Eclipse: Second Dawn for the Galaxy is a revised and upgraded version of the Eclipse base game that debuted in 2011 that features: New graphic design, while maintaining the acclaimed symbology of the first edition-A full line of Ship Pack 1 miniatures-New miniatures for ancients, GCDS, orbitals, and more-Custom plastic inlays-Custom combat dice 130 Westminster Ave West, Penticton, BC. Eclipse: Second Dawn for the Galaxy is a revised and upgraded version of the Eclipse base game that debuted in 2011 that features:-New graphic design, while maintaining the acclaimed symbology of the first edition--A full line of Ship Pack 1 miniatures-New miniatures for ancients, GCDS, orbitals, and more-Custom plastic inlays-Custom combat dice Eclipse - 2nd Dawn for the Galaxy is a new release of 2020 and it replaces the classic 2011 version of the game.. Eclipse places you in control of a vast interstellar civilization. Includes: Optional Turn Order Variant Galactic Events (Including Nebula, Supernova, Black Hole, and Pulsar) Minor Species Rift Cannon Terran Ships Ship Stands 2 X Extra Dice (Translucent) 6 X Resource and Game Sheets 3 X Blueprint Tiles Scorepad New Rule Sheet for Worlds Afar Collection Eclipse: Second Dawn for the Galaxy Fishers, IN Tabletop Games $958,792. We love talking about and teaching board games. Eclipse : Second Dawn for the Galaxy vous place aux commandes d'une vaste civilisation interstellaire. There are many potential paths to victory, so you need to plan your strategy according to the strengths and weaknesses of your species, while paying attention to the other civilizations' endeavors. Lors de chaque manche, vous étendez votre civilisation en explorant et en colonisant de nouveaux Secteurs, en développant de nouvelles Technologies (Tech) et en construisant des Vaisseaux de combat. South Okanagan's first board game cafe! 2-6 players, Competitive, Action Selection Galaxy Traversing. Content: 108 ships consisting of 8 interceptors, 4 cruisers, 4 star bases and 2 dreadnoughts (per player) in the six player colors (red, yellow, green, blue, white, and black). Eclipse: Second Dawn for the Galaxy is a revised and upgraded version of the Eclipse base game that debuted in 2011 that features: New graphic design, while maintaining the acclaimed symbology of the first edition; A full line of Ship Pack 1 miniatures; New miniatures for ancients, GCDS, orbitals, and more; You explore new star systems, research technologies, and build spaceships with which to wage war. A full line of Ship Pack 1 miniatures; Content: 8 sector hexes consisting of Nebula, Supernova, Black Hole, and Pulsar. Eclipse : Second Dawn for the Galaxy vous place aux commandes d'une vaste civilisation interstellaire. A full line of Ship Pack 1 miniatures; New miniatures for ancients, GCDS, orbitals, and more; Custom plastic inlays; Custom combat dice Eclipse: Second Dawn for the Galaxy is a revised and upgraded version of the Eclipse base game that debuted in 2011 that features: new graphic design, while maintaining the acclaimed symbology of the first edition A full line of Ship Pack 1 miniatures, new miniatures for ancients, GCDS, orbitals, and moreCustom plastic inlaysCustom combat diceFine-tuned gameplay. Please read our Pre-Order Policies before purchasing this item Designer Touko Tahkokallio Publisher Lautapelit Players 2–6 Suggested Age 14+ Additional Info More information on BoardGameGeek A game of Eclipse places you in control of a vast interstellar civilization, competing for … À l’issue de la guerre Terran – Hegemony (30 027 – 33 364), les principales espèces spatiales ont redoublé d’efforts pour instaurer et stabiliser la paix. Bei “Eclipse: Second Dawn for the Galaxy” streiten 2-6 Spieler um die Vorherrschaft im Weltall. -A full line of Ship Pack 1 miniatures Eclipse: Second Dawn for the Galaxy is one of the best board game experiences around. Also, if you dig these video essay type of vids, let me know. Voici le forum concernant toutes les informations relatives à la campagne 2020 de pré-commande du jeu Eclipse : Second dawn for the galaxy en version française. Directly to your inbox. Eclipse: Second Dawn for the Galaxy is a revised and upgraded version of the Eclipse base game that debuted in 2011 that features: New graphic design, while maintaining the acclaimed symbology of the first edition. Eclipse: Second Dawn for the Galaxy [Pre-Order], New Kids Games by HABA - October 29, 2020, Flat Rate shipping, click for details on free shipping, Please read our Pre-Order Policies before purchasing this item, New graphic design, while maintaining the acclaimed symbology of the first edition, New miniatures for ancients, GCDS, orbitals, and more, choosing a selection results in a full page refresh. A live unboxing of the hobby board game Eclipse Second Dawn for the Galaxy, Kickstarted in 2019 by Kolossal Games. Let me make that case for ya. Das Spiel bietet sechs spezialisierte Aliengruppierungen. The ships are identical in design between sets (except for the color) but distinctly different from the ships in the base game. Conception site web Medialogue © 2021 | Optimisez votre communication, M'envoyer un courriel lorsqu'il est de retour en stock. There are many potential paths to victory, so you need to plan your strategy according to the strengths and weaknesses of your species, while paying attention to the other civilizations’ endeavors. This