caped.crusador Offline 37: Unique Visitors: 218: Current Subscribers: 4: Current Favorites: Subscribe to download Genshin impact keqing. And of course, you can’t go wrong with Anemo characters like Venti or Sucrose. Share Share Tweet Email. BEST GENSHIN IMPACT KEQING DPS BUILD. Of course, don’t forget to sneak in few of those charged or normal attacks before swapping her out. Character Tier List. Les meilleures offres pour Genshin Impact compte Amérique-Europe-Asie Xiao, diluc, VENTI, Jean, keqing sont sur eBay Comparez les prix et les spécificités des produits neufs et d'occasion Pleins d'articles en livraison gratuite! Age Rating: Everyone. And if you get lucky and get even more prototypes from weekly bosses, you can further refine it and capitalize on the stronger passive benefits the sword provides. When it comes to her equipment there’s definitely a lot exciting choices to go over, some of which have been surprisingly doing well since the game’s launch. - Wallpaper Abyss - Page 3 And aside from these things, there’s few other little quirks and techniques you will come to learn and appreciate about her but for the most part – you really just need to understand the difference between her two builds since there aren’t any other characters that have such a deep foundation as her when it comes to deciding which build to pursue. More Genshin Impact articles: Spiral Abyss guide. Parmi les personnages electro les plus puissants de Genshin Impact, on en retrouve principalement deux : Fishl, une incroyable archère, ainsi que Keqing, une DPS à l’épée.Voici tout ce qu’il faut savoir (set, build…) sur la jeune fille aux cheveux violets dans notre guide complet. THESE 5 BUDGET WEAPONS ARE TOO DAMN GOOD! Age: 16; Klee. Keqing is a character in Genshin Impact. List Of All Boss Guides Guides For Each Boss. © Valve Corporation. Escrime des nuages. By Nica Osorio 02/18/21 AT 8:28 PM. Les tableaux artistiques muraux en toile et les peintures sur toile sont une façon moderne d'égayer les murs de votre maison et de vous détendre après le travail. Subscribe. And you basically have the choice between going physical or Electro and the main difference between the two in terms of gameplay would be that you fully utilize everything she has to offer if you use her as Electro but if you decide to go with a physical build instead, then you have to keep two critical things in mind. 2020 Genshin Impact FR Tous droits réservés. NEW WORLD MMO ► Everything We Know So Far About Dungeons... 50 Steps to STARTING A NEW MINECRAFT WORLD PROPERLY! But there's a lot about her that fans don't know. But if you decide to keep her on the field for a prolonged period of time as your main damage dealer, then Black Sword followed by Lion’s Roar are excellent choices while the third option of going with Blackcliff Longsword for that extra Critical Damage could also work out well but only if you are at the end-game and able to manage the 2:1 ratio with Critical Rating. 117 Keqing (Genshin Impact) HD Wallpapers and Background Images. ; Retour des étoiles. Age: 8; Razor. Keqing is a character in Genshin Impact. Unsubscribe. 1.256 MB . We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. Even though there’s no one that can match her stylish playstyle, we still need team mates to unleash her full potential and the first consideration that comes with every decision would be to identify her build. And regarding main stats of the artifacts follow the same pattern as Physical except you want to go for an Electro goblet instead. Guide includes skills and build, how to get Keqing, best weapon, best artifacts, talents, voice actor, & ascend materials! Genshin Impact : Une mise à jour native PS5 en approche ? Et de news armures c est en option non... Genshin Impact : Zoom sur les armes de la prochaine bannière de voeux, Genshin Impact – Succès | Trophée caché : Inébranlable, Diablo 2 Resurrected : 5 minutes de gameplay, Blizzard dévoile Diablo 2 Resurrected sur PC et Consoles, Diablo 4 : Une cinématique et du gameplay pour le Voleur, DESTINY 2 – Jugement d’Osiris : Loots, Carte et Contrats (19 février 2021), DESTINY 2 : Où est Xur et quels sont ses équipements ? Now for her Electro build, everything is pretty much the same except you don’t need to rely on a cryo character and you have slightly more freedom in team compositions but there’s going to be a strong emphasis on Anemo who will need to make sure they can group enemies into a tight place so that your Electro attacks can hit as many enemies as possible. Attaque normale : Enchaîne jusqu’à 5 coups d’épée (41%; 41%; 54,4%; 31,5% + 34,4%; 67%). Téléchargez gratuitement sur tous vos appareils - Ordinateur, Smartphone ou Tablette. Well, maybe the only thing you won’t ever be able to master about her are those weird teleportation spots. 