However, as John Raine argues, the ever widening list of actions viewed as belligerent increases the likelihood of escalation. n. An area of uncertainty or indeterminacy: "people ... whose problems lie in that vast gray area between the physical and mental" . Posted on January 5, 2021 January 7, 2021. Here's a list of what's allowed and what's prohibited starting at … As of December 26th, 2020 Ontario, will enter a province-wide shutdown. Military-led gray zone operations on their own may lack the appropriate strategic and political context necessary to avoid tripping China’s or Russia’s red line. Grey Zone – Lockdown: What Does it Mean? How to use gray area in a sentence. An intermediate area between two opposing positions; a situation, subject, etc., not clearly or easily defined, or not covered by an existing category or set of rules. Traditionally the phrase between Scylla and Charybdis has come to mean being in a state where one is between two dangers and moving away from one will cause you to be in danger from the other. Gray Zone synonyms, Gray Zone pronunciation, Gray Zone translation, English dictionary definition of Gray Zone. Download the Brief Learn More about the Gray Zone The Issue The United States and its allies increasingly face challenges from state actors seeking to erode and undermine a system that has expanded peace and prosperity for 70 years. Returning to the COVID-19 covid 19 response framework. Regions are now being phased back into the framework based on improvements in: In the context of the recent Skripal poisoning and repeated cyber attacks, much has been made of the new 'grey zone' between states where hybrid or asymmetric warfare is conducted. The Ontario government announced that Peel and Toronto are moving into the grey or lockdown zone for at least 28 days.. The "Grey Zone" is for morally-ambiguous individuals and organizations.They can be Anti-Heroes, Anti-Villains, and even Antagonists.Those characters often appear in mature and dark-oriented stories in which the traditional "good vs. evil" scenario does not occur. It is the direct opposite to their evil counterparts.. The unconventional and insidious threat U.S. adversaries pose is in the "gray zone," the space between U.S. traditional concepts of a peaceful state of … Gray area definition is - an area or situation in which it is difficult to judge what is right and what is wrong. When the provincewide shutdown was announced in January, the government committed to a safe and gradual return to a revised and strengthened COVID-19 covid 19 response framework (colour-coded zones).. The shutdown will be maintained in Grey Bruce for at least 28 days. The grey zone can be compared to a modified Stage 1 or pre-Stage 1, according to the government, with widescale measures and restrictions, including closures, to halt or interrupt transmission. During the shutdown you should stay home to the fullest extent possible.