covers everything you need to know to start playing your first game! We loved these things so much we have opened the first board game cafe in the South Okanagan, to make this fantastic hobby more accessible to our community. Description. Chaque semaine, nous publierons toutes les nouveautés sur ce forum et sur nos réseaux sociaux. -Custom combat dice Explore new star systems, research technologies, and build spaceships with which to wage war. Stretch Goals associated with the Kickstarter for Eclipse: Second Dawn for the Galaxy. Eclipse : Second Dawn for the Galaxy vous place aux commandes d'une vaste civilisation interstellaire. You explore new star systems, research technologies, and build spaceships with which to wage war. À l’issue de la guerre Terran – Hegemony (30 027 – 33 364), les principales espèces spatiales ont redoublé d’efforts pour instaurer et stabiliser la paix. Soyez le premier à donner votre avis! Pledge $99 or more About $99 Terran This pledge level is the retail edition that will include base game (blue) stretch goals. A game of Eclipse places you in control of a vast interstellar civilization, competing for success with its rivals. This expansion pack contains updated versions of four separate expansions for the original first edition of the game. -Fine-tuned gameplay. You explore new star systems, research technologies, and build spaceships with which to wage war. Eclipse: Second Dawn For The Galaxy. Also, a rules pamphlet is included. Eclipse: Second Dawn for the Galaxy is a revised and upgraded version of the Eclipse base game that debuted in 2011 that features: New graphic design, while maintaining the acclaimed symbology of the first edition Seulement offert en anglais. This video includes the Kickstarter version of the base game as well as the Worlds Afar Expansion box with all of the Kickstarter Stretch Goals, which includes all add-ons except for the 'ship wash' and the playmat. Eclipse: Second Dawn for the Galaxy is a revised and upgraded version of the Eclipse base game that debuted in 2011 that features: New graphic design, while maintaining the acclaimed symbology of the first edition ; A full line of Ship Pack 1 miniatures; New miniatures for ancients, GCDS, orbitals, and more; Custom plastic inlays; Custom combat dice Select this reward. Explore new star systems, research technologies, and build spaceships with which to wage war. Includes: Retail Base Game Eclipse: Second Dawn for the Galaxy is a revised and upgraded version of the Eclipse base game that debuted in 2011 that features: New graphic design, while maintaining the acclaimed symbology of the first edition. Support the channel on Patreon: Rules! Each of the sector hexes are optional and may be added individually or in combinations to the base game. We love board games. A game of Eclipse places you in control of a vast interstellar civilization, competing for success with its rivals. Contents: Rules pamphlet, 4 dice, and 12 tiles consisting of: 1 Rift Cannon Rare Tech, 1 Rift Conductor Discovory, 10 Rift Cannon Ship Part. Auf der Rückseite der Tableaus sind aber auch jeweils Menschen wählbar, die als Allrounder vor allem in den ersten Partien Vorteile haben. -Custom plastic inlays I got a lotta love for Eclipse. Eclipse places you in control of a vast interstellar civilization. Designer: Touko Tahkokallio. The Rift Cannon expansion was included in the Worlds Afar Collection - a Kickstarter bundle of a … Posted on March 26, 2020 May 18, 2020 by Fuzzy Llama Reviews. Eclipse : Second Dawn for the Galaxy vous place à la tête d’une gigantesque civilisation interstellaire cherchant à dominer la galaxie. Eclipse: Second Dawn for the Galaxy is a revised and upgraded version of the Eclipse base game that debuted in 2011 that features: The Transcontinental: Kickstarter Edition [Pre-Order], Terraforming Mars: Ares Expedition [Pre-Order]. Eclipse: Second Dawn for the Galaxy is a revised and upgraded version of the Eclipse base game that debuted in 2011 that features: New graphic design, while maintaining the acclaimed symbology of the first edition; An introductory short story by award-winning science fiction novelist Johanna Sinisalo, providing rich background for the world of Eclipse Donnez une note! There are many potential paths to victory, so you need to plan... Lire la suite, Vous devez être connecté pour ajouter un avis. A game of Eclipse places you in control of a vast interstellar civilization, competing for success with its rivals. Bonjour, amis de la Galaxie ! Promotions, new products and sales. pledged of $150,000 goal 6,512 backers Support. -New miniatures for ancients, GCDS, orbitals, and more Expansion for base game. Eclipse - 2nd Dawn for the Galaxy is a new release of 2020 and it replaces the classic 2011 version of the game. We love playing board games. À l’issue de la guerre Terran – Hegemony (30 027 – 33 364), les principales espèces spatiales ont redoublé d’efforts pour instaurer et stabiliser la paix. Eclipse: Second Dawn for the Galaxy is a revised and upgraded version of the Eclipse base game that debuted in 2011 that features: New graphic design, while maintaining the acclaimed symbology of the first edition; A full line of Ship Pack 1 miniatures; New miniatures for ancients, GCDS, orbitals, and more; Custom plastic inlays; Custom combat dice se connecter, Il n'y a aucun résultat pour les filtres choisis.