This area leads down to Marguerit Maida's Base. Some of the information currently provided on this page is Outdated and not applicable to the latest versions of the game! You can now exit the sanctuary. This cache is 620 meters deep, so by now, you should have the Seatruck Depth Upgrade MK3. Enter the cave to heat up, as the temperature in this area is very dangerous. Next, you need to craft the Seatruck itself, which is more difficult to acquire the ingredients for. By the base is a fragment of Habitat Builder. Insert the fluid into the fuel compartment and you will gain access to the bridge's terminal. Subnautica: Below Zero v18744 Jogo para PC The other resources needed for batteries are two Ribbon Plants, which are small, narrow, yellow and green plants generally found in the caves of the Shallow Twisty Bridges. Though not absolutely necessary to progress, if you are an inexperienced player it is recommended to craft this upgrade. Keep in mind that this page will have spoilers, as it also summarizes the events as you follow along with the story. After this you can leave her base, and proceed deeper towards the Crystal Caves. Once you get near the sanctuary, you may see some alien pillars. Silver ore is more tricky to find; it is available in the Arctic Kelp Caves and the Twisty Bridges. Make sure you also have enough room in your inventory to pick up a few items. Jest to nowy rozdział historii toczącej się w uniwersum Subnautica, tworzony właśnie przez studio Unknown Worlds. It is located deeper inside the Crystal Caves and can be spotted by its characteristic red colored crystals. At the very peak of the island, Robin can walk up the Communications Tower. When Robin interacts with the terminal for the first time, she will receive a status report revealing that the area is under active satellite surveillance. It can also be accessed while undocked. It is also significantly easier to find the Twisty Bridges, as they are just trenches surrounded by some parts of the Shallow Twisty Bridges, whereas Arctic Kelp Caves entrances are few. Just before the bulkhead, you can find a PDA of Marguerit describing the difficulties of gardening in Sector Zero. The room can be scanned from the outside (it is the large round room, there are two of them), and the Modification Station is found inside the bedroom of the base. Explore the mysterious Crashed Ship. The entrance to the inner sanctuary contains three Ion Cubes, which you may want to pick up as they are not very common. Even the small tunnels located under the Arctic Spires are their hunting grounds; though not very damaging, their poke attacks are repetitive and can kill you. The next section requires bringing your Seatruck to depths under 200 meters; however, the Seatruck can't go any lower than that yet. The other, more useful way is by allowing Robin to rapidly ascend 100 meters from the ocean floor to the water surface. You can find the entrance by going farther away from the Drop Pod, opposite the direction the area of Robin's crashed shuttle. In the living quarters for Sam Ayou and Lillian Bench, you can find a portrait of Robin holding Potato, more miscellaneous scannables, and more of Lillian's kids drawings as well as a poster of the Quarantine Enforcement Platform from the crater. Table Coral Samples, however, are quite rare. It is hard to avoid getting attacked if you park your Seatruck down inside the crystal formation, however it is possible to fit down the hole if you only have a few modules attached. They can be found by cutting Table Corals, which are flat corals found in the Twisty Bridges. Visit the Store Page. It is prudent to harvest as many as you can carry, as you will need more later. Dive into a freezing underwater adventure on an alien planet. On another note, if she has Al-An in her head, he will include some information on how Architects view closure. Uncover the perilous Brinicles. Once built, you can use the small fabricator on the wall by the console to craft the Drill Arm. Follow the pillars to find the sanctuary, which is another large alien structure with a wide, square facade. This page serves as a full-game survival mode walkthrough of Subnautica: Below Zero. You may find the site if you scan the map of the Glacial Basin in the Phi Robotics Center. Subnautica Below Zeroの非公式日本語攻略wikiです。アドセンスなどの広告は、一切使用しておりません。, 最終更新: (The end of the story has not finished yet.). Once you finish fabricating the Test Override Module, head to the Communication's Tower atop Delta Island and bring the module with you. If you have not been here yet, she will call you inside for a quick chat, you can go in through the Moonpool. Its blueprint can be found in two locations; the Glacial Basin and the Koppa Mining Site. It also contains gameplay tips and helpful pointers for successfully mastering the oceans. It is in the center of Sector Zero that holds the Communications Tower, a large installation to monitor activity in Sector Zero. It is also upgradeable using upgrades crafted in the Seatruck Fabricator Module. Her seabase is locked by default until you encounter Marguerit on the Delta Island. Once you reach the suspended island go down the crevice around it until you reach the bottom. Artifacts can be found all over Sector Zero, and scanning enough of them will reward you with new hybrid technology. When you surface, you will be in a small cave with a few thermal lillies. It is also revealed that the Delta Station quartered the following members: Fred Lachance, Jeremiah Murgle, and Emmanuel Desjardins. Their aggressiveness and stealth make the Arctic Spires possibly the most dangerous biome in the Subnautica series. The first step is finding its Fragments, which can be found in the Twisty Bridges and Thermal Spires. After scanning everything you need or want, exit the base and head up the stairs in front of you to the radio tower. Afterwards, head into the cave. Al-An requires a new storage medium so that he may perform a wider range of functions than Robin's brain allows. You will get a Databank Entry. An exclusive miscellaneous buildable, the Aromatherapy Lamp, can be found in either multipurpose room. If you exit the cave containing the Frozen Leviathan, head south, past the Glacial Forest, and the frozen river bordering the forest's southern end. While not strictly necessary, there are some other tools you can craft. If you have not yet repaired the bridge, do so. Make sure to build the Moonpool somewhat close to the ground, so you can dock your Prawn Suit in it. As Robin traverses up the Delta Island, she will briefly encounter Marguerit in her modified Prawn Suit, threatening her to stay off her land. Pressing