1 Change Note Created by. Destiny 2, Genshin Impact, The Division 2, Anthem, Les Sims, Warzone… Retrouvez l'actu des jeux vidéo sur Next Stage. azuarc 4 weeks ago #12. Learn the featured 4 & 5 star characters in Keqing's Banner, gacha rate, should you pull & release date. Category: Wallpaper. Genshin Impact Keqing, Genshin Impact Game Poster Sexy Keqing Design Poster Décor Mural Peinture & Belle Ornement - Cette peinture murale peut ajouter une atmosphère moderne et artistique à votre intérieur. She specializes in real estate and construction and takes her work very seriously. Finally, the last option and not necessarily the worst would be the Flute which doesn’t outperform any of the mentioned weapons previously but if you’re somehow unable to obtain any of them then it will still serve you well. Keqing is an interesting young lady that seems to be quite different from the usual resident of Liyue despite her upbringing. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. Age: 10; Fischl. | GENSHIN IMPACT GUIDE, 3 WAYS YOU COULD BE WASTING RESOURCES | GENSHIN IMPACT GUIDE, 3 INVESTMENT STRATEGIES EXPERT PLAYERS ARE USING | GENSHIN IMPACT GUIDE, Noelle is BUSTED in Patch 1.3 | Genshin Impact Noelle Guide | Patch 1.3 Build Guide, 100% CRIT Build | Genshin Impact Xiao Build Guide | The Best Xiao Build, 5 SNEAKY BENEFITS YOU’RE PROBABLY MISSING OUT ON | GENSHIN IMPACT GUIDE, CRUSH ALL ENEMIES WITH THIS NINGGUANG BUILD | GENSHIN IMPACT GUIDE, ✅ Best Gaming Laptop [ 2021 Buyer’s Guide ]. february 21, 2021. The most important thing to understand about Keqing is that unlike any other character in the game, she offers multiple playstyle choices and depending on which one you prefer, building her is going to be a little different than you’re used to your regular character guide. Keqing’s first appearance in Genshin Impact. 0. calculations) By: jintonicc, DESTROY ALL YOUR ENEMIES WITH THIS BEIDOU BUILD | GENSHIN IMPACT GUIDE, THESE 5 BUDGET WEAPONS ARE TOO DAMN GOOD! And the other thing would be her burst which for the most part doesn’t require any sort of special setup except for the fact that it’s not going to be your big source of damage if you go with physical and instead, you will rely on the 2nd passive talent to boost her Critical Rating and Energy Recharge by 15% which means your main priority is to maintain these buffs on her by unleashing the burst as often as possible. If you're running Lumine/Noelle/Amber, I'm assuming you're total F2P. Overall, the main attraction of choosing her as your new team mate comes down to a good selection of free to play weapons like Prototype Rancour or Harbinger of Dawn which compliment one of her playstyles or roles and even investing into something as a battle pass once to obtain the Black Sword will give you a lot of freedom not to mention how easy it is to farm few of the artifact 2-set bonuses so you can start using her immediately. And if you’re one of the lucky ones and have a 5-star weapon that’s not Skyward Blade, it will be the top choice for her Electro build with Primordial Jade Cutter landing on the first priority. Xiangling may not be the most powerful character in Genshin Impact, but she’s certainly one of the best. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. Genshin Impact FR n'est pas affilié avec miHoYo ou leurs associés. TOP 5 GAMES OF 2020 | STRATEGY, TACTICS, RPG & SIM... Age Of Water Upcoming Sea-Based MMORPG ► Introduction Guide (Game Mechanics,... Crimson Desert – Is It An MMORPG? And don’t forget to follow us on Twitter, where all of extra details about Keqing will be shared. calculations) By: jintonicc, GET DEADLY DAMAGE WITH THIS KEQING BUILD | GENSHIN IMPACT GUIDE. 1 Xingqiu Mechanics. A new character banner is now live in "Genshin Impact" Keqing … Age: 25; Noelle. 