Skinny steals PJ's unattended car after PJ's friend left the car unguarded trying to remind PJ and stubbornly drives back to Omar's place wanting to hang out with the girls. Step Up (Original Soundtrack) is the film soundtrack for the film Step Up.It was released on August 8, 2006 on Jive Records and features new music from Mario, Drew Sidora, Ciara, Chamillionaire, Kelis, Chris Brown, Jamie Scott and Yung Joc.The lead singles from the soundtrack are Sean Paul's "(When You Gonna) Give It Up to Me" featuring Keyshia Cole and Ciara's "Get Up… Heretofore, the dance has been an illiterate art, with no history, except for a few centuries of paintings, obscure notations and memories. Ideally, this is a boom that can carry the camera up above the heads of the dancers. He leaves the group and returns to janitorial work, his initial community service at the school. The technical term for this is “foot and dress” noises. The best video equipment is found in broadcast studios which almost always have concrete floors. Step Up: All In is a 2014 American dance film directed by Trish Sie (in her feature directorial debut) and written by John Swetnam. If its focus is sharpened it receives less light. This speaker was set against the wall behind the camera and behind a hand held shotgun microphone. Rock musicians formed a symbiosis with videographers that set them on a new course and a new stage – Music TV. The classic climax of many movies is a chase. A group of friends become involved in a potentially deadly diamond heist. Black on black is the road to invisibility. In order not to block the view of the audience, the camera is usually placed behind the audience and elevated above them to exclude their heads from the picture or high by virtue of having a raked auditorium floor or worst of all shooting from a balcony. Step Up is a 2006 American romantic dance drama film directed by Anne Fletcher (in her feature directorial debut) from a screenplay by Duane Adler and Melissa Rosenberg and a story by Adler. Organize a dancer’s cooperative to buy or rent equipment and to train and engage the services of video technicians and artists. Disgusted by his betrayal, Nora breaks up with Brett. Tyler offers to help, but Nora refuses. Tyler asks Director Gordon if she will let him attend the school, and she advises that he must prove to her that he deserves a chance. He tries to persuade Nora to let him perform with her, and to forgive him for his behavior. This essay is focused solely on #4 – making a work of art about a work of art. One camera in the center; the camera eye preferably at the dancers’ waist level, with the responsibility to do the master shot which includes all of the dancers and much of the stage space. A shoe dye to lighten the tone will help. What better place for them to start developing their craft and artistry than with the most difficult art for which to write music, to costume, to light and now to videotape? Backstage, a proud Director Gordon introduce Nora to a fellow director from a professional dance company, hoping to sign Nora. Marry him.her before someone else does. However it is still a dance movie with a lot of skewing towards dancing and less to story, so don't expect masterpiece. The Step Up franchise and the rest of the date-night dance-flick set got most of their moves from this teen-geared drama and its cousin film Save the Last Dance. Between millions of TV sets and the millions of video cassettes, there exists a potential new stage and a new medium for dance–if the two artists, the choreographer and the videographer can come together in this work. To create this “poem of the dance,” never shoot during a public performance. Broadway shows always have a costume parade before the dress rehearsal. Set-Up #2: “Professional” In the rare and exciting chance that there is the opportunity for a dance to be videotaped in a professional studio, there is a treacherous probability that must, if possible, be avoided. Shooting in the theatre, it is easy to get a low camera position by shooting from the audience floor, with the camera eye as low or even lower than the stage floor. Even then to do a master shot of the entire space, it may be necessary to position this camera from a corner of the space. So many great options for dance space in your home. If he did a sharp “daaa baaa di dopdop,” rest assured that at the exact same time, the orchestra went “daaa baaa di dopdop.” In addition, his taps underlined every motion. Long shot? The normal height for a the dance camera should be on a level equidistant from the head and the feet. Whenever they can, they bring the camera in tight. Though there are many skilled musicians, a good dance accompanist is a rarity. The camera is enmeshed in a mess of contradictions. 