Get Help with a … The world is constantly changing. Machines (AI) will be better than people at managing a high quantity of data, and therefore they will completely replace people in some jobs, and complement employees in others. Share it on your favorite social media, Interview with Matteo Rizzi – FinTech expert, Entrepreneur, Investor and Author, Interview with Tony Sales – “Britain’s greatest fraudster” and fraud expert, Interview with Hugh Montgomery – Director of UCL for Human Health And Performance, Interview with Mick Mulvaney – Recent Chief of Staff, President of the United States. Silvia tem 5 vagas no perfil. No matter what the formal rules are or what leaders say about the company culture in townhall meetings, employees will behave and decide on the basis of what they think the company values. To measure happiness at work we need to measure each of the scientific components that account for happiness, like for example, the extent to which each of us feels in control of the outcomes produced by our decisions; the autonomy we feel when performing our job, or the quality of our relationships with others. Each ingredient has been validated and weighted to represent all cultures and backgrounds. Ve el perfil de Silvia Garcia en LinkedIn, la mayor red profesional del mundo. FREE REPORT. One could be high on employees’ balance and growth, while the other could excel in purpose, social trust and connections between members. Silvia Garcia, is a renowned expert on Happiness with the vision to transform lives through the science of happiness applied to the economy, workplace, politics, and education. We monitor trends and keep you up to date monthly with the latest and most topical subjects from our leading speakers. Términos y Condiciones | Política de Privacidad. Silvia Garcia - Founder and CEO "Happiness Fuels Success" Former Global Director of the Happiness Institute of The Coca-Cola Company. This generation is searching for the wrong answer. Ocho estrategias para incrementar la felicidad y el éxito. View Silvia Blazquez Garcia’s profile on LinkedIn, the world’s largest professional community. You may unsubscribe at any time using the link at the end of all of our emails. Ex Directora del Instituto de la Felicidad de The Coca-Cola Company y Fundadora de Happiest Places to Work. Actualmente es la fundadora y CEO de Happiest Places to Work, una consultora que combina el conocimiento de la neurociencia y la ciencia del comportamiento con la experiencia práctica para ayudar a las organizaciones alcanzar su máximo potencial. Watch all of our previous episodes of London Speaker Bureau's Webinar Series including exclusive insights on: CEO, Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI). Consultez les profils des professionnels dénommés “Silvia García” qui utilisent LinkedIn. Zurich ha organizado un nuevo encuentro del foro Zurich Women Network (ZWN), esta vez con la participación de Silvia García Barnechea, directora ejecutiva del Instituto Coca Cola de la Felicidad. Keynote speaker, consultant and Coca-Cola's former Global Director of Happiness, Marketing and Communication, Silvia Garcia is a positive force of change at events. Most of our most important decisions have been taken during a walk, like living in the United States, daring to start my consulting company, or most recently, moving to France. Silvia tiene 3 empleos en su perfil. The problem that I see is when people use technology to substitute human encounters losing the chance to connect and build trust at a deeper level. We were not the strongest or the fittest for survival. Living, working, or parenting are all meaningful experiences that involve high levels of stress. Garcia gives clarity to the way emotions can influence decisions and sheds light on how important individuals’ happiness at work is to the longevity and profitability of the company, they work within. To get the latest information as it comes in, please sign up for our monthly newsletter. View the profiles of professionals named "Silvia Garcia" on LinkedIn. It is somehow similar in the workplace. Ve el perfil completo en LinkedIn y descubre los contactos y empleos de Silvia … As a social species, we try to copy the behaviours that we interpret are valued in our company. Silvia has 1 job listed on their profile. It is a matter of survival, and our brain does not grant the same value to connecting virtually than face to face. Did you like this article? Joined by many supporters, friends, and colleagues, Congresswoman Sylvia Garcia (TX-29) made history today when she was sworn in as one of the first two Latinas ever to represent the State of Texas in the U.S. Congress. We even had smaller brains than Neanderthals, but our brains were wired for social relations, trust, and collaboration, while those of Neanderthals relied on individual performance. Silvia Garcia was the former Director of the Happiness Institute of Coca-Cola, an initiative to gather the latest science of positive leadership, organizational excellence and human flourishing, where she learned from worldwide experts proven interventions to transform people and organizations. For