'Genshin Impact' Keqing Banner: 4-Star Characters And Other Details. Still, the fact that you can choose several playstyles and have a lot of freedom with equipment choices makes her into an excellent character that will feel even more rewarding for those who are going to master all of her quirks and techniques. Download for free on all your devices - Computer, Smartphone, or Tablet. And it’s kind of unfair to call Keqing as support damage dealer if you choose to only use her burst and elemental skill by quickly swapping to her since her damage is seriously impressive but you are also not that limited by team pick choices because you aren’t really building a team around her anymore. Les meilleures offres pour Compte Genshin Impact avec Keqing sont sur eBay Comparez les prix et les spécificités des produits neufs et d'occasion Pleins d'articles en livraison gratuite! Team building. If you got lucky with the weapon gacha system or have purchased the battle pass, you can choose either of the builds but for a lot of people it will mostly come down to artifacts and the weapons they already have. That makes her incredibly useful in a variety of team comps which is probably why you’re here. 19 février 2021, Genshin Impact : 1 milliard de primo à se partager avec les Vœux des Lanternes Célestes, DESTINY 2 : La Bannière de Fer de retour ce mardi 23 Février, DESTINY 2 – Présage : Positions des Compartiments de contrebande, Genshin Impact – Bennett : Build, Artéfacts, Armes & Compétences. For Genshin Impact on the PlayStation 4, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Keqing Players" - Page 2. 0. So with all of this said and done, you’re probably wondering which build is better and the answer usually relies on what equipment you have. There’s no one else that can match Keqing’s deadly playstyle and the only question remains – how are you going to build her? Producing these videos takes a lot of resources and effort, so if there’s going to be any mistakes included, make sure to check out the pinned comment below the video. Despite … 100 Fonds d'écran HD et Arrières-plan Keqing (Genshin Impact). She sits on a line between both DPS and sub-DPS depending on how you build her. She is my main DPS, and I use her mainly as physical. 21 February 2021. Age: 18; Venti. Keqing Banner (Dance of Lanterns) is an upcoming wish for Genshin Impact. (Twitter : @Djin_Nxt). Also bringing her young mind and fresh perspective to a stuffy tradition, Xianling is all about enjoying what you enjoy. Age: 27; Bennet. Age: 15; Amber Nesoberi. Unlike the other residents of Liyue who worship the Geo Archon, Keqing doesn’t believe in the divinity of the Archons. At the young age of 14 years old, Xianling is the waitress and head chef of the family business, Wanmin Restaurant. Of course, for any of the 5-star weapons they are going to be your top choice except for Skyward Blade which gets outperformed by Rancour or Black Sword so the top priority for one of these legendary weapons would be first Aquila Favonia, followed by Primordial Jade Cutter and then Summit Shaper. Contents. Genshin Impact: 10 Things You Should Know About Keqing. She works best as physical, and if you buy the battle pass, the black sword is perfect for her. Keqing is one of the seven merchants that form the Liyue Qixing. Now looking first at her physical build, luckily, for the free to play options, we have a solid of choice of going with Prototype Rancour which you should be able to get to 2nd refinement level at the minimum because the game’s storyline provides these resources for free. Check Out The Genshin Impact Forum Genshin Impact - Related Articles. No matter how you slice it, Keqing is definitely going to win the hearts of many not only by having one of the most adrenaline filled playstyles in the game but also provides a ton of options for you to build her. Either way, most of the team mates work well with her thanks to her Electro element which helps her out when you need to fill those mandatory team spots for the best benefits. Best healers. All rights reserved. But if you have purchased the Battle Pass, you can go with the Black Sword which doesn’t gain that much from further refinements and is nearly on the same damage output level as Rancour at 2nd refinement but on the flip side, it becomes easier to manage the ratio between critical rating and damage thanks to the weapons substat. Age: 21; Kaeya Alberich. Keqing's run is going to be a bit more truncated run compared to previous Genshin Impact banners. Also, for more