341-353. It is here that the choreographer and the videographer must begin to choose. The Distance Scale can be set in feet or meters based on your preference, and to set this go to the Set Up Menu > Screen Set Up > Focus Scale Units > Feet. [4] The film received mostly negative reviews from critics, but became a box office success, grossing $114.1 million worldwide against a budget of $12 million. Just be sure to get professional advice on how much of a load your electrical source can handle. Some of the best dance lighting moments on stage use little light and/or sharp contrasts. With Channing Tatum, Jenna Dewan, Damaine Radcliff, De'Shawn Washington. When Mac and Skinny pay Tyler a visit on the school's lot, Nora watches curiously from a window as Tyler dances with his friends, mockingly incorporating a mashup of break-dance and the ballet moves he has recently observed. [10] Audiences polled by CinemaScore gave the film a grade A-.[11]. As they continue to rehearse, Tyler and Nora grow closer, each teaching the other about their respective styles of dance. What kind of a day is it? If they tried to record the “foot and dress” noises while filming, there would have to be a microphone in the studio but the dancers must also hear the music to which they are dancing. Cameras can move. Thereafter, Director Gordon introduces Tyler also, as a "transfer". Avoid them if you can and try to have equipment brought to a proper dance space. Conceptually, the mind is always looking at a close-up or a medium shot or a long shot; even in your dreams. If however, we design the interaction of camera and dance, exploiting the new parameters and special insights of the video medium, we will be making a creative use of its capabilities and come up with what amounts to a new artistic statement. A marketing tool, directed towards committees giving grants and potential sponsors. Medium shot? They share their condolences and … The “normal” camera position is eye level; level with the eye of the performer and/or with the eye of the camera operator! We see our tennis god tug at the shoulders of his shirt, study the strings of his racquet, bounce the ball, the camera pulls back as he serves and another camera cuts in for a long shot to cover the entire court and catch the return. When Nora's dance partner, Andrew, sprains an ankle, Nora finds herself unexpectedly without a partner for her routine. A low camera position lengthens the legs, amplifies all leg movements, gives a heroic cast to the dancers’ bodies and makes elevation look higher. If a dance is being shot as a record or as a learning instrument, close-ups are crazy. Little can be expected of videographers who see the dance for the first time the day of the shooting. After all, she.he comes to the piece with fresh eyes and should be welcomed into the creative process. Make a deal. It is the obstacle which if understood and controlled can make the camera the instrument of an art form bringing insights not possible in live stage performance, even at this primitive stage. Set Up is the first film in a $200 million deal with the production companies Cheetah Vision and George Furla's Hedge Fund Film Partners. Try to get Public Access Television people interested. Step Up (previously titled Step Up: High Water) is an American drama television series, based on the Step Up film series created by Duane Adler, that premiered on January 31, 2018 on YouTube Red.The series was created by Holly Sorensen, who also serves as an executive producer alongside Channing Tatum and Jenna Dewan.In May 2018, it was announced that YouTube … The reason? With over … Other tracks include Kelis' "80s Joint", Anthony Hamilton's "Dear Life", YoungBloodZ's "Imma Shine" and Petey Pablo's "Show Me The Money". Step Up: Year of the Dance (Chinese Movie); 舞出我人生之舞所不能; Youth from different social classes in Beijing come together to form China's best dance Head down memory lane with this classic film dance mashup video that expertly pairs with Mark Bronson and Bruno Mars' hit "Uptown Funk". The only way to circumvent this fate, is to shoot the dance once as a master shot and then several more times in close-up, mid-shot, from different angles, heights, and then do the post-production work of editing the different versions to make one flowing coherent whole. The second camera stationed to, say the left of the house or dance space and low; as close to floor level as possible, a little closer to the stage or dance space, with the responsibility of doing mid-shots, shooting one, two or three dancers including arms and legs and wherever strategic, close-ups. Shooting at eye level, the camera is closer to the head than the feet and by the nature of perspective and the exaggerations