The goals of the people of the world are not our goals. God did not spare His only begotten Son, Christ, but delivered Him up to crucifixion in order to pay the full price for the guilt of our sins and rebellions. 2. 10. 7. If we do not sow to the Holy Spirit we will not reap the new personality, which is eternal. God has not changed His mind concerning His chosen people, the Jews, but has turned His attention for a specific period of time to Gentiles whom He has chosen. What can be stated concerning the person in whom Christ is dwelling? 29. On the basis of the mercy and compassion of God. Grace is the blessing, wisdom, and strength of God by which we can walk in heavenly places even though we still are on the earth. This was true of Saul of Tarsus. We will destroy our own resurrection. What we sow in the world we shall reap in the Day of the Lord. Romans 9:17,18 is a critical passage of Scripture. A few verses later Paul refers to the “law of sin” which was dwelling in the members of his body. The Holy Spirit presses us into the death of Christ so our personality and behavior spring from His resurrection life rather than from our flesh and blood life. The law, the principle of spiritual darkness, the satanic, demonic desire to sin which keeps us from practicing the righteous conduct that we desire, and directs us to partake of the lusts and rebellions that are displeasing to almighty God. Because of the law of sin that dwells in our flesh we are unable to do what the Law of Moses commands. What must we do if we are to participate in the new covenant? The power to do good was not present in his personality but the desire and ability to practice evil were present. None of these people has been born as yet. A remnant of the children of Israel shall be saved. How do we know that God will not hesitate to send judgment on the Gentile Christians if we stray from the path He has marked out for us? But Christian believers, while they do leave Moses, do not bring themselves under the law of the Holy Spirit. Therefore they must be perfect. What is true of our relationship to sin? This was a perennial complaint of the Lord against Israel. A study of the Old Testament and New Testament will reveal that God is sovereign in our salvation. The Divine Life was withdrawn from all the material creation the moment Adam and Eve disobeyed the Lord God. Antichrist will attack and occupy Jerusalem, as we understand it, but the Lord and His forces will come against Antichrist and totally destroy his armies. 34. The Divine Glory will be revealed wherever there is a member of the Body. 16. The Spirit of God implants in us the Virtue, wisdom, and energy of Christ—His love of righteousness and hatred of lawlessness. Do not say filthy or foolish words. 4. 35. It is said we cannot save ourselves by good works. The class book is suitable for teens and up. The peoples of the nations are beginning to portray in their actions and words the nature of the demons and fallen angels. 1. Jesus saves whomever He chooses to save, apart from our formulas. 2. The Ark of God was in the city of Zion, a suburb of Jerusalem, while the remainder of the Tabernacle of the Congregation was located at the high place of Gibeon outside of Jerusalem. So they keep on with their life, hoping that God will accept them. It will lead the teacher and the student to certain destruction. There are no quick, easy ways to the knowledge of the Lord. We can be—and should be—more than conquerors! 11. It would be illogical, unreasonable, unthinkable to continue as a slave of sin. He must not hold in contempt his brother or sister in Christ who is afraid to eat anything except vegetables. 28. It is the setting up of the Kingdom of God on the earth. Share his material goods with the destitute saints. God picks and chooses according to His own purposes in Christ. We can determine if the Holy Spirit is dwelling in us by the kind of behavior we are manifesting. 25. What are the Jews, with respect to Divine election? A man is counted as being righteous on the basis of having placed his faith in the provision God has made through Christ, the works of the Law not being able to add anything to it or to subtract from it. The doctrine that the Jews were obligated to behave in a morally correct manner, and the Christian is not obligated to behave in a morally correct manner because the Christian is “saved by grace,” is totally in error. God is a God of government, of rule, of order. God always examines the hearts of the people on the earth. Then the nations will turn to Him and be saved. 57. No power can prevent Him from completing His work perfectly. To whom is Paul speaking at this point? A little reflection will reveal that only one Person in the universe possesses an unhindered will, and that is the God of Heaven. The commandment magnified the sin, giving it sufficient strength to cut us off from the Presence of God. We are to use sound, sober judgment when estimating our own position and abilities, according to the measure of faith God has assigned to us. 19. The results, the fruit, of the behaviors they had practiced as unsaved people. 