He said ministers like himself had previously had a lot of access to schools and had spoken to thousands of school children about some of the dangers of Satanism, but he said, of late, schools had closed their doors to them. He said children coming out of Satanism and the occult needed spiritual, emotional and medical support. I know I have promised you a few times, but I keep getting side tracked. Born in South Africa, Bredenkamp moved with his family to Southern Rhodesia while he was still a child. Dr. bredenkamp is an excellent doctor, I recently had a very serious health scare and he intervened to make sure I was treated at VGH which probably saved my life. She was the twelfth child of Cornelis Coetsee (Couchè) and second child of his second wife Aletta Lubbe. True till Death! He said they threatened to kill his son and wanted him to offer his life in exchange for his son's. Videos you watch may be added to the TV's watch history and influence TV recommendations. According to Bredenkamp "dabblers" might be outwardly seeking attention by wearing a T-shirt adorned with a devil's image or dressing in a certain way. Marc Bredenkamp’s fiery, fresh, and bold Prophetic ministry continues to impact the lives of precious people all over the Planet. Registration CLoses in: 01 Days. Below is a message my wife and I recieved from our dear disciples and precious friends at the Reunion Island Church Plant! It’s time you promote it differently too. The SAPS Occult Unit has since been disbanded. There is a resurgence of dabbling in Satanism in South Africa, says world-renowned expert on the occult and Pastor of Destiny Harvest Church in Umhlanga, Marc Bredenkamp, who himself has had his child abducted by Satanists. 22 talking about this. He said young people needed to know there was hope and said they had to find a higher power than Satan to be able to break free. The way you consume content has changed. About Marc. Early life. People of this zodiac sign like to be admired, expensive things, bright colors, and dislike being ignored, facing difficulties, not being treated specially. Tom, maybe you can look into him as well – bad news. During that time Bredenkamp was interviewed by television news network CNN, SABC's Good Morning South Africa and M-Net's Carte Blanche programmes and enjoyed world-wide media coverage for his campaign to warn youth about Satanism. Bredenkamp said these types of behavioural patterns did not automatically mean the child was delving into Satanism but it was a red flag that parents should start investigating. There are many factors which lead to children getting involved in Satanism, according to Bredenkamp. Marc Bredenkamp is op Facebook. He said people did not realise the amount of fear these children were living in and how difficult it was for them to get out once they were in. Bredenkamp also operates in what Christians refer to as the deliverance ministry, where evil spirits are expelled or cast out of people. 12 Hours. The other forms are "dabblers, organised and generational". Yes I have been so meaning to do an article on Marc Bredenkamp and that young guy Leon du Preez. While he was involved in Satanism he met a Christian friend and although the demons inside him told him to kill this friend he found that there was something about this friend that was stronger than the power he had. Sluit by Facebook aan om met Marc Bredenkamp en ander kennisse in verbinding te tree. View the profiles of people named Mark Bredenkamp. Radical, Risky, Revolutionary and I contain an intense negative emotion against religion that tries to conform one to its beliefs about God rather than beleiving in Him! He is the best doctor our family has ever had, he is highly knowledgeable, and he really cares about his patients. Afficher les profils de personnes nommées Marc Bredenkamp sur Facebook. By observing Harmse's reported behaviour, Bredenkamp believes that the boy is a self-styled Satanist. 8 April 1780 Johann Christoffel BREDENKAMP receives a permit for the “Legplaats” “Vaale klip” on the Vogelriver in the Camdebo. Bredenkamp - a big, powerful, imposing man with long hair - was a Satanist before converting to Christianity more than 20 years ago. Bredenkamp, who has been helping children involved in Satanism for the past 20 years and has housed recovering witches, said Satanic groups operated on fear and people could not get out because the group threatens to kill their family or do something to them. Welcome to the OFFICIAL Prophet Marc Bredenkamp Fan Page! He said there has been a dormant period of about seven years during which Satanism "went underground after coming under a lot pressure". Favorite Quotes. His sister survived the shooting. This term refers to people who follow a form of Satanism which they evolve themselves and are not governed by any other group or individual. All rights reserved, Please visit the official Government information portal for Coronavirus by clicking HERE. Bredenkamp is concerned about young South Africans who are involved in Satanism and the occult. He says a lot of children in South Africa are very perceptive about the spiritual realm and often try speaking to adults, parents or even the church about it but many don't believe them. Join Facebook to connect with Mark Bredenkamp and others you may know. In this 7 week prophetic course that will ultimately equip you and your loved ones to understand and withstand the times we are living in! Bredenkamp, who has an honorary doctorate in divinity and has spoken on five continents about Satanism, says while reading about Harmse's incident he could relate to what he had read and heard of the case because of his own experience as a self-styled Satanist. Unisa - The University