of the lens, the head gets bigger and the legs shorter. "Step Up: All In" (2014) The fifth “Step Up” movie, like the fifth “Fast and Furious” movie, is the … They may be looking for you. If they have a fun space at home dedicated to dance, I … Whatever weaknesses there are in video picture are amplified by big screen television: blurred and vitiated color. Choreographically, there are times when what is happening across the entire space is what the dance is about. When does the eye make a close-up and when does it take in the entire stage? She repeats her advice to him from their first rehearsal together that he'll need to get some tights, and the movie ends with the two sharing a kiss, hoping to dance together again even more. Directed by Gerard Glaister. Set-Up #1: Three cameras. Unlike film, it’s affordable and that has made all the difference. Meanwhile, Mac congratulates Tyler for his best performance. What’s the good of a history if it degrades the quality of the art? When a security guard appears, Tyler helps the two escape, accepting full blame for the vandalism himself. Though there are many skilled video artists and technicians, very few know dance nor the obstacles standing in the way of realizing its beauty and power on the video screen. I give "Step Up Revolution" a 4 out of 10. If the girl scouts can raise the money, we can. This can only work if the dancers work in every shot to the same recorded score. Recently released from prison, Arthur Payne meets a benevolent stranger on a train who says he may be able to help him. Both are visible arts with profoundly different structures. [8], Step Up earned a total of $21 million in its opening weekend, ranking second in the North American box office. Before ever calling in a videographer, the choreographer should pause to look again at her.his creation with fresh eyes and make a looking score. After the performance, Director Gordon is beaming and the crowd is blown away. Frustrated, Skinny walks back home in a huff before spotting PJ arriving at a store with his friend. A high quality audio recording is sent directly into the VCR in sync with the picture being taped and another audio line goes to speakers blasting away in the studio for the dancers to hear, but to repeat, there is no microphone in the studio. Grindstone Entertainment Group and Lionsgate will distribute the film in the United States and Canada. A single, non-stop, one-camera shot of an entire dance can never be much more than a tape for the record unless you have a genius camera operator who becomes part of the performance process; moving in, out and around the dancers with a hand held camera to make a visual poem of the work. Set-Up #2: “Professional” In the rare and exciting chance that there is the opportunity for a dance to be videotaped in a professional studio, there is a treacherous probability that must, if possible, be avoided. Now that most video cameras have two sound tracks this is no longer a necessary given. When is it wide or medium or a tight focus? In professional studios that have the old pedestal cameras the lowest position is over 4 feet which is ghastly for dance. Usually we and our work have looked awful seen that way. Even in the best TV studios, when taping dance, there is no microphone in the studio. It would be recording music played over loud speakers in the studio, thus picking up room acoustics, echo, and delay from speaker to mike to recorder; all making the final music track muddied. Set-Up #4: 1 camera. Use knee pads and padding where ever possible and if the costuming does not permit it, at least use them for rehearsals. Even if a director were present at many rehearsals the razor edge timing demanded of good dance editing will prove too illusive for a definitive final result. Let them know that anything they contribute from equipment to technicians to post-production facilities would be tax deductible. Directed by Mike Gunther. Since there are so many choices, we’ve pinned some ideas for you. Following is a list of set-ups starting with the ideal and of course, the most expensive, and finishing off with the least expensive and the least satisfactory. Only deal with one who listens and you be sure to listen in turn. Tyler Gage receives the opportunity of a lifetime after vandalizing a performing arts school, gaining him the chance to earn a scholarship and dance with an up and coming dancer, Nora. Step Up is a 2006 American romantic dance drama film directed by Anne Fletcher (in her feature directorial debut) from a screenplay by Duane Adler and Melissa Rosenberg and a story by Adler. For work on the stage, I subscribe to this thinking but in the transposition to the screen should this dictum be reconsidered? This is one reason why