Soul Linker สายเวท Esma Build จอมเวท 7 ธาตุ | Ragnarok Online; วิธีเก็บเลเวลด้วย Fire Condor Card ที่เปลี่ยนจาก Hard Mode เป็น Easy Mode สำหรับสายเวท Wizard, Sage, Super Novice Now, in RO Streamer Event, Type B Theme Streaming about New Class Leveling with Boost Up weapons will also include the new Soul Linker and Star Gladiator Keep on spreading the world about Ragnarok Online through streaming to get more reward! But as I said, if you have it, then why not. Despite the high SP pool, their spells cost a lot of SP, so INT is often a high priority. The use of Miracle Medicine is available. Soul Linker Related News Maximum Rarity Level Increased . Powered by Invision Community. sorry for asking :D. Mostly general. This is in direct relation to my number 2, it is why you won't really spam seeds in PVE and even on PVP at times. In the beginning, the soul linker class did not exist, much the same as classes like ninja, and gunslinger, however each of these was introduced as an extended class at a later time. 3. Soul Linker Link - Allows other soul linkers to use ka- skills on things that are not other soul linkers/their RO family. Calling upon the power of their ancestors, they can use various Spirit Link skills to enhance the abilities of other players as well as use fancy looking offensive and defensive magic. What is a Soul Linker? Again If you want to try the PVP build, Don't say I didn't warn you about the low HP xDD I use SL for PVP most of the time and its fun to troll. But your matk should be high enough anyway. You must first attain Job Level 40 as a Taekwon Boy or Girl before changing jobs to Soul Linker. Calling upon the power of their ancestors, they can use various Spirit Link skills to enhance the abilities of other players as well as use fancy looking offensive and defensive magic. Keep in mind that what I wrote here is of personal opinion. Soul Linker is an extended first class in the Taekwon Class tree. Hope it helps :th_lv: :th_gawi: Awesoooooommeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Peeps who wants to play SL. Clear editor. During the Age of Gods, individuals known as Clerics had healing and enchanting abilities to help their friends and partners in battle. Combined with their abilty to keep useful buffs active (Kaupe, Kaizel), they can constantly keep dish out damage without taking much. Make sure that you meet the prerequisites before applying for the test: only Taekwon Boys and Girls at Job Levels 40 and above can become Soul Linkers. I set mine at 192 so I can alot stat points to others, Vit: 20 Don't worry about having low HP because you will have def and Ka- skills to save you, (Regarding the stuns, I don't really mind them since SL is tough enough to survive. EVERY soul linker should get this in WoE if there is another soul linker in your guild, because without it allied soul linkers are half as useful as they could be with it. -Practice and get the right rhythm when spaming Estun and Esma because it will be very tiring if you keep spamming like bolts. Thank you for taking the time to read my guide. Hunter Spirit - Buffs DS damage. I will be looking forward to your Raid Guide, I never saw and hear about Soul Linkers doing some raids before, I could probably learn from you :th_ok. You can add any HTML including images, paragraphs and lists. Limited only Soul Linker or Star Gladiator can participate in this event. Pasted as rich text. I will be looking forward to your Raid Guide, I never saw and hear about Soul Linkers doing some raids before, I could probably learn from you :th_ok: :th_no1: Keep up the good work! All kicking skills become useless at and above the Soul Linker job so make sure to reset your skills to include them only if you need them for enough points spent to move on. PvE/MVP?? A unique thing about Soul Linkers is that they are naturally immune to Dispel.1 1 … Para ser Soul Linker primero tienes que tener un Taekwon con nivel 40 de job como minimo, despues tienes que ir al bar de Morroc y hablar con el Little Boy, te dira que le han robado unos items y te ofrecerás a recuperarlos. They can make any class more powerful and even (in some cases) unlock new abilities for them. They're magic or "spells," however are limited on what they can be used on. Soul Linkers give up the ways of TaeKwon Do in order to develop and refine their spiritual powers. You must first attain Job Level 40 as a Taekwon Boy or Girl before