of South Africa Lives in Pretoria, South Africa. Bredenkamp - a big, powerful, imposing man with long hair - was a Satanist before converting to Christianity more than 20 years ago. If playback doesn't begin shortly, try restarting your device. Welcome to Ian Bredenkamp Media. Harmse appeared in the Krugersdorp magistrate's court this week where he said he had had visions of a ghost which told him to become a Satanist. With an irreligious, unique… In this 7 week prophetic course that will ultimately equip you and your loved ones to understand and withstand the times we are living in! Sign up and registration closes on the 14th October 2020 – In His love, Marc. The team - based in Johannesburg, Cape Town and Durban - consistently secures excellent results for clients. These people were usually not heavily into Satanism itself. Among these are boredom, peer pressure, money and power, but in some cases children were unaware of what they were becoming involved in. The strengths of this sign are being creative, passionate, generous, warm-hearted, cheerful, humorous, while weaknesses can be arrogant, stubborn, self-centered, lazy and inflexible. . "If they light a candle in a skull and start dressing in black, if there is a pentagram on the floor and they become very anti-social, these are signs.". Marc Bredenkamp. Ian Bredenkamp Media is Africa's #1 Playlisting Company. Welcome to the OFFICIAL Prophet Marc Bredenkamp Fan Page! › Recognizing satan’s strategy for these last days, › Avoiding those having a form of godliness, › Prophecies about error in the church in the last days, › In the last days perilous times shall come, › Contending for the faith in the last days, › The final signs Jesus gave of the last days. He said during a radio broadcast where he was speaking about the spirit world the radio station lines were inundated with calls from young people wanting to share their experiences. 26 talking about this. In so doing, he helped expel the evil spirits from her. "Never give up, Never give up, Never give up"...Sir Winston Churchill. His aim was to expose the truths about what young people were getting themselves involved in. While isolated and alone, rejected by loved ones and many in the church, numbed by emotional pain the likes of which I had never experienced before and ready to commit suicide, a young couple rang my doorbell. Sign up and registration closes on the 14th October 2020 – In His love, Marc. It was claimed that he twice sought to facilitate the early retirement of the late former President Robert Mugabe in 2004 and his replacement by Emmerson Mnangagwa, who eventually seized power in a military coup in 2017,” it reports. Bredenkamp responds Questions were sent to John Bredenkamp’s South African lawyer, Ian Small-Smith, at 8.05am on Wednesday this week, giving him until 10am the next day to respond. Apart from numerous death threats and attacks from Satanic groups, Bredenkamp recalled the time his eight-year-old son was abducted by Satanists. . Bredenkamp had his 12-year-old son abducted by Satanists 10 years ago and has had his life threatened a number of times over the years. He will spend a month at Sterkfontein Hospital under the observation of three psychiatrists and a psychologist. In Ezekiel 37 we see God declaring to the Prophet certain realities, notwithstanding the future. Then there was "organisational" Satanism, which has a structure with high priests and temples, similar to the church of Satan in America, and, thirdly, "generational" Satanism, where children were brought up in Satanism. Regional Sales Manager at Sony Mobile ZA. He was orphaned in his mid-teens on his birthday when while he was riding his bike, on return he found his father had shot his mother and sister and then shot himself. “Bredenkamp gained considerable clout in the political and economic affairs of Zimbabwe, and is believed to have been a key donor for the ruling Zanu PF party. He married Anna Coetzee on 8 December 1771 (she was baptized as Johanna Jacoba COETSEE on 21.04.1753). Bredenkamp says this is one of four forms of Satanism in South Africa. Harmse is said to have been influenced by the heavy metal group Slipknot, whose lyrics have been described by critics as being Satanic. Afficher les profils de personnes nommées Marc Bredenkamp sur Facebook. He approached the young girl who had abducted his son and began praying for her. He said parents should be vigilant and take note if their children start acting strangely. "As the Father sent the Son, so send I you"...Jesus. Some of this pressure was brought to bear by Christian ministers like Bredenkamp, through his involvement in the South African Police Service Occult Unit which dealt with police cases involving Satanism. Marc Bredenkamp is with Maria Elizabeth Calaca. 20 talking about this. He has previously worked to combat Satanism near Krugersdorp, where last week 18-year-old Morne Harmse went on a slashing spree with a Samurai sword killing a fellow pupil, 16-year-old Jacques Pretorius, and injuring three others. - Concerned parents may visit Bredenkamp's website at www.destiny.co.za, © 2021 Independent Online and affiliated companies. Welcome to the OFFICIAL Prophet Marc Bredenkamp Fan Page! December 20, 2019 Ecclesiastes 7:1 A good name is better than expensive perfume, and the day you die is better than the day you're born. Bredenkamp says death metal or heavy metal music can play a role because the lyrics are hopeless and make the listener believe there is no hope in the future, but he added that this did not mean that the music was entirely to blame. Word Of Faith Newlands East Durban South Africa Hosted Prophet Marc In Their Sep 2011 Word Explosion. Zodiac Sign: John Bredenkamp is a Leo.