videotapes of performances are so terrible. At other times, the most significant motion might be seen in a hand opening or in the slow turn of a head. Live music would inevitably deliver variations in tempo which would make editing a nightmare. There is no question that dance seen on a television monitor is a giant step down from the real thing. No time is more important than the first 30 seconds after a dancer’s initial appearance. With 50 Cent, Bruce Willis, Ryan Phillippe, Rory Markham. The website's consensus states that "this trite teen romance has too little plot and not enough dancing". Archival. It is the first installment in the Step Up film series.The film stars Channing Tatum, Jenna Dewan, Mario, Drew Sidora, and Rachel Griffiths. These close-ups are the most powerful images of which video capable. All of this is to contradict the usual horror of choreographers when a hand or a foot or “horrors,” a leg is cut out of the frame. How to choose? This is a an unhappy solution since any dancer at the far end of the studio is shrunk in size and distorted. Adapted from How to Dance Forever by Daniel Nagrin, William Morrow, 1988, pp. Tyler surprises Nora by showing up, last minute, at the evening of the showcase. However, after Tyler demonstrates that he can handle the routine, Nora reconsiders and convinces Director Gordon to allow Tyler to rehearse with her. Our name, DANCES WITH FILMS, was actually a play on the plethora of ‘dance’ film festivals that cropped up left and right at the time – Slamdance, Digidance, Nodance, TromaDance. The next point is highly debatable and could be pursued as an experiment. Almost all dance shot for broadcast TV lacks these “foot and dress” noises and consequently loses presence, imminence and vitality. J-pop singer Koda Kumi's 35th single But/Aishō was used as a theme song for the Japanese edition of the movie. Step Up (5 Film Collection) - 5-Disc Box Set ( Step Up / Step Up 2 - The Streets / Step Up 3 / Step Up 4 - Miami Heat / Step Up 5 - All In ) ( Let's Dance / Sexy [ Blu-Ray, Reg.A/B/C Import - France ]: Marc Macaulay, Channing Tatum, Jenna Dewan Tatum, Damaine Radcliff, De'Shawn Washington, Mario, Drew Sidora, Rachel Griffiths, Josh Henderson, Tim Lacatena, … The title track was performed by future X Factor Australia winner Samantha Jade and produced by Wyclef Jean. We dare not simply point the camera at our work. The camera positions described here can and should be varied to suit the needs of particular works. Conclusion: when there is no complex setting with strong verticals, allow the dancer(s) to move within the frame without needlessly moving the camera. Official Site of DreamWorks Animation. The speaker volume was set barely loud enough for me to hear. The video products designed to attract the attention of grant givers and sponsors are of necessity short and styled by a marketing energy – salesmanship, and rightly so. Little light or radical contrasts produce terrible results. We see the anxious face at the foul line, staring down the hoop, a tongue darting out to lick the lips, tighten them and the shot changes to see the shoot for the basket. Close-up? Set-Up #3: 2 cameras. Not a few current leading composers, lighting and costume designers took their first professional steps working for dancers. What has been noted here is a bare indication of the complexity and richness that is possible in capturing dance on tape. Music and dance compliment each other, one being essentially audible and the other visible. Overall Step Up Revolution may be one of the better movies of this series. A wide open lens has less clarity and sharpness than one that is closed down. Camera and dance are competitive. The film stars Channing Tatum, Jenna Dewan, Mario, Drew Sidora, and Rachel Griffiths. Realizing that they only have one chance, they finally work together. No one in the industry has solved the problem technically and it is not geared to the extravagant budgets of Hollywood musicals. Crushed, she considers abandoning her dance career and going to college after all, but Nora receives an emotional confession and strong encouragement from her mother, who once opposed her future in dance. Let them air your stuff for nothing if they will do the job for you. Study the taping of sports. Their contribution could be listed prominently among the screen credits. And yet, for all of its obvious limitations, the technology has been embraced by the dance community and with good reason. [5][6][7] In 2018 they announced they were separating. However, in the course of the training Nora has been incorporating many of Tyler's suggestions for the routine, and as a result now finds that the new choreography is now much too difficult for the original partner to perform.