changing jobs to Soul Linker. Ragnarok Online: the game 40 million people play Ragnarok Online - Classes - Soul Linker - Skill Tree Ragnarok Online is a fast-paced, community driven fantasy MMORPG. They can make any class more powerful and even (in some cases) unlock new abilities for them. @Rayray Regarding the Hwiz card, I did tests so I proved the Hwiz is needed :th_no1: Theres a Huge difference in terms of damage, so why not go all out with Matk xDD. Ragnarok Online is © 2002-2021 Gravity Co., Ltd. & Lee Myoungjin. She … No need to get super high INT. The answer to life, the universe, and everything. g. Soul Linker Spirit - YOU get a Kaupe/Kaite, YOU get a Kaupe/Kaite, EEEVERYBODY GETS A KAUPE/KAITE h. Rogue Spirit - vroom vroom vroom i. For Yggdrasil Server: Only the character that have changed class during the event duration can join this event. The armor cards are nice on paper as they do random autocast skills, but those are rather unneeded if you can kill fast enough, and SL can. 1. " I am your spirit" Alright, this is the blank page, ready for you to edit for this job. Also, depending on your skills as a Soul Linker, you can only endow others of certain job classes with enhanced power. Soul Linker Job Change Guide Requirements Base Level: None Job Level: 40 Job Class: TaeKwon Kid: Item (s) (Consumed): 1 3carat Diamond, 1 Immortal Heart, 1 Witherless Rose: Rewards Quest Reward(s): Jobchange to Soul Linker If you need any help, go the Job Template Example page so that you have an idea of what you are going to do. Soul Linker Link - Allows other soul linkers to use ka- skills on things that are not other soul linkers/their RO family. In its place came the Soul Link… Calling upon the power of their ancestors, they can use various Spirit Link skills to enhance the abilities of other players as well as use fancy looking offensive and defensive magic. -Estin Magical skill that attacks only Small monsters. As of the January 14th patch, it is now possible to upgrade your Legendary Soul Linkers to ★8! Speak with a kid inside the Morroc Tavern, and he'll ask you to bring him some items. Tumbling is there to evade a lot of stuff and it is more reliable than assumptio, 5. I'm posting the Build I have. Stat and Equipment Builds 1. Watching Movies ~
8. What is a Soul Linker? You can bypass the requirement to use Ka Buffs (can only be use… * Content may be changed based upon game updates or when deemed necessary. Now, in RO Streamer Event, Type B Theme Streaming about New Class Leveling with Boost Up weapons will also include the new Soul Linker and Star Gladiator Keep on spreading the world about Ragnarok Online through streaming to get more reward! Regarding your stats. Description There is no MVP/PVP stat build for SL; it is the same, the only thing that changes are cards you use. Weapon: Soul Linker Highness Staff or Legendary Soul Linker Staff and put 2 bombring cards and 2 doppelganger(reason for this is to use less stats on agi) :th_no1: Cloak: 2 Deviling, 2 Raydric and 1 Deviling/Raydric + Hollowring, Accessories: 2 Int Gaunts/Belts or Urds with Int Runes if you have, -All the links so you can support your friends or party, -Warm Wind make sure you get 1 of each element in your hot key bar, -Tumbling 20% chance of dodging an enemy ranged physical or magic attacks, -Kaizel When you die, you are immidiately resurrected with a 2 second Kyrie Eleison Buff, -Kaahi While this buff lasts, every time you are successfully attacked (skill attacks are not affected), it takes 5*SkillLV SP and heals 200*SkillLV HP. Paste as plain text instead, × I just watched episode 1-9 as soon as I saw your siggy XD. Everything about Soul Linker, skill tree, skill simulator and other important skill info like range, properties, requirements, required for, etc. Soul Linker Link - Allows other soul linkers to use ka- skills on things that are not other soul linkers/their RO family. DEX: 18-48 6. The Soul Linker spirit will allow another Soul Linker with a similar build to help support people even more, and from what I'm told, they make very good emperium breakers with Kihop. AGI: 70-99 3. You need at least 99 vit for you not to be affected by stun. On the other hand, many skills do not have extensive cast times (usually at higher levels), resulting in a lower need for DEX compared to other magic-using classes. Soul Linkers, despite their base being a melee class, are magic casters. You'll have