Romeo: "Why, thank you. A marvel of mechanical mischief, meet mad scientist Romeo. Meet the PJ Masks Characters: the heroes Catboy, Owlette and Gekko, and also the night-time baddies Romeo, Night Ninja and Luna Girl. Envío GRATIS en pedidos superiores a 19€ en Libros o a 29€ en … With his mobile laboratory and many a gadget, PJ Masks have their work cut out but with teamwork and cooperation, Romeo's genius is no match for the PJ Masks! Romeo wears a white lab coat with a satchel. He is an evil young mad scientist and a child prodigy who plans on world domination with robots, inventions or anything to make the world love him; and is the descendant of Roméo Mécano from an alternate universe. 4,6 de 5 estrellas 475. 36. Romeo's voice actor, Alex Thorne, has also provided the voice of Zuma on the animated show PAW Patrol before passing it over to his younger brother, Carter. He is an evil young mad scientist and a child prodigy who plans on world domination with robots, inventions or anything to make the world love him; and is a counterpart of Roméo Mécano from an alternate universe. No matter what you’re looking for or where you are in the world, our global marketplace of sellers can help you find unique and affordable options. Auto De Colección Alfa Romeo Giulietta Msz C/luz Sonido 1:32. Romeo's backstory is unknown, other than he has known the PJ Masks for a while and knows their secret indentities. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. He has strong rivialry with Luna Girl and to a lesser extent Night Ninja but he occassionally teams up with them as seen in "Catboy and the Shrinker", "Wacky Floats", "PJ Masks vs Bad Guys United", and "PJ Comet". TheftBreaking and enteringDestructionKidnappingConspiracyBrainwashingGrand theft autoAbuseAbuse of powerVandalismIncrimination. $14.63 shipping. Night Ninja has stolen Master Fang’s prized sword and Catboy wants it back, but he will have to learn not to let his anger get in the way first. Etsy is the home to thousands of handmade, vintage, and one-of-a-kind products and gifts related to your search. Once that is finished, he proclaims that he will be good from now on, but only during the holiday season since he is still a villain after all. He isn't very physically combative, but is very bent and keen on taking over the world. Other options New from $4.01. Inventing.Defeating the PJ Masks and other villains.Stealing things from the city.Tricking Armadylan.Torturing the moon. In occasions, some of his plans may include causing mischief and havoc throughout the city and harassing the PJ Masks aimlessly as he please without a direct goal. Examples may include "Speak UP, Gekko! Con derecho a envío gratis. 5 out of 5 … Trending: 1,646th This Week. Ages: 4 years and up. Mad Scientist, Master (by Robot)Mayor RomeoKing RomeoRomeo the GreatSirInventor BoyGreatest Inventor That Ever LivedGiant BrainBig BrainBrain BoyCaptain Smarty Pants (in hero version)Mr. Sciency Guy (by Rip). More Buying Choices. GeniusMaster (by Robot)Mayor RomeoKing RomeoRomeo the GreatSirInventor BoyGreatest Inventor That Ever LivedGiant BrainBig BrainBrain BoyCaptain Smarty Pants (in hero version)Mr. Sciency Guy (by Rip) He's also nice, friendly, helpful, somewhat shy, fun, playful, and funny. Occupation Romeo is extremely intelligent for his age, but sadly, like many about as young as he is, Romeo fails to see the sagely distinction between knowledge and wisdom, consistently confusing either for both. PJ Masks - Playset Laboratorio de Romeo: Juguetes y juegos Selecciona Tus Preferencias de Cookies Utilizamos cookies y herramientas similares para mejorar tu experiencia de compra, prestar nuestros servicios, entender cómo los utilizas para poder mejorarlos, y para mostrarte anuncios. ¡Entra en el malvado laboratorio de Romeo! ScientistSupervillainLeader of Bad Guys United DISCUSSION. With all his amazing inventions he plans to take over the world! $24.77$24.77. Explora una amplia selección de romeo pj masks y protecciones para la cara, disponibles en distintas telas y