backward will also turn on a rearview mirror, which can be disabled by pressing forward again. Once crafted, you can put the upgrade in the Seatruck by opening the hatch on the roof of the cabin. The modules and upgrades must both be unlocked through more exploration, though some upgrades are unlocked by default. You need 4 furs, but you can get all of them from a single Snow Stalker with ease. Such deposits can be found in the mining site or later biomes. Players new to the game would want to avoid or be cautious toward this article. See Seabases and Hull Integrity for more information. Not too far into the canyon, you'll find a tech site with a large crane; this site contains the Thumper blueprint. Subnautica : Below Zero. The main feature of the Sea Truck is modularity; using Seatruck modules, you can pick and choose what your Seatruck can do, from storage to teleportation. In order to do that, Robin needs to collect certain parts, which are located in various Architect Caches around Sector Zero. Silicone Rubber can be crafted by harvesting a Seed Cluster in the Arctic Kelp Forest. One is the Flashlight, and the other is the Air Bladder. If you did not meet one on the way to or from the tech site, then you have yet to encounter what is known as an Ice Worm. Now cast under a permanent If you decide to bring you Seatruck with a few modules, it's a good idea to have the Horsepower Upgrade and/or the Afterburner Upgrade installed, as these will help you pass the danger quicker. It is at this point that the player will most likely face the dangers of hypothermia for the first time. The path exits into the main area of gameplay, known as Sector Zero. Astuces Subnautica La console de commandes dans Subnautica est une commande utilisée par les développeurs et désactivé par défaut. You can also control the left and right arms by clicking LMB RMB. The speed at which the player ascends is faster than most predators, making this a useful escape tool while in a pinch. It is recommended to use Spicy fruit salad as your main food source from now on as it gives the most food and good H₂O, does not rot, and only takes 1 slot in your inventory. These fragments (you need three) can be found in the Twisty Bridges as well, however they are more common in the Arctic Kelp Caves, which are large caves whose entrances are in the Arctic Kelp Forest. On her way to the top, Robin will trigger a cutscene involving Marguerit Maida, who tells her to stay off her land and then leaves in her modified Prawn Suit. To use the knife, simply equip it using the number keys and then click RMB. Subnautica Below Zero Crack Free Download Repack Final Patch + Full Version Free PC Windows Subnautica Below Zero Crack Free Download Game Repack Final Full Version Latest Version – Dive into the underwater adventure of frozen on the Alien planet. The Snowfox can also be picked up and redeployed if you click on the back of it, behind the seat. A lower tunnel in the ice carving leads to a chamber that was used to analyze the creature's claw. La majorité du wiki est une traduction directe du wiki anglais . For Subnautica: Below Zero on the Xbox One, the GameFAQs information page shows all known release data and credits. The entrance to Fabricator Base is just below 900 meters, so you will have to swim or drive a Prawn Suit the rest of the way. These upgrades can be found in Sea Monkey Nests near the crashed ship. Shortly after exiting the path, Robin arrives at the Drop Pod, a safe location for Robin to store and craft items. At this point, the story will force you into deeper sections of the region. The facility tells Robin that "a storage capacity is found on her person". This floating landmass can be found if you travel south of the Purple Vents, or east of the Tree Spires. It comes equipped with two modifiable arms and it very resilient to damage. Vambrace: Cold Soul The King of Shades has cursed the great city of Icenaire. You may have already seen quartz; it is a white, crystalline object found on the floors of the Shallow Twisty Bridges. Also present is the health bar, which monitors how much damage you can take before dying. Make sure to craft all three pieces, head, body and gloves for the full protection. As usual, the former is more reliable. Oxygen slowly runs out at a pace of 1 unit per second (unless your depth is below 100 meters and you don't have a Rebreather equipped) when underwater and in bases/vehicles without power. You can cross a path to an open water area from which you can swim to the Drop Pod . Bienvenue sur le wiki français de Subnautica: Below Zero. Once you acquire the materials, fabricate one Hydraulic Fluid, and return to the bridge. The habitat builder allows Robin to build Seabases in the water or on land. Hopefully, you scanned the Spy Pengling fragments in the while in the basin. The first way is by replenishing your oxygen meter with 10 seconds of air. The cave to the right is where the mining site ends. Finally, the last two indicators are Oxygen and Temperature. In total, you need four quartz for the tank. Subnautica Below Zero Cheats Press F3 to display the “Disable Console” option. You need two of these, and they are also inside the cave. Most do not have a use other than vanity, however two specific objects stick out as extremely useful; the Multipurpose Room and the Modification Station. ! タイトル名 サブノーティカビロウゼロ(Subnautica Below Zero)対応機種 PCジャンル オープンワールドサバイバルプレイヤー人数 1人(オンラインモッドを除く)発売日 2019年1月31日(アーリーアクセス)価格 2050円(日本での価格) It is located in the north-western corner of the basin, under a tall ice mountain. The Fabricator has four tabs: Resources, for crafting items that are used to craft final products; Sustenance, for crafting food and water; Personal, for crafting Equipment and Tools; and Deployables, useful items that are placed into the world and have a handy effect. Robin has one coworker on site, Jo Jeffreys, as well as her sister, Sam Goodall, who provides orders and monitors Robin from the orbital station, Vesper Station. To access the lab, which is found at a depth of 200 meters inside the largest suspended landmass in the Lilypad Islands, it is advised that you drive a Seatruck equipped with a Seatruck Depth Upgrade MK1. It is in active development: Full of … You will also discover that the base quartered the researchers Vinh Pham and Danielle Valenti. Last chance to play Below Zero’s current story. You will need to scan three fragments to unlock the PPU blueprint. Your Seatruck can handle a few hits without getting destroyed and the Shadow Leviathans will ignore you for a bit after an attack. The rest of the materials for the Test Override Module should be fairly easy to get.