to enter a wholly different world to become a Soul Linker, but I know it'll be possible for you. Priest Spirit - "Holy %#! They were known to use Rune Talismans to enact powerful spells. I still want to see Beast Strafing though. No need GTB because of, Accessories: 2 Int Belts/Gaunts or 2 Urds with Siroma/Imp card, A unique thing about Soul Linkers is that they are naturally immune to. Soul Linkers give up the ways of TaeKwon Do in order to develop and refine their spiritual powers. Soul Linkers have given up the way of Taekwon Do in order to develop and refine their spiritual powers. Soul Linker is an extended first class in the Taekwon Class tree. Soul of Soul Linker ประเภท : เรียกใช้, สนับสนุน เงื่อนไข : Spirit of Star LV 1 ความสามารถ : มีผลกับอาชีพ Soul Linker ที่ไม่ใช่ตัวเองเท่านั้น Find the tavern at 10 o'clock in Morroc (morocc 55,259). Compared to Wizards and Sages, their spells are severely limited on what they can be used on, however, thanks to Mild Wind they can use powerful Holy, Ghost, and Shadow magic attacks, something that Wizards & Sages don't have. No mention of Osiris card? I haven't posted for PVP yet lmao, @Rayray your build is for what? j. Armors: GR/TGK and/or Double TGK (Personally I use 2 TGK because of the low HP pool. A unique thing about Soul Linkers is that they are naturally immune to Dispell. This content can be configured within your theme settings in your ACP. Soul Linkers are naturally immune to status cancelling skills such as Dispell, Hermode's Rod, or Flying Kick. Usually they equip a carded Gladius, or a Dagger of Counter, while using Mild Wind to maximize their damage. Blacksmith Link 7. 1 Jobchange Guide 2 Builds 2.1 Blank Build 3 Equipment 4 Skills 5 Job Bonus 6 See Also 1. × High priest card is unneeded imo. Calling upon the power of their ancestors, they can use various Spirit Link skills to enhance the abilities of other players as well as use fancy looking offensive and defensive magic. STR: 70-99 2. -Always check if your Kaizel is up because it'll be a huge help. If you are doing PVE, using dual FBH is not always needed as it just gives 20% matk when you can put some stuff to increase your survivability. And INT foods can give you some matk if you really need it. If you receive many attacks in a short time, the skill heal you for the total of the attacks (up to the heal limit), -Kaupe Allows you to absolutely evade an enemy attack. Allows other soul linkers to use ka- skills on things that are not other soul linkers/their RO family. @ that hurt." Ragnarok Online Skill Planner. Soul Linkers give up the ways of TaeKwon Do in order to develop and refine their spiritual powers. They have relatively low HP, but better SP than average. Having 20 vit will leave you very vulnerable even with Ka- skills. I rather not fix my build solely on just one. You need at least 99 vit for you not to be affected by stun. having 20 vit with no TGK is suicidal even with Ka- skils, I did mention its for MvP right?? A unique thing about Soul Linkers is that they are naturally immune to Dispell. Stat and Equipment Builds 1. Essas construções são conhecidas popularmente como build.. As builds giram em torno de equipamentos que são atualizados constantemente, gerando uma imensa variedade de formas para montar seu personagem. They're magic or "spells," however are limited on what they can be used on.A unique thing about Soul Linkers is that they are naturally immune to Dispell.Also when a soul linker and a star gladiator are married in game. LUK: 1 This build is unique in that it uses a Linker's ability to equip and fight with daggers. Hunter Spirit - Buffs DS damage. Soul Linkers give up the ways of TaeKwon Do in order to develop and refine their spiritual powers. I'll be teaching the basic card and stat builds for PvE/MvP for those who want to try. Soul Linker (and by extension Soul Reaper) are my favorite class. All kicking skills become useless at and above the Soul Linker job so make sure to reset your skills to include them only if you need them for enough points spent to move on. -It is always good to check what element is best against the boss you're fighting with. Your link has been automatically embedded. You cannot paste images directly. In time, Clerics largely died out. This is a Skill Simulator and Planner for Soul Linker. Your previous content has been restored. You can begin the Soul Linker job change test by entering the tavern located in the 10 o' clock direction from the center of Morroc, and speaking to the kid inside. They are capable of soloing the Bio Lab 4 MVPs without a tank, if they are geared enough. They use various spirit link skills to enhance the abilities of other classes as well as powerful offensive and defensive magic. Continuing on from Linkers, the Soul Reaper's skills include stat-boosting buffs, HP and SP regeneration, as well as enemy debuffs and additional element endowable magic attacks. Shopping ~