example, doctors will evaluate the risk of a patient developing a certain type of cancer in view of their physiological data (AI will provide data and probabilities) combined with the patient’s lifestyle and emotional landscape. In this episode, Silvia Garcia, former International Marketing Director and President of the Happiness Institute of Coca-Cola, challenges us that b… Each company’s emotional landscape is unique and it can be used to establish plans to increase the level of happiness at work or to predict which job-candidate will thrive in a client’s culture or quit within a year horizon. with a higher level of stress and anxiety. Silvia Garcia is on Facebook. Tornou-se parte da história mundial. Discovering we are all interdependent is a humbling powerful realization that sets us free from believing our happiness only depends on us while entitling us to reach out to others -which turns out to be one of the sources to alleviate stress and anxiety-. The result of the eight components gives the final level of happiness at work on a scale of ten. Silvia Garcia, CEO of Happiest Places to Work, is an expert that can attest to that. Silvia Garcia. We can, therefore, find two companies whose levels of happiness at work are equal but who differ in which ingredients they use to attain that level. California obituaries and death notices, 1983 to 2021. View Silvia Blázquez- García’s profile on LinkedIn, the world’s largest professional community. Corporate, City and Brand Image consulting. Humans make decisions considering information not accessible to machines, as well as evaluating the consequences of decisions in a wider picture. All submissions are subject to edit-ing for style and content. But to do that, our brains need the best possible emotional landscape at work. As an annual guest of the United Nations to discuss the state of happiness in the world, she imparts how to fix the way we perceive things in order to be happy and reveals the kinds and enemies of happiness. This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. But the future is stubborn at eluding to be predicted by the past. At toxic workplaces, employees do not have access to the higher thinking part of their brains, instead, they are highjacked by their center of fear, in charge of making quick, visceral decisions when we feel under threat. Ve el perfil completo en LinkedIn y descubre los contactos y empleos de Silvia … Veja o perfil completo no LinkedIn e descubra as conexões de SilviaSilvia e as vagas em empresas similares. Ex Directora del Instituto de la Felicidad de The Coca-Cola Company y Fundadora de Happiest Places to Work. Estrategias de éxito y felicidad en tiempos difíciles. Join Facebook to connect with Silvia Garcia and others you may know. Silvia has 2 jobs listed on their profile. Silvia Garcia is the CEO of Happiest Places to As International Director of The Happiness Institute for Coca-Cola she was highly acclaimed for applying the latest knowledge on happiness to increase employee engagement, strengthen the company's image and the brand proposal. Silvia Garcia, former president of Coca-Cola’s Happiness Institute, says research tells us it’s around 50% from our genetics, 30-40% from things that we do, and around 10% from things that happen to us (and the happiness from the 10% is more temporary). Silvia Garcia was the former Director of the Happiness Institute of Coca-Cola, an initiative to gather the latest science of positive leadership, organizational excellence and human flourishing, where she learned from worldwide experts proven interventions to transform people and organizations. Silvia Garcia in California 1,965 people named Silvia Garcia found in Los Angeles-Riverside-Orange County, San Francisco-Oakland-San Jose and 15 other cities. Tornou-se parte da história mundial. Silvia Garcia was the former Director of the Happiness Institute of Coca-Cola, an initiative to gather the latest science of positive leadership, organizational excellence and human flourishing, where she learned from worldwide experts proven interventions to transform people and organizations. Advertising, editorial information Veja o perfil completo no LinkedIn e descubra as conexões de SilviaSilvia e as vagas em empresas similares. Make your city vibe to live and visit. Generation Z has received a lot of pressure to be independent and to focus on self-realization. However well-intentioned their parents were, the relentless pursuit of self-realization and independence has left Generation Z (and others!) Voir le profil de Silvia Garcia sur LinkedIn, le plus grand réseau professionnel mondial. ‎Is the glass half full or half empty? We have recently certified a chief happiness officer at Google. See the complete profile on LinkedIn and discover Silvia’s connections and jobs at similar companies. First female F-14 Tomcat Fighter Pilot in the U.S. Navy . In fact, perks like free coffee or great architecture at work just account for about ten percent of happiness at work. Episode 119: All About Happiness with Happiest Places To Work’s Silvia Garcia from BEYOND BARRIERS on Podchaser, aired Wednesday, 3rd February 2021. Ve