configuraciones, hechas por una comunidad de propietarios de pequeños negocios. I thought it was a pretty good one too." Alias PJ Masks Romeo svg files, dxf files, eps files, png files - Download - Cut File, Clipart - Cricut Explorer - Silhouette Cameo TheGraphicsDepot. $24.64 (19 new offers) Ages: 36 months - … Goals For the character's mainstream counterpart, see Roméo. Characters On BTVA: 3. It could be possible that Robot is his only friend. and in the theme song of the series). Romeo has one main motive: world domination. Romeo is the first villain to know the PJ Masks' identities. Has Romeo escaped again, or will the PJ Masks finally be able to capture and defeat this mad-scientist? His hair is black with a white streak instead of being blue, and his hairline is smooth instead of having hair bangs. Romeo wears a white lab coat with a satchel. (35268) ToonsInMyCloset. Hey guys don't forget to like and subscribe to both my channels pj Streeter and pj masks romeo. Only 4 left in stock - order soon. PJ Masks (PJ Masks: Héroes en pijamas en Latinoamérica) es un serie de televisión de dibujos animados británico-francesa producido por Entertainment One, Frog Box, TeamTO y .Se estrenó en Disney Channel en Estados Unidos el 18 de septiembre de 2015.En España, la serie se estrenó el 11 de enero de 2016 en Disney Junior [2] y el 18 de abril en Disney Channel. Explora una amplia selección de romeo pj mask y protecciones para la cara, disponibles en distintas telas y configuraciones, hechas por una comunidad de propietarios de pequeños negocios. Romeo likes Double Tofu Pistachio ice cream. Catboy: "Okay, Gekko. He usually knows when he is defeated. When he isn't Gekko, he isn't as strong and that sometimes causes him to doubt himself. POLL. From shop TheGraphicsDepot. Romeo is identical to Roméo Mécano, but the only difference is that his scientist coat's buttons are square and black in color, wears darker gray pants and boots instead of white pants and normal shoes. Alexandre Van Roy. The Voice Box is an invention made by Romeo for use in "Speak UP, Gekko!." Sólo queda (n) 1 en stock. Source Night Ninja is the tertiary antagonist (sometimes an anti-hero) from the Disney Junior show PJ Masks. $12.37 $ 12. 4.3 out of 5 stars 15. Evil-doer Envío gratis. Pj Máscaras Catboy Vs Romeo $ 2.900. The series was renewed for a third season on 22 January 2018; originally meant to premiere in June 2019, it instead premiered on 19 April that same year. In "The PJ Masks Save Christmas," Romeo is shown to have a kinder personality. Attempted global hegemonyTheftBreaking and enteringDestructionKidnappingConspiracyBrainwashingGrand theft autoAbuseAbuse of powerVandalismIncrimination Romeo is the main antagonist of the PJ Masks television series. We'll deal with Romeo, you take care of the machine." FREE Shipping. Despite this he has shown a nice side to them especially Robot, shown in Catboy and Gekko's Robot Rampage and Nobody's Sidekick. FREE Shipping on your first order shipped by Amazon. 4.6 out of 5 stars 18. After opening up Robot's present to him, he becomes touched by the Christmas spirit of giving and decides to help the PJ Masks and Santa Claus return the Christmas presents and decorations to the town. RobotRobetteRobo-CatRobo-OwlRobo-GekkoLionel (formerly)Catboy, Owlette and Gekko (as Captain Smarty Pants; briefly)PJ Robot (formerly)Armadylan (formerly)Night Ninja and his Ninjalinos (sometimes)Luna Girl and her moths (sometimes)Fly BotsSanta ClausWolfy Kids (sometimes)Comet Octobella (possibly), Catboy, Owlette, and GekkoPJ RobotLuna Girl and her moths (often)Night Ninja and his Ninjalinos (often)LionelArmadylanWolfy KidsAn YuMotsukiNewton StarMunki-guMabel, Armadylan (formerly)Building new inventionsAntagonizing the PJ MasksIce creamHis inventions (especially Robot, his lab and Flying Factory)Himself, The PJ MasksHis plans being spoiledBad smellsCatsLosing his inventionsRobot messing upRobette's malfunctionsBeing on the naughty listArmadylanAn YuLuna Girl and her mothsNight Ninja and his NinjainosMotsukiNewton