10-98 Available for assignment. La dernière modification de cette page a été faite le 21 novembre 2017 à 14:56. 647b Prostitution Police Radio Codes. 647f Drunk in public 10-13 Advise weather and road conditions. 10-73 How do you receive? The codes were originally developed in 1937 to allow for brevity, clarity, and standardization of … 278 Child abduction from parent or guardian 11-59 Give intensive attention to high hazard/business areas. 476a Insufficient funds (checks) It’s important to note that the codes used on police radio are not universal. 925 Suspicious vehicle. Largement utilisés sont les codes de la police de l'État de Californie. 209a Kidnaping for ransom/extortion 272 Contributing to the delinquency of a minor 647g Disorderly conduct - loitering on private property at night Code 12 Notify news media 11357a Possession of hashish 11-80 Accident - major injuries. 951 Need fire investigator. A Adam N Nora Code 3 Emergency/lights and siren. 10-25 Do you have contact with _______? 12025 Possession of a concealed firearm threat/force/violence 11350 Possession 11-48 Furnish transportation. V Victor places, etc.) Also, the first syllable of speech was often not transmitted, so the syllable "ten" was prefixed to all numeric codes to ensure that the important information would be received. Code 33 Mobile emergency - clear this radio channel. 22348 Maximum speed law - 55 MPH 10-91A: Citizen/Etcetera, Loitering/Stray. The classic police radio chatter / scanner sound effect, now extended. 10-91h Stray horse 10-27 Driver's license check. 10-52 Resuscitator is needed. 10-15 Prisoner in custody. 243a Battery against a citizen 244 Throwing acid with intent to disfigure or burn 10-32 Drowning. Code 1:Very Urgent Matter- Imminent risk of death: Proceed lights AND sirens Code 2: Urgent Matter: Risk of injury to person or property: Proceed lights AND sirens Code 3: Routine Job: Proceed Normal Traffic Conditions. 10-91j Pickup/collect ______. Code 4 No further assistance is needed. 10-20 Location? 211 Robbery 11-40 Advise if an ambulance is needed. 5170 Unable to care for self 11-71 Fire. Code 1 Acknowledge Call/Respond Over Radio Code 2 Routine Call, No Lights or Siren Code 2-HIGH Priority Call, No Lights or Siren Code 3 Emergency Call, Lights and Siren Code 4 No Further Assistance Needed Code 5 Stakeout – Stay Away Code 6 Out of Car on Investigation Code 6A Out of Car on Investigation, Requires Assistance Code 6C Out of Car on Investigation, Suspect is Wanted Code 6G Out of Car on Investigation, Gang Activity Code 7 Meal Break Code 8 Fire Alarm Code 8A Working Fire Co… 11-84 Direct traffic. 11-58 Radio traffic is being monitored. 488 Petty theft (<$400) (Relating to marijuana) 10-88 Fill with the officer/Assume your post. 11364 Paraphernalia 273.5a Corporal injury to spouse/cohabitant Enjoy the Best Police Scanner Radio App for Windows and Listen to Police Station near me or Listen to a Scanner Radio live from around the world with over 7,000 audio feeds to choose from with categories for Police Radio Scanner, Fire and EMS stations from United States, Canada, and more. (Relating to heroin, cocaine, peyote, mescaline, and THC) Despite their usefulness, the exact meaning of ten-codes often varies between jurisdictions and locations. 11-98 Meet: _______ 10-43 Call a doctor. 10-91L Leash law violation. 209b Kidnaping for robbery 10-200 Police needed at _____. 11360a Sale/transportation Traffic stop initiated / Breathalyzer request, Pick up subject / Prepare for inspection / Animal. You are being received poorly / Cannot copy, You are being received clearly / Signal is strong, Affirmative / Understood / Message received, Identify frequency / Dispatching too fast, Convoy or escort detail / Suspicious person, Urgent / Complete present assignment ASAP, Arrived at scene / Stand by until channel clears, Report to [person] / Do you have contact with [person], Detaining suspect / Check auto registration, Check wants and record, subject [PIN, CJIC], Officer welfare check / under influence of drugs, Tow truck needed / under influence of alcohol. 10-0. 10-56A Suicide attempt. 's board "Police radio codes" on Pinterest. 4601 Suspended or revoked license 11352 Sale/transportation There are 4 sets of codes commonly used in the US, the general code is the most common. 496 Receiving stolen property Ten codes, also known as 10 codes, are an important and enduring element of radio lingo, much like the main phonetic alphabet, police phonetic alphabet, and other radio-specific terms.Thanks to popular culture, even people who don’t use two-way radios are familiar with … 10-31 : Demande Urgence Environnement 10-32 : Demande unité de désincarcération 10-33 : Demande travaux public 10-34 : Demande ambulance 10-35 : Demande police. 10-16 Pick up prisoner. P Paul 953A Investigate gas. 10-91V Vicious animal. 311.2a Possession of obscene matter Code 5. 11-25 Traffic hazard. In 1940, the Association of Public Safety Communication Officials (APC) published the first official set of police 10 codes. 