Display as a link instead, × You must first attain Job Level 40 as a Taekwon Boy or Girl before changing jobs to Soul Linker. Depending on their skill build they must sacrifice something in one aspect or the other of the game, limiting them to only PvE and PVP. Singing ~
g. Soul Linker Spirit - YOU get a Kaupe/Kaite, YOU get a Kaupe/Kaite, EEEVERYBODY GETS A KAUPE/KAITE h. Rogue Spirit - vroom vroom vroom i. EVERY soul linker should get this in WoE if there is another soul linker in your guild, because without it allied soul linkers are half as useful as they could be with it. It gave me Ideas for this guide. Soul Linker - Skilltree of Soul Linker. having 20 vit with no TGK is suicidal even with Ka- skils. IV. Of course, to do this you'll have to get enough ★7 Soul Linkers to perform the … EVERY soul linker should get this in WoE if there is another soul linker in your guild, because without it allied soul linkers are half as useful as they could be with it. By 1. I would like to point out some things myself. Forsaken Ragnarok Online Headgear: Striking Headgear, Valk Helm or Expa Hat, Any Legandary Aura, and Balloon, Rucksack, Vote Cape or Curse Ring with 3 kiels with Maya P. or Fsold. You will be promoted to a Soul Linker after you finish speaking with the spirits inside the room. I still want to see Beast Strafing though. Combined with their abilty to keep useful buffs active (Kaupe, Kaizel), they can constantly keep dish out damage without taking much. Soul Linkers give up the ways of Taekwondo in order to develop and refine their spiritual powers. @ that hurt." Soul Linkers have given up the way of Taekwon Do in order to develop and refine their spiritual powers. If you have Kafra Hairband(obtainable from etoks in token trader) It will boost your damage. Soul Linkers give up the ways of TaeKwon Do in order to develop and refine their spiritual powers. While assump is nice, your HP is not decent enough to make use of it. Árvore de habilidades. This is just a personal choice. EVERY soul linker should get this in WoE if there is another soul linker in your guild, because without it allied soul linkers are half as useful as they could be with it. × Compared to Wizards and Sages, their spells are severely limite… It is unknown what the central location for Cleric training is, but one powerful line of Clerics once came from the Irine line of the town of Payon. (Note: You can play around with your Vit and Str if you think it is needed. You are not gonna be spamming seeds anyway as a SL. Soul Linker Job Change Guide Requirements Base Level: None Job Level: 40 Job Class: TaeKwon Kid: Item (s) (Consumed): 1 3carat Diamond, 1 Immortal Heart, 1 Witherless Rose: Rewards Quest Reward(s): Jobchange to Soul Linker Soul Linker. Upload or insert images from URL. :th_thx: Ohki for the raid guide. Speak with the "Kid" inside the tavern. I didn't read the guide but I kinda can say that you got lazy half way.. hahaha. The stat distribution s… Essas construções são conhecidas popularmente como build.. As builds giram em torno de equipamentos que são atualizados constantemente, gerando uma imensa variedade de formas para montar seu personagem. Soul Linkers are naturally immune to status cancelling skills such as Dispell, Hermode's Rod, or Flying Kick. Description Yato... your... siggy... cant... stop... starring... at... it... play the song "My shiny teeth and me" :th_heh: that's Bell and Hestia right? If you have an account, sign in now to post with your account. 300 int is too much imo. Forums ~
Soul Linker Soul Linker have a great advantage in farming Bio Lab 4 due to their access to 7 Elements (Warm Wind). For Vahalla Server: The character that can join this event must be the created characters since April 14, 2020 onward. Soul Linker Link. Having OL card somewhere in one of the armors will actually help you in pvp if you know how to use the invulnerability frame after you get resurrected.