16. Who has fulfilled the Law of Moses, the Ten Commandments? So we hope that through these notes you can better understand the truths inside, and more importantly obey them. Notice the Divine sovereignty: “There shall come”! It is apparent that Adam and Eve were not immune to sin and rebellion. If so, there may not be many Christians on the earth today. We shall be found not guilty in the Day of Judgment. Confessing with our mouth that Christ is Lord of all. 29. What sovereign statement concerning Israel, God’s chosen, God’s elect, did the Spirit of Christ make through the prophet Isaiah? There is no true Christian discipleship other than the constant performing of God’s will to the best of our understanding. Did these people determine their own destinies? Why was righteousness reckoned to Abraham before he was circumcised? Encouragement, he should admonish, console, and encourage the saints. An Israelite, according to the meaning and intent of the Scriptures, is an individual who is born by Divine intervention in fulfillment of a promise given by the Lord God of Heaven. The Romans course, taught by Douglas Moo, brings the meaning of Paul's great letter into the twenty-first century. Some scholars are of the opinion that Paul had an affliction in his eyes and had difficulty seeing well enough to write. 3. The Lord views the entire lump as holy because the first piece (the firstfruits) has been sanctified to the Lord. 13. “The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all.”, (“A Study Guide For the Book of Romans”, 3589-1). His hope that Christ will release him from the power of sin and death. Justification is a sovereign work of God. What else distinguishes the true Jew? This is your reasonable service of worship, the only sacrifice I will accept from you.”. Eternal life and righteous behavior always go together. What does Paul state concerning our sufferings in the world? We, not God, have broken the terms of the new covenant. What was Paul’s desire for the saints in Rome? The concepts of Divine foreknowledge and predestination have proved to be difficult for some earnest inquirers to accept. When the firstfruits have been perfected in the Lord they will be gathered to Jesus and return with Him to save the nation of Israel. To lie and steal? By raising Him from the dead through the Spirit of holiness. 31. Romans 8:29 has stupendous implications. The Christian is known by his fruit. 7. Our physical bodies do not belong to Satan but to the Lord Jesus Christ. you would like further study on any chapter, I suggest you read Dr. James Boice’s commentaries on Romans. The resurrection of our mortal body, the removal of the remaining sinful tendencies from us, and the filling of us with His Presence so we love righteousness and hate iniquity. The explanation that this is the normal, expected outworking of a democracy is not sound. Let us think about the correct understanding of the just shall live by faith. 10. The issue of righteousness, of performing God’s will in the earth, is a question of power. This summary of the book of Romans provides information about the title, author(s), date of writing, chronology, theme, theology, outline, a brief overview, and the chapters of the Book of Romans. If, however, an individual hears the good news of Christ, and then rejects Christ in favor of attempting to please God by righteous actions or religious observances, God will not accept his attempts to save himself. No extensive theological training is needed to understand the Bible. All mankind became eligible to receive God’s righteousness, which in turn brings eternal life in place of death. If Satan can do that he can bring the Christian down to defeat. What has the Lord God in His infinite wisdom brought to pass? What is true of each person who believes in Christ? Romans 14:14, like every other passage of Scripture, must be interpreted in terms of the whole Word of God. 19. This is Antichrist. There is no Gentile church. He in us will pass from person to person on the earth, releasing each of the saved into God’s glorious liberty. 38. Why do we, who possess the firstfruits of the Spirit of God within ourselves, sigh and groan within ourselves? They preceded the Law, found expression in the Law, and are written in the heart of the Christian as Christ is formed in him. The future will take place as described in the Book of Revelation. So the requirement of the Law of Moses might be satisfied as far as we are concerned. If the question during the Day of the Lord is whether we have made the right kind of statement about Christ, then Christians have understood Paul’s teaching concerning the grace of God. In my small group at church, we read through the book of Romans. We sanctify ourselves, with the help of the Lord. Why did the Lord Jesus Christ not open the prison door two thousand years ago? 15. 