artifact builds and weapon evaluations, make sure to follow us on Twitter, link in the description. Age: 21; Beidou. Top 10 Mobile Games of 2021 for Android and iOS! Genshin Impact FR est un site web de fans pour le Action-RPG Genshin Impact développé par miHoYo et leurs associés. Age: 14. Description. Comment. Rhiethreal 4 weeks ago #11. Learn about Keqing's stats, strengths and weaknesses, and our rating of the character in this complete profile! She is always ready to help the citizens of Mondstadtwhether it be something simple or perhaps a more challenging task. Age: 15; Qiqi. - Wallpaper Abyss - Page 3 By Jessica Thomas Published Nov 18, 2020. Posted . Check out the forum linked below to meet up and play with other Genshin Impact players. In this post, I’ll mention some best builds and character management of Keqing. Unlike other tactical shooter games, Genshin Impact has a firm hold on the close combat fights, and with many different abilities, you can combine some of the deadly combos. Genshin Impact Keqing is a powerful Electro class character. Favorisez les artéfacts électro si vous en avez la possibilité car ils sont plus performants : Si vous avez un personnage qui génère des boucliers dans l’équipe, vous pouvez aussi opter pour : Pour maximiser les réactions élémentaires, n’hésitez pas à l’associer à des personnages Hydro, Pyro ou Cryo tels que. Age: 16; Sucrose. get deadly damage with this keqing build | genshin impact guide. She is received for free in the Prologue Act I: The Outlander Who Caught the Wind during the quest Winds of the Past. So if you’re using her as your main physical damage dealer, then she basically needs a cryo team mate by default for those Superconduct reactions and then anyone who can provide bursts or elemental reactions that linger on the battlefield is going to be the ideal strategy for her with the most exceptional team mates being Xingqiu, Fischl, Xiangling and Beidou while not forgetting guys like Bennett or Zhongli who can boost her own damage. Age: 26; Jean Gunnhildr. Genshin Impact : 10 voeux offerts avec le Festival des Lanternes, Genshin Impact : Guide de l’événement “Théâtre mécanique”, Warframe – Opération Orphix Venom : le Guide Complet. Destiny 2 : Êtes-vous favorable au Crossplay ? Keqing (Genshin Impact) Edit. Age: 15; Keqing. But if you have trouble obtaining decent pieces to complete the set bonus, you can go for a split bonus between Thundering Fury and Gladiator’s just for those easy to grab ATK bonuses and if you’re using her as your support damage dealer, you can in fact go with Thundering Fury and Noblesse Oblige 2-set bonuses to power up her burst attack. Age: Physically 15 (Actual Age … How to increase FPS. But probably the hardest thing about her is that it’s not even her own fault but the element’s and Electro is definitely at the short end of the stick with several enemy types completely ignoring either her elemental reactions or even the Electro damage itself, not to mention when you have the other elements which can at least trigger Vaporize/Melt and take advantage of all the stats the character has. Keqing est un personnage DPS , vous avez la possibilité de l’équiper avec des artefacts orientés électro ou physique. Genshin Impact – Keqing : Build, Artéfacts, Armes & Compétences. Finally, when circling back to her Electro playstyle, the most important thing you will want to master is the upkeep of her elemental infusion so that you can throw the stiletto, recast it and gain the Electro buff, then unleash a few attacks or even a burst and then repeat the cycle so that you don’t lose out on the infusion and maximize Electro damage output which all of this can happen thanks to the low cooldown of her elemental skill. Resolution: 2560 x 1440. Toute représentation / reproduction intégrale ou partielle faite sans le consentement de l'auteur ou de ses ayant droit ou ayant cause est illicite. Age: 19; Ningguang. And nearly every weapon mentioned for her Electro main damage dealer build applies to her support role except Lion’s Roar becomes a better option and Black Sword falls off a little because you won’t be utilizing its passive and instead, you can rely on a fully refined Harbinger of Dawn as a second contender to Lion’s Roar which is pretty amazing considering this is a just a 3-star weapon. PS2/PS1 > PS4 > PS3 Don't care tier: PS5. Genre: