Enjoy – … 1 People and culture 2 Geography 3 Valleys 4 Notable characters 5 Quests 6 Points of interest 7 … WoW Classic. FAQ 5: Is there a PvP vendor in WOW Classic? Bread vendors, sometimes called 'bakers', sell bread food that is useful for hunters who have pets with strict diets, such as crabs and wind serpents. 1 In World of Warcraft 2 Faction quartermasters 2.1 Classic 2.2 Horde 2.2.1 Race and city 2.2.2 Horde Expedition 2.2.3 Forces 2.2.4 Removed 2.3 Alliance 2.3.1 Race and city 2.3.2 Alliance Vanguard 2.3.3 Forces 2.3.4 Removed 2.4 Shattrath City 2.5 Sholazar Basin 2.6 Steamwheedle Cartel 2.7 In Burning Crusade 2.8 In Wrath of … You can find her with all the other PvP vendors in the Hall of Legends in Orgrimmar. Leave A Comment Cancel reply. Note that acquiring Honor Sets requires some serious time investment and the armor pieces can be purchased from PvP vendors in Orgrimmar and Stormwind when you reach the desired rank in PvP. First Sergeant Hola'mahi is the Horde Armor Quartermaster found in Hall of Legends (Orgrimmar); At the moment, you can only gain different rewards (armors and trinkets) through acquiring more Ranks on your character. Added in patch 4.06, this vendor sells all of the PvP gear that is bind on account. Missota-ravencrest December 24, 2019, 8:26pm #1. Orgrimmar46, 12 is the capital city of the orcs. With this kind of gear, your character will be noticeably stronger only because this gear is specially designed to serve the purpose of PvP battlegrounds. PvP in Classic WoW requires you to get a special kind of Gear – Honor Sets. The PvP vendor is in your capital, however there is an inner area you are only allowed into once your rank is high enough with more vendors. Ok i know how all the systems works and so on but where the hell do i buy the different gear?! The problem is he can’t see any NPC there. Comment by Blakmane Welcome back dear, simple, currency and welcome back PvP vendors, you were sorely missed. Therefore, the rewards are minimal and require a lot of work to unlock everything. Blizzard REALLY had to break something that was working just fine before the "Marks of Honor and no PvP vendors" bull*! Is he in some kind of instanced orgrimmar… Warsong Gulch – Honor PvP Guide – Classic WoW Learn the differences between Classic & BFA’s Warsong Gulch, reputation, rewards and tips to farm honor! Hello, I’m trying to buy heirlooms for a friend that just got into WoW, he has a new account, he created an orc and I went flying to pick him up to give him money and buy the heirlooms on the undead vendor up in the orgrimmar wall entrance. Fully Updated for Mists of Pandaria How to use this map: find your Orgrimmar trainer/vendor/NPC in the table and match the number or letter listed in that cell to find it on the map. The Horde vendor, ... Our team is composed of former editor of large World of Warcraft … Previous Next. As with all capital cities, it has a bank, class and profession trainers and an auction house. Found at the northern edge of Durotar, the imposing city is home to the orcish Warchief, Thrall. @#, thank you for realizing it was a terrible idea and reverting back to a magnificent and now … A nice change from having to go to wintergrasp. Tip: When seeking out a weapon master to train a new weapon skill, keep in mind that each one specializes in specific weapon types.Weapon Master Hanashi in the Valley of Honor in Orgrimmar can teach bows, one- and two-handed axes, staves and all manner of thrown weapons.Weapon Master Sayoc in the Valley of Honor in Orgrimmar … WoW Classic General Discussion.