32. 22. This is the first resurrection from the dead, the redemption of our body from the hand of the last enemy, death. Is it possible to be saved by grace and still have unforgiveness toward an individual? If our faith is great, then we are to respond accordingly. What did the stumbling of the Israelites result in? Through grace we receive forgiveness of our sins. What is true of an entire tree if the root of the tree is holy? What other Israelites does Paul use as examples in his teaching of foreknowledge and election? God has given us His Word, the body and blood of His Son, and the eternal, incorruptible resurrection Life of His Holy Spirit. Unbelievers argue, as an excuse, that the gospel may be for other people, but not themselves. 26. The devils are assured of these facts and tremble in terror. Where the Holy Spirit has produced righteous behavior, the peace of God, the joy of Christ—that is the Kingdom of God. 33. Who placed the creation in subjection to vanity? 3 We must not skip over laboring, thinking, and meditating on Paul’s teachings if … What conclusion can be drawn from the above passages? The concept of sovereignly applied righteousness is a necessary element in our understanding of the way of the Lord. Now Jesus will finish the work by removing all remaining traces of sin and rebellion and clothing us with a spiritual body free from sin and ready to serve God. The Lord does not allow us to keep any part of our original personality. The new covenant is not a means of evading the commandments of God but of keeping the commandments of God. The grace of God is Christ. 6. What did David declare concerning the blessedness of the man to whom God reckons righteousness apart from the works of law? After that, our service to God will extend into eternity, and into realms we cannot know at this time. Although Christ never was guilty of one sin against the Law of Moses He was visited with the judgment and execution of sentence that must attend the soul that sins. He is confessing he is in agreement with the commandments of the Law of Moses—he perceives them as being good. Then, God the Father, whose Kingdom it is, will be All in all in Christ in the saints in Divine love. To those who pray, waiting on the Lord, there is given an awareness of the present will of Christ. But first, let’s wrap up our study with a look at: 6 Lessons from the book of Romans 1.) How is peace established between God and us? If he has said or done something to harm the object of his hatred, he must pray for the wisdom and strength to go and attempt to make restitution and restore the broken fellowship. The return of the Lord Jesus from Heaven is that of an individual who today is seated at the right hand of God Almighty. This is true even when our security, our pleasure, and the enlarging of our influence and the worthwhile and enduring structure we are creating, have to do (so we think) with the Kingdom of God. Here is the righteousness of God: we are clothed in our own Christ-wrought righteous behavior. By the expression “all Israel,” Paul is referring to those who, to this point, have been blinded. Then the true Church will be one in Christ in God. Toward the preaching of the Gospel of Christ in areas where people had never heard of Christ. Righteousness is given to us through Christ’s blood when first we are saved. Do it with all your strength and determination and God will help you. We must seek fellowship with sincere, fervent Christians, and actively participate in Christian service—all as the Lord leads. Isn’t that true? Whatever He does, we do. Now do you understand why God allows sin and rebellion to continue in His creation? Read Isaiah 52:15. however, present-day theology perceives the goal of the new covenant to be that of gaining entrance to Heaven when we die. Why were we buried with Him by baptism into death? We are not to live as a typical flesh and blood human being, occupied with survival, idolatry, and the building of our own kingdom. Righteousness leads us into peace with God and peace with men. If Christ is not being brought forth in our personality, as evidenced by a transformation of character and behavior in line with God’s Word, then God’s grace, God’s salvation, is not working in us. These two men had been Christians before Paul himself had been converted. This is to say, the Kingdom of God is both an external kingdom and an internal kingdom. How do we renew our mind so we may be transformed into the image of the Lord Jesus Christ, being able to prove God’s will for us—that which is good, acceptable, and perfect? Therefore prepare yourself to rule in righteousness, or to be ruled in