StarNo one celebrating his birthdayMunki-gu. Pj Masks Peluche Surtido 20 Cm Int 24520 Heroes En Pijamas. From shop ToonsInMyCloset. He is considered by fans to be the overall main antagonist of the series due to having more plans than anyone else and because he appears in more episodes than the other nighttime villains. Defeating the PJ Masks and other villains.Stealing things from the city.Tricking Armadylan.Torturing the moon. Romeo has a very respectful Robot that performs tasks for him and brings him from place to place. Steal the moon from nighttime city.Steal the PJ Powers.Defeat the PJ Masks and other villains. Get it as soon as Wed, Nov 18. The white streak in his hair could be a reference to. Vendido por Osito Azul $ 799. 4.8 out of 5 stars 685. Similar to how Luna Girl is with her moths, he tends to mistreat his robot and acts stubborn towards his warnings about the PJ Masks. Let’s get started! He does not seem to care for anybody other than himself and his robot minions, Robot and Robbette, the latter two he occasionally insults. C. Carter Thorne. Promocionado. Just Play PJ Masks Turbo Blast Vehicle- Romeo. S. Simon Pirso. Unlike his book counterparts, he has built modern futuristic-themed (and not as vintage-themed) inventions that are somewhat more advanced (and some logically impossible) and harmless such as the Pogo Dozer, Electromagnet and the Anti-Gravity Machine to assist him with his plan but has always failed. US Release: Sep 18, 2015 - Ongoing. Along with his coat, he wears teal gloves, gray boots, gray pants, and black goggles with a short and thin antenna standing outside from the edge of the left lens frame. Type of Villain $28.36 $ 28. He isn't very physically combative, nor is he particularly arrogant about his intellect, but is very bent and keen on taking over the world and has an ego to prove that he's the greatest inventor. Romeo is the main antagonist of the animated show PJ Masks ahead of Luna Girl, Night Ninja and the Wolfy Kids. Origin PJ masks Romeo - YouTube. Simba - Figura de Romeo de PJ Masks de 8 cm con vehículo-Laboratorio de 15 cm 109402227. 99. More Buying Choices $26.98 (17 used & new offers) Ages: 36 months - 8 years. Another difference is his goggles looks more detailed with a short and thin wire antenna standing outside from the edge of the left lens frame. Steal anything from the city and take over the world. Envío gratis. PJ Masks Its primary purpose is to use a ray to take the voice away from its victim. FREE Shipping on orders over $25 shipped by Amazon. Romeo is the only villain in the series with one clear motive-to take over the world. Envío con normalidad. He has an intense dislike for the PJ Masks, but isn't extremely violent with them. Once I have all those PJ Masks' voices, they'll never be able to make plans to stop me again." Los PJ Masks tienen una nueva mision, adentrarse en la Laboratorio Secreto de Romeo y detener sus planes para destruir a los “Pijaplastas”. Voice Director: Merle Anne Ridley. In "PJ Masks Save Christmas" he is shown to have a kinder side and chooses to be good on the holidays from now on. Crimes Subscribe for more PJ Masks videos: day 6 year olds Connor, Amaya and Greg go to school like everyone else. Retrieved from " ". Este producto: PJ Masks Vehículo Laboratorio de Romeo (Bandai 24597) , color/modelo surtido 26,47 €. With the PJ Masks easily being the greatest hindrances for Romeo’s goal of conquest coming into fruition, he simultaneously dedicates his time and efforts in trying to derail their continued heroics as much as conceiving and enacting his own schemes for world domination. He is Romeo's self-created personal servant. Sorry I can't do any more videos with ava . PJ MASKS Romeo's Lab Playset. He is voiced by both Alex and Carter Thorne, who also voiced Zuma in Paw Patrol. Romeo’s Flying Factory Playset includes: one Flying Factory, one 3” Catboy articulated figure, one 3” Romeo articulated figure, one lights and sounds control panel, one rolling get-a-way drone vehicle, and two of Romeo’s invention