10-28 Vehicle registration request. 980 Restrict calls to emergency only. 11-78 Aircraft accident. These radio signals were invented to help reduce the use of speech on the police radio. 261 Rape Code Blue Bus/Cab in trouble Code Red Varda Alarm activated Code Purple Gang Activity Code 2 Urgent - no light or siren Code 3 Use lights and siren Code 4 No further assistance needed Code 5 Stakeout Code 6 Stay out of area Code 7 Meal break Code 8 Restroom break Code 9 Summer uniform Code 10 SWAT pre-call up Code 11 SWAT Call up Code 37 Subject/Property wanted See more ideas about police radio codes, police radio, police code. 10-39 Can ______ come to the radio? 11-41 An ambulance is needed. Comme tous les État des Etats-Unis, les forces de police de l'Etat de San Andreas utilise le code 10 pour se communiquer en radio. Listen to thousands of stations and discover interesting new stations by using the world map. 10-29h Caution - severe hazard potential. Police radio Code 5 means Stakeout - uniformed officers stay away. 22500e Vehicle blocking a driveway 957 Delayed response of __ minutes. 949 Burning inspection at _______. 10-0 Caution. MOST FREQUENTLY USED CALIFORNIA HEALTH AND SAFETY CODES 402b Abandoned refrigerator 240-242 *Assault and Battery 594 Vandalism 904B Building fire. 192.2 Involuntary manslaughter D David Q Queen Ten codes were invented to help reduce use of speech on the radio. 10-42 Check on the welfare of/at ______. 10-1 Reception poor. 192.1 Voluntary manslaughter 266i Pandering 487 Grand Theft ($400+) Phone all non-routine messages. Pin frequently used stations to the Start menu for easy access. 10-21a Advise home that I will return at ______. K King X 10-14 Citizen holding suspect. 10-97 Arrived at the scene. Use of the code… 10-91: Citizen/Etcetera. 286 Sodomy 955 Fire is under control. Ten-codes are used particularly by law enforcement and in Citizen’s Band (CB) radio transmissions. 647a Annoy/molest child 11-27 10-27 with the driver being held. 10-59 Security check./Malicious mischief The following codes are used in California.They are from the California Penal Code except where noted below.. 10-34 Assist at office. Report progress of fire / Gun involved / D.O.A. 261.5 Rape - under 18 years of age Code 6 Responding from a long distance. 10-4 Message received, understood. 148.1 False report of a bomb 10-7od Out of service - off duty 10-62A Take a report from a citizen. Ten-codes, also known as 10-codes or ten signals, are code words used by many police officers to aid with voice communication. police/other authorities 10-55 Coroner's case. 952 Report on conditions. 246 Shooting at an inhabited dwelling or vehicle 11-81 Accident - minor injuries. Code 22: Restricted Radio Traffic, All Radios Go Offline Immediately. 537e Article with serial number removed 10-91 Animal. 11-79 Accident - ambulance has been sent. Code 21: Nexus Jail-Sector Emergency. B Boy O 11-96 Checking a suspicious vehicle. 10-21b Phone your home 67 Offer a bribe to executive officer 11-57 An unidentified auto appeared at the scene of the assignment. 1000 Plane crash Ten-codes, officially known as ten signals, are brevity codes used to represent common phrases in voice communication, particularly by law enforcement and in Citizens Band (CB) radio transmissions. Code 9 Set up a roadblock. E Edward R Robert Code 43 TAC forces committed. 11368 Forged prescription Code 7 Mealtime. Much of this is outlined by specific police department policy and by the FCC. 537 Nonpayment of a bill (Restaurants, etc.) 647h Disorderly conduct - peeking into an inhabited building 148.5 False report of a crime 653m Harassment by phone (obscene call) 10-90: Alarm/Alert/Request Device Used due to Ongoing Crime. 11-94 Pedestrian stop. 10-24 Request car-to-car transmission. 10-63 Prepare to copy. 10-91g Animal pickup. 102 Take or destroy property in custody of officer Phonetic Alphabet 22350 Basic speed law - unsafe speed 32 Accessory 23112 Throwing garbage on highway 10-37 Identify the operator. Code 43 TAC forces committed. Other Codes 10-29a Check wants/warrants [subject] (PIN) send backup Code 10 Bomb threat 11357b Possession of less than 1 ounce 10-18 Equipment exchange. 262 Rape of spouse 10-22c Leave area if all secure. Code 5 Stakeout. 904G Grass fire. 10-3 Stop transmitting. On Sale NOW ! 10-100 Civil disturbance - Mutual aid standby. 10-22 Disregard the last assignment. What does police radio Code 5 mean? 470 Forgery 10-45B Condition of patient is serious. 10-6 … 932 Turn on _______ mobile relay at _______. 10-79 Bomb threat. The first set of 10-codes was published by the Association of Public-Safety Communications Officials in 1940. 10-68 Call for police made via telephone. 11359 Possession for sales Code 6 Responding from a long distance. 