Unspecified. Lorsque le Djin des cavernes n’est pas en train de s’énerver sur Destiny, vous pouvez le trouver sur Reddit, il sort parfois de sa tanière pour décompresser avec le dernier event UFC. Gameplay Revealed – 2020. Genshin Impact - Keqing : Build, Armes, Artefact, Compétences. Now thankfully, when looking at the artifacts it’s not as complicated as weapons and for her Physical build the best choice for her would be a 2 set bonus of Bloodstained and Gladiator’s which shouldn’t be too hard to obtain and it couldn’t get more simple than to obviously get ATK% on Sands, a Physical Damage Goblet and Critical Rating or Damage for Circlet that will depend on your 2:1 ratio. Age: 32; Mona. ; Attaque chargée : Consomme de l’endurance pour exécuter deux coups d’épée rapides (76,8% + 86%). With her powerful sword, she can master the close combats very easily. Edit source History Talk (0) Comments Share. KEY POINTS. You can build Keqing with a focus on her Electro abilities or her physical attacks, it depends entirely on what enemies you’re up against. And when finally looking at her talent leveling priority, no matter what build you pursue, you want to get her normal attack as high as possible before moving over to her elemental skill and then finally her burst with the only exception being if you’re going to use her more often as damage support, then focus on getting her burst leveled up. Genshin Impact; Keqing question; User Info: Rhiethreal. Genshin Impact separates the characters into three sizes (child, teenage, adult) and two genders (male, female). Age: 17; Lisa Minci. Age: 16; Chongyun. Check out the character ages in Genshin Impact below: Aether and Lumine. Genshin Impact Why you don’t need to stress too much about “perfect” artifacts: a Xiao case study (incl. Subscribed. User Info: azuarc. Moving over to Electro side, there is a difference in performance depending on whether you prefer to use her as support or main damage dealer. Daily crystals guide. File Size . However, when looking at some of her drawbacks, it’s hard to ignore the stamina issue you will be facing with if you’re going to use her physical or electro build for charged attacks especially if there’s going to be floors on the Abyss which deplete the stamina quickly. Anemo Hypostasis: Electro Hypostasis: Geo Hypostasis: Cryo Regisvine: Pyro Regisvine: Oceanid: Andrius: … Then there’s also the fact that her Electro damage is pretty insane which works out well with her 5-star design and she’s definitely the leading member of this elemental alignment so if you’re itching to shock your enemies to submission, she’s going to be the perfect choice for you. Keqing augmente son taux de dégâts critiques au fil des niveaux (niveau 1 : 50% > niveau 90 : 88.4%). Xiangling is Genshin Impact's culinary prodigy. Keqing builds. Keqing is one of Genshin Impact's most memorable characters. Genshin Impact – Build Keqing – Artefacts, Armes et compétences Publié par Sansa le 19/11/2020 à 11:20 - Mise à jour 21 janvier 2021 à 13:13. And as always, thank you for your support and watching us.. Read More: Genshin Impact Why you don’t need to stress too much about “perfect” artifacts: a Xiao case study (incl. Birthday: November 2. Amber is a playable Pyro character in Genshin Impact. Age: 20; Barbara Page. But this Lightning Queen doesn’t just rely on equipment – and her subjects or in this case team mates could be the deciding factor for you. Amber is the only remaining Outrider of the Knights of Favonius. Height: 158.6cm. Heights - from shorter to taller. Moving over to her Electro side, you definitely want to go with a 4-set bonus of Thundersoother which will provide an irrelevant 2-set but we’re really after that awesome 35% increased Damage against targets affected by Electro which significantly increases her damage output. First of all, her iconic elemental skill can be activated and then re-casted once again which in return will infuse all of Keqing’s normal and charged attacks with Electro and that’s something you will need to prevent from happening if you will be playing her physical build since you’re going to lose out on a lot of damage. Also, you can help us out by subscribing and clicking the bell notification on and gently pressing the like button. Dec 12, 2020 @ 2:27pm. Age: 17; Dilu Ragnvindr. Remember to also post you UID & Server so other players can add you.