accessories. Personalized Birthday Shirt with Name & Age. Subscribe for more PJ Masks videos: day 6 year olds Connor, Amaya and Greg go to school like everyone else. Get it as soon as Fri, Oct 23. He usually accepts his fate and flees when he knows he is defeated. You searched for: romeo pj masks! Catboy, Owlette, Gekko. Romeo (as Gekko): "What a brilliant plan!" This is usually remedied by Connor and Amaya's encouragement. Only 9 left in stock - order soon. Capital Federal. High intellectInventingEngineering skills PJ Masks is a British/French coproduction by Entertainment One, Frog Box, and TeamTO. His eyes are deep indigo (as seen in "Gekko and the Mighty Moon Problem") instead of blue. Romeo sometimes teams up with Night Ninja and his Ninjalinos but does not get along well with him because they always fight. Romeo is the first villain to appear in the series. ¡Pero no será nada fácil! Powers/Skills (Catboy and Owlette pull up to Romeo… Just Play PJ Masks Romeo Figure 4 Inches. Community content is … He's also considered helpful since he helped Gekko while he was trying to defeat Night Panther and Dark Owl. Hobby Most of the time, he relies on his henchmen, the Ninjalinos, to do his dirty work. Romeo Mecano PJ Masks Characters | Catboy | Owlette | Gekko | Heroes. [3] 4.6 out of 5 stars 110. This mysterious figure is almost never involved in actual fighting. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Franchise: PJ Masks. Romeo: A marvel of mechanical mischief, Romeo is so wrapped up in his own genius as he attempts to launch his latest invention to capture the PJ Masks and take over the world! Along with his coat, he wears teal gloves, gray boots, gray pants, and black goggles with a short and thin antenna standing outside from the edge of the left lens frame. PJ Masks. 1-48 de 49 resultados para "romeo pj mask". 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th Birthday. When Romeo starts using Gekko’s voice for no good, Gekko has to get over his stage fright and get his voice back. 4.7 out of 5 stars 1,768. $45.99 $ 45. ", "Robot Goes Wrong," "Take Romeo Off The Road," "Villain of the Sky," "Gekko Everywhere" (briefly) and "PJ Robot Vs Romeo.". Romeo PJ Masks Birthday Raglan. CREDITS. Romeo has fair skin, blue eyes and a black spiky hairdo with a white streak just over his left eye. Boys Official PJ Masks Genius Romeo Villain Anti Hero TV Book Film Show Character Fancy Dress Costume Outfit. His most notable ability is his very long and stretchy arms and legs which are often used to quickly get them from place to place. Steal anything from the city and take over the world.Steal the moon from nighttime city.Steal the PJ Powers.Defeat the PJ Masks and other villains. Romeo is extremely intelligent for his age, but like many about as young as he is, Romeo fails to see the sagely distinction between knowledge and wisdom, consistently confusing either for both. Despite his motives on world domination, there are some cases where he only wanted to take over the city and turn it into his private town instead (as seen in "Gekko and the Mayhem at the Museum"). Production. Romeo uses his new teleportation device to take over PJ Masks HQ; Night Ninja plasters the city with posters of himself. Simon Pirso (Season 3 and short series) Romeo is the main antagonist of the PJ Masks television series. Romeo broke the fourth wall by talking to the viewers in Lionel-Saurus. Full Name Get it as soon as Fri, Jun 19. PJ Masks JP JPL24698 Luna Girl Deluxe Talking Figure Wave 3, 15 cm. The series was renewed for a second season consisting of 52 11-minute segments in June 2016; it premiered on 15 January 2018. $10.62 $ 10. Comprar los productos seleccionados conjuntamente. 37. 5 out of 5 stars (2,528) 2,528 reviews $ 14.99. As Greg, he can sometimes be competitive when it comes to playing games, but he isn't very good at rhyming (as evidenced in "Speak UP, Gekko!" When Romeo got zapped by the Opposite Ray and turned into Captain Smarty Pants in "Gekko and the Opposite Ray," he is friendly and nice towards Gekko.