) LION: Little Momma, I almost found that rainbow! You're the best wicked witch killer in this country. Maybe you better go see the Wiz! (She starts to melt.) TINMAN: Only that I want a heart, your Wizness!! WIZ: You know, I can understand...why a child like you...wanting to go to ...Brazil...Mozambique...But Kansas? [CDATA[
WIZ: Now you have got to do it! DOROTHY: Now it's my turn, Mr. Wiz. AUNT EM: I wanted a hand with these here clothes before the storm blew 'em all away! Buy online with FREE Shipping & FREE Returns. See You Again Songtext. LION: No! Come on, be a Lion!! On this memorable day when friends must part, Remember to every thang...there is a season. Noooo! I just keep a low profile. Liz Smith compte 22 sélections et deux buts en équipe du Canada entre 1996 et 2000. GATEKEEPER: You must be mad! Oh, here i am in a different place In a different time In this time and space But i don't want to be here I was told i must see the wiz But i don't know what a wizard is I just hope the wiz is there. If any test fails, follow the on-screen suggestions to resolve the issue. LION: My owl. But it's not my fault. LORD HIGH UNDERLING: You summoned me, oh Beautiful Mistress? Look! CITIZENS: Well... WIZ: And today is both times for us. Here, Oz is a fictionalized New York and the film’s Munchkinland is Harlem through an urban fantasy lens, tagged with graffiti and bounded by presumably busy highways. (Addaperle enters from a cloud of smoke dazed and confused.) Glinda! (ADDAPERLE'S ENTRANCE) ADDAPERLE: What's goin' on around here! SCARECROW: Cross your heart! Y'all gonna do it? DOROTHY: (Stopping SCARECROW.)No. };
Whoo? How much do you think is in here, Brother Lion? DOROTHY: Mr. Wiz, where are you? LION: Alright? I demand to see my owl. I'm through being Mr. Nice Guy. SCARECROW: Well, I'd feel a whole lot better if I knew I had something upstairs besides a bunch of straw. And don't you go around touching anything. What's so funny? What's all this? I don't believe Emerald City. Bring the ultimate light experience to your home, office, shop or hospitality business. Just get back to work. SCARECROW: Hey, honey! You mean that? Down!! MUNCHKIN: Outside of that, have a nice trip! Well? DOROTHY: What? DOROTHY: What's a Kalidah? Now, let's get down to business, honey. DOROTHY: But I couldn't do something like that!!! WIZ: In order to see...what I ought to have seen...before! It's somewhere out there. On your knees when you speak to me! MONKEY: (laughing hysterically) A scarecrow, a tinman, a lion, a dog, and a little brat named Dorothy. Aunt Em! It had something to do with an urban renewal. WiZ develops, runs and supports an open IoT platform towards electrical and lighting vendors, for professionals and consumers. No...uh uh. Let me tell you that will make you go away! SCARECROW: Well, I've been savin' up to buy me some brains. (One of the WINKIES grabs DOROTHY and points to a bucket of water. You hear me? DOROTHY: Yessir! DOROTHY AND LION: I'm (you're) standing strong and tall I'm (you're) the bravest of them all If on courage you (i) must call Then i'll (you'll) keep on tryin' And tryin', and tryin' You're a lion In your (my) own way I'm (be) a lion! (He immediately gets in the balloon and flies away. How would you like to...uh...trade them for a beautiful Emerald Wizard ring? MUNCHKIN: Who's Aunt Em? WIZ: Why you dumb sack of straw!! DOROTHY: They got you carrying water? You don't realize what kind of bread that runs into. And then there's Evillene... MUNCHKIN: (Scared) Evillene!! WIZ: I do not care how it happened. Are you a coward, too? ... "Lick behind your ears, child, or you don't get no dessert." ADDAPERLE: (Crying) Ohhhh! I think the feeling is fear. DOROTHY: Well...here goes! When are you going to give me those lovely silver slippers? SCARECROW: Open up in there! I sold used cars...I was a pitchman in a carnival...I even peddled bleaching creams from door to door, but nothing ever worked. GATEKEEPER: I said: Begone!! SCARECROW: Why not? Wiz wit is slang for "with cheese whiz, "wit" onions. A few days later. DOROTHY: No. Living here in this brand new world might be a fantasy But it taught me to love And so it's real to me And i learned that we must look inside our hearts to find A world full of love like yours like mine Like home!!! TINMAN: Incredible. LION: Alright!! SCARECROW: A phony! SCARECROW: Tell me, my good fellow, do you still have that balloon that brought you here from Nebraska? (WINKIES drag in a terrified MESSENGER.) Based in Congo Brazza When i think of home if think of a place where there Is love overflowing I wish i was home i wish i was back there with the Things i've been knowing Wind that makes the tall grass bend into leaning Suddenly