el perfil de Silvia Garcia en LinkedIn, la mayor red profesional del mundo. Silvia has been at the forefront of the discoveries and science of happiness during the last 10 years. Consultez le profil complet sur LinkedIn et découvrez les relations de Silvia, ainsi que des emplois dans des entreprises similaires. Assess Your Company Culture. Throughout her career, she has studied the effects of wellbeing on employee retention, customer service communication and workplace relationships. Using perks to sustain happiness at work is like thinking you can have a satisfying romantic relationships by offering a box of chocolates every week. Box 4533, Hunting-ton Beach, CA 92605-4533. Deixou de ser há tempos mais uma companhia de bebidas não alcoólica e se tornou “A COCA-COLA”, reconhecida mundialmente. And that is that they are stressed to be stressed! Based on your answer, you are assessed as either an optimist or a pessimist, revealing your level of “happiness”. Silvia García es una reconocida experta en liderazgo positivo, equipos de alto rendimiento, comunicación efectiva y el uso de la inteligencia emocional para ayudar a los líderes a aumentar su influencia positiva. Silvia Garcia, formerly the International Marketing Director and leader of the Happiness Institute at Coca-Cola has extraordinary expertise in organizational and employee success. See the complete profile on LinkedIn and discover Silvia’s connections and jobs at similar companies. Silvia García es una reconocida experta en liderazgo positivo, equipos de alto rendimiento, comunicación efectiva y el uso de la inteligencia emocional para ayudar a los líderes a aumentar su influencia positiva. Interested in booking Silvia Garcia as a keynote speaker for your next event? There are 5,600+ professionals named "Silvia Garcia", who use LinkedIn to exchange information, ideas, and opportunities. Com aproximadamente 400 marcas presentes em mais de 200 países, a Coca -Cola tem consumidores nos mais remotos cantos do planeta. Throughout her career, she has studied the effects of wellbeing on employee retention, customer service communication and … - Silvia Garcia “Remind yourself that failures are lessons for the future.” – Silvia Garcia About Silvia Garcia: As former International Marketing Director and President of the Happiness Institute of Coca-Cola, Silvia studied how positive and negative emotions influence consumer and employees’ decisions. Webinar – Future of Work, How can we Evolve from “Eat, Sleep, Work, Repeat”? AI is only able to work with what happened in the past. As former Global Director of the Happiness Institute of Coca-Cola, Silvia Garcia made sure Coca-Cola was a reliable partner for those world leaders with a vision to transform lives through the science of happiness applied to the economy, workplace, health, politics, and education.. Silvia helped Coca-Cola use the science of emotions in Marketing, Communication, and Human Resources. More deals are closed, more agreements made, learnings are better grasped and then applied. Silvia tem 5 vagas no perfil. Find your ancestry info and recent death notices for relatives and friends. We have a strong global presence with our team of 110 colleagues based across Europe, the Middle East, Africa, Asia and North America. View Silvia Blázquez- García’s profile on LinkedIn, the world’s largest professional community. El éxito no es precursor de la felicidad, pero la felicidad es precursora del éxito. Read More. by Silvia Garcia, Founder, Happiest Places to Work & Former Global Director of the Happiness Institute, Coca-Cola, U.S. presenting at the 2017 Global Wellness Summit at The Breakers Palm Beach, FL, USA October, 11 2017. If Human Resources professionals want to help companies succeed in this new economic reality, they need to focus on providing the right emotional landscape to their employees so as to allow the conditions for better decision making, flexibility, and resilience, more trust, collaboration, and innovation. Anita Yusof. As economists say “we are very good at predicting and explaining the past”. Coca-Cola es una de las marcas más famosas del mundo, esta bebida famosa tiene un sabor único y es reconocida por personas de todo el mundo. Silvia Garcia, formerly the International Marketing Director and leader of the Happiness Institute at Coca-Cola has extraordinary expertise in organizational and employee success. Silvia Garcia, former president of Coca-Cola’s Happiness Institute, says research tells us it’s around 50% from our genetics, 30-40% from things that we do, and around 10% from things that happen to us (and the happiness from the 10% is more temporary). The human brain craves for connection with others. However, technology makes it possible to reach out to many that are far away, and that is an incontestable virtue. Ve el perfil de Silvia Garcia en LinkedIn, la mayor red profesional del mundo. Cómo el aumento de la felicidad afecta directamente en los resultados finales. Home » Blog » Interview with Silvia Garcia: recent International Marketing Director at Coca-Cola. Carey Lohrenz. A esta conferencia asistieron cerca de 50 directivas y empresarias.