righteousness, or else to be destroyed along with Satan and his followers. Read Isaiah 52:7. If the Christian will refrain from seeking revenge, from being vindictive, from holding a grudge, from adopting an unforgiving attitude, God shall exercise His wrath, His vengeance. Before they became believers they had not believed God and had been disobedient to Him. Reveling, drunkenness, sexual excesses, strife, jealousy, envy. The believer in Christ commences his discipleship with a willing inner man and an unwilling body. How do people view themselves who do not trust in the Lord? In all things and in all ways we are being made Him—an eternally inseparable part of Him. Then, through His grace (the virtue, wisdom, and power He gives to us) we learn to serve righteousness. As we stated previously, the concept of Israel being a chosen nation establishes the doctrine of election to such an extent there should be no reason for the sincere Christian to have trouble with Romans 9:18. What does Paul invite the saints in Rome to consider? 2. 29. What may we be doing without realizing it? It is that hope of righteousness, and an accompanying patience, that saves us into the Kingdom of Christ (Galatians 5:5). People who have the Spirit of Christ dwelling in them are Christians, regardless of their doctrinal beliefs. “Whoever will call on the name of the Lord.”. Paul’s teaching concerning the transition from Moses to Christ is not understood by numerous believers. The Redeemer will come first to Zion, to the firstfruits of His Church. Now we are ready for a strong, conquering love of righteous behavior and a strong, conquering hatred of sin and disobedience to be developed in us—for Christ loves righteousness and hates wickedness. The Christian is to receive his food with thanksgiving to God, and eat and drink to the Glory of Christ (I Timothy 4:3-6). 17. If, however, Paul had been maintaining that because we are under grace we no longer are required to crucify the flesh with its lusts and appetites, we no longer are required to observe the eternal moral laws, then most of the New Testament writings, including the Sermon on the Mount, would not be part of the new covenant. When Paul contrasts grace and the Law of Moses, as he does in the beginning chapters of the Book of Romans, he is refuting the teaching of the Jewish teachers. For those who have obeyed the Holy Spirit in putting to death the deeds of their body the coming of salvation will mean the removal of the last traces of sin and the receiving of a body that loves righteousness instead of sin. What does Paul state concerning our sufferings in the world? 11. What will the uncircumcised Gentile, who is fulfilling the Law, be able to do? A Study Guide for Romans 8 by Coty Pinckney, Desiring God Community Church, Charlotte NC. From this point onward the Spirit will enable us to never again participate in the filthy practices. On what basis does Paul appeal to the saints of Rome? 23. Each of us is to present his or her body a holy and living sacrifice to Christ to be used according to His will. In terms of intermediate-advanced level commentaries, this one is the best place to begin. God will make certain that even his enemies are at peace with him (Proverbs 16:7). The wickedness that is within us desires to fight against the wickedness in the world. There is no doubt that over the period of Christian Church history the Gentiles, misunderstanding the program of God, have come to believe Christ belongs to the Gentiles and that the Jews have been cast aside and have no part in the Kingdom of Christ. It is also available as a .PDF file (revised and updated 6/1/14), suitable for printing (Click Here if you want the Student Edition (revised and updated 6/1/14), with the answers to the questions omitted). It is extremely important to keep in mind that God is not creating sons apart from Himself. Yet today we have Christians teaching that there are two churches of God, one Jewish and one Gentile. The fact that he was persuaded, assured, that what God has promised He is able also to do. Jesus will overcome all evil at last. If our unrighteousness establishes God’s righteousness, what question is raised? We do not say that a believer should never borrow money from a lending institution. The trial is concluded. 4. The idea is that the Christian Church, because of the disobedience of the Jews, has replaced the nation of Israel as the servant of the Lord. In our day the Lord must remove the view of the Gospel as the Divine alternative to godly behavior. 18. We are to kill them as the Holy Spirit gives us the virtue, wisdom, and energy. God is directly concerned and involved with the activities of the whole earth, not just with religious activities. Manasseh and Ephraim became tribes in Israel with all legal rights and inheritance pertaining thereto, including a portion in the land of promise (Genesis 48:20). He is not walking in Divine light. Paul was aware that his teaching in the third, fourth, and fifth chapters of Romans could be interpreted to mean grace is God’s license for ungodly behavior. 