the raindrops that fall have a meaning Sprinkling the scene makes it all clean Maybe there's a chance for me to go back now that i Have some direction It sure would be nice to be back home where there's Love and affection And just maybe i can convince time to slow up Giving me enough time in my life to grow up Time be my friend Let me start again Suddenly my world's gone and changed it's face But i still know where i'm going I have had my mind run around in space And yet, i've watched it growing And if you're listening god Please don't make it hard to know if we should Believe the things that we See Tell us should we try to stay Or should we run away Or would it be better just to let things be? //
MONKEY: So, what are you gonna lay on me and the gang this time? WIZ: At no extra charge! SCARECROW: Hold your nose! (Hides behind curtain.) DOROTHY: Yeah! SCARECROW: Why? Burning in the heat of your own lies..when you oughta be reaching up...up...up! LION: Little Momma, she got me feelin' like Gunga Din. LION: Wait for me! this tasty treat goes on top of cheese steaks. I hope you don't mind second-hand shoes. ACT TWO; SCENE THREE Evillene's Palace. EVILLENE: (Exploding) All right!! LION: (Recognizing him) A fake! SCARECROW: Well, then, I guess we'd better leave the money and go. Bag? DOROTHY: I'm sorry, Aunt Em. I'll take my chances. (The MESSENGER, in the middle of this conversation, begins to slowly crawl away. This is a package deal. That means that she must be ..... And if they did that to her.... and I tell them that they can't ....Oh! WIZ: Go Away!!! DOROTHY: A spell! ADDAPERLE: 'Bye, Dorothy. You can go where you wanna But don't get in my way I'm a mean ole lion. MUNCHKIN: Congratulations! But first of all... DOROTHY: Yeah! WIZ: Just a former nobody from Omaha, Nebraska. ADDAPERLE: Sweet thing, let me tell you 'bout The world and the way things are--a You've come from a different place And i know you've traveled far--a Now that you've told me what it is I'd better point you toward the wiz. A little higher, and about an inch to the right. ACT ONE; SCENE TWO A cornfield. SCARECROW: Say what? CITIZEN: If you wanna see the Wiz, honey, you go right ahead!! DOROTHY: Who? (The CITIZENS arrive carrying balloons and gifts for the WIZ. TINMAN: Yeah. Do he scare you? LION: Are you all right? SCARECROW: Well, logically, even if she did go...if you kept the silver slippers, you could come back any timeyou wanted to! document.write('');var c=function(){cf.showAsyncAd(opts)};if(typeof window.cf !== 'undefined')c();else{cf_async=!0;var r=document.createElement("script"),s=document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0];r.async=!0;r.src="//srv.clickfuse.com/showads/showad.js";r.readyState?r.onreadystatechange=function(){if("loaded"==r.readyState||"complete"==r.readyState)r.onreadystatechange=null,c()}:r.onload=c;s.parentNode.insertBefore(r,s)};
(She's melted completely.) Step! And she really did some number...Let me tell you. MUNCHKIN: Dorothy'll have to go see the Wiz! No, you never do, child. CITIZENS: Step! The answer's just not in this box. The great wiz does as he pleases and no more!! Come here! WIZ: Go away!! DOROTHY: Then could you help me get back to Kansas? WIZ: Will you lay off the Wizness business? ADDAPERLE: What a way to go, baby!! Why, that's near Kansas! LION: What was that? DOROTHY: Your stage name? EVILLENE: Well, for your sake, it had better be good news! ACT TWO; SCENE FOUR - The Wiz Musical Script - In front of the gates to the Emerald City. 14 talking about this. LION: I've been seeing a high-priced owl for three years now. This here's a big one! I'm a lighting vendor and DOROTHY: No. SCARECROW: The call from who? I'll bring up the rear! LION: That's right. I know my lion was morescared than anybody, but he saved me three or four times. TINMAN: Will you dig that? WIZ: ...a time when we must... CITIZENS: What must we do? LION: Yes, sir...and I agree...what's a home but broken furniture...faded memories...cold oatmeal and, oh, if you only knew my momma!! TINMAN: Well, before I knew what was happening, bit by bit...I was all tin. ACT TWO; SCENE SIX The fairgrounds and balloon site in Emerald City. TINMAN: No! )That means there's only three witches left in Oz. Can you feel my spirit? Except in the poppy field! They say he can do most anything for anybody. Michael Joseph Jackson, né le 29 août 1958 à Gary () et mort le 25 juin 2009 àLos Angeles () 2, est un auteur-compositeur-interprète, danseur-chorégraphe,poète et homme d'affaires américain 3, 4.Septième d'une famille de neuf enfants, il a commencé sa carrière à l'âge de onze ans au sein des Jackson Five puis a commencé sa carrière solo en 1971 tout en restant membre du groupe.