36. In promising Abraham that his descendants would be in number as the stars of the heavens, God gave him something difficult to believe—something impossible in terms of the principles of nature with which he was familiar. Strong Christians are to bear the weaknesses of those who are not as strong rather than to remain occupied with pleasing themselves. Acts Hebrews. Psalm 23? Much more grace to do God’s will is available under the new covenant. 9. Many people disappoint God during their lifetime. The current Christian position interprets Paul to mean because we are under grace we cannot be guilty of sin; that salvation is unconditional and based on a verbal profession; that God sees the disciple only through the righteousness of Jesus. When the Seed—Christ—becomes as “the stars of the heaven, and as the sand that is on the sea shore.” Dominion results from fruitfulness. The new covenant produces righteous, holy, and obedient behavior by filling us with the Holy Spirit of God and creating Christ in us. The answer is found in the sovereignty, the foreknowledge, the predestination, the election of almighty God. 35. 27. What important question does Paul raise? What was the calling of the believers in Rome? If and when we do, the nations will behold His righteousness and His Divine Glory. This is the true Christian faith. What must the Christian who is involved in dietary regulations not do? No doubt God, from unimaginable eons past, has been planning to bring a large number of sons into the image of His beloved Son, Christ. Every human being on the earth is eligible to receive eternal life through Christ because Christ has died for the sins of the whole world. These contributions of ministry bring joy and strength to the Body of Christ (Ephesians 4:7-16). God’s judgments cannot be searched out by the human mind. God was aware this would take place. The first part of the book is the why and how of salvation; Romans 12 shares why and how of the Christian’s life on earth. Few books of the Bible are as important to believers as the Letter to the Romans. If one nation is chosen, and another nation is not chosen but instead suffers destruction, then the Lord God is working according to His own desires among the nations of the earth. He considers every day to be the same in the Lord’s sight. In this they are illogical and unscriptural. Paul’s argument against mixing Moses with Christ must be seen from this standpoint; otherwise, Paul appears to be saying the grace of the new covenant can function apart from the formation of a new creation. Multitudes of Christians are unaware of this. They will lie. Why take the time to focus on this particular book? Salvation always is an invitation, an opportunity. Then, through the Holy Spirit, we begin to practice righteousness in our daily life. What is it that induces us to covet and lust? 16. We are called to be saints. By what means is the Christian able to overcome the foulest, most perverse evil? If we fight the good fight of faith, gaining, through the Holy Spirit, mastery over the sin that dwells in our flesh, we will receive the robe of righteous conduct. Free Romans Bible Study Guide. So it is true today that many “Christian” assemblies have little love for God, for Christ, and for the saints. In no manner was Asenath separate from Joseph and Joseph’s family. We need to perceive both the kindness and the severity of almighty God. How did God respond to man’s casting Him aside? Pharaoh was raised to great authority for one reason: that the God of Heaven might demonstrate His own power for all to see, and that His own name might be declared through all the earth. 11. Even though we see gross wickedness and injustice on every hand, let us turn our attention to the Lord Jesus. Open the everlasting doors of your personality and allow the King of Glory to enter. The Scriptures teach clearly and directly that each believer will be revealed before the Judgment Seat of Christ and will give an answer for his behavior in his body. 49. We often see such adamic traits well advanced in older Christians. Not once in the Scriptures is going to Heaven presented as the means of redemption. If we have ever practiced imaging or soulish faith or positive confession we need to pray that God will forgive us and deliver us from all vestiges of these demonic efforts. 19. Read Isaiah 40:13,14. 10. What is the significance of the expression, “In Isaac shall thy seed be called”? The Holy Spirit of God has become part of his personality. Their minds are occupied with the Lord Jesus, with the Word of God, with the fellowship of the saints, with prayer, with their service in the Lord’s vineyard.