11-28 10-28 with the driver being held. 10-7B Out of service - personal. Si la radio a été déconnecté du système électrique ou … 451 Arson 10-99 Open police garage door. 910 Can handle this detail. The police version of ten-codes is officially known as the APCO Project 14 Aural Brevity Code.. H Henry U Union 11-95 Routine traffic stop. 10-8 In service/available for assignment. Code 30: Officer Needs Emergency Assistance. 555 Posted trespass 245 Assault with a deadly weapon 909 Traffic problem; police needed. 11-60 Attack in a high hazard area. 136.1(a) Intimidation of witness or victim from attending/testifying at any 3000 Road block 10-57 Firearm discharged. 953 Investigate smoke. X-ray 118 Perjury 220 Assault with intent to mayhem/rape/sodomy/oral copulation 23110 Throwing articles at a vehicle I Ida You can start by using a police scanner and listen to local police frequencies at your leisure to get an idea of the flow of radio traffic. C Charles Codes de police USA - Signification. 236 False imprisonment They originated in the United States law enforcement community before World War II. 904 Fire. 12031 Possession of a loaded firearm 10-10A Off duty at home. 10-64 Found property. 11-51 Escort. 20001 Hit and run - injury or death 603 Trespass with damage 981 Resume normal traffic. One of the most frequently used ten-codes, 10-4, has become popular enough to sometimes be used in every-day language. 10-50 under influence of narcotics/Take a report. 11-52 Funeral detail. 12020 Possession of a deadly weapon Pour s'adapter aux besoins des différents groupes, des aménagements de vocabulaire ont été faits sur la liste de base qui était prévue pour la police. 499b Joyriding 10-62B Civil standby. 11358 Cultivation 242 *Battery Code 22 Restricted radio traffic 10-35 Time check. 602L Trespass 10-21r Phone radio dispatch 950 Control burn in progress/about to begin/ended. 273d Corporal injury upon child 10-7A Out of service at home. 10-17 Request for gasoline. Code 20 Officer needs assistance ... Un code de la clé protège contre le vol. 11351 Possession for sales AID Public Safety Assistance 12677 Fireworks, MOST FREQUENTLY USED CALIFORNIA PENAL CODES. Switch your radio on later in the day when most channels are busiest. 10-91d Dead animal. Sometimes, the police may also use direct abbreviations like ADW for “assault with a deadly weapon” instead of code 245. In addition to law enforcement, ten-codes are frequently used on Citizens' Band (CB) radio. 187 Murder 10-66 Suspicious person. 311.2b Possessing obscene matter depicting a minor J John 10-46 Sick person [ambulance enroute] 10-29r Check wants/record [subject PIN,CJIC) 10-29f The subject is wanted for a felony. The best way to begin learning how to use a police radio is to monitor radio traffic. Un de le code le plus connu est 187, ce qui signifie assassiner. 243b Battery against a peace officer to a felony Ocean 900 Series Codes trial 10-89: Bomb Threat to Post/Location. 10-01. 207 Kidnap 11-26 Abandoned bicycle. Code 37: Subject/Person Carrying Contraband, Detain/Arrest. If you would like to send more information over a radio link without interfering with the audio transmission you can use a product called SCT/SCR-8 to do the job. (Relating to barbiturates, amphetamines and LSD) 10-62 Meet a citizen. 23109 Exhibition of speed Queensland Police Web Page. 10-36 Confidential information. 374b Garbage dumping Code 33 Mobile emergency - clear this radio channel. 10-54 Possible dead body. 933 Turn off mobile relay. N'utilisez pas la radio: 10-31: Action (braquage, évasion,etc...) en cours: 10-32: Homme … 417 Brandishing a weapon 11-54 Suspicious vehicle. 459 Burglary 10-87 Meet the officer at ______. 10-29 Check wants/warrants. 10-53 Person down. Use Police Radio Scanner to listen to live audio from police, fire, aircraft, marine, train, weather, and ham radio sources from across the globe! 11-82 Accident - no injuries. 10-95 pedestrian/ Requesting an I.D./Techunit. 285 Incest Other codes include the Association of Police Communications Offers (APCO), Norfolk, VA, and Walnut Creek, CA ten (10) codes. 10-33 Alarm sounding. 415 Disturbing the peace (be specific) 10-91e Animal bite. 10-2 Reception good. 11-97 Time/security check on patrol vehicles. 10-58 Garbage complaint 10-40 Is ______ available for a telephone call? 288 Sex crimes against children California. Code 43: Requesting Overwatch Reinforcements/Overwatch Deployed. 4532 Escape (also 32 PC) 71 Threaten injury to school officer or employee 151(a1) Advocate killing/injuring officer 10-86 Any traffic? 10-19 Return/returning to the station. MOST FREQUENTLY USED CALIFORNIA VEHICLE CODES W William 146a Impersonating a peace officer 597 Killing or abusing animals 5150 Mental/emotional 10-23 Standby. 11550 Under influence of a controlled substance Y Yellow 10-87: Give Radio Frequency in Use. 10-91b Noisy animal. 10-61 Miscellaneous public service. Code 2 Urgent - no light or siren Code 3 Use lights and siren Code 4 No further assistance needed Code 5 Stakeout Code 6 Stay out of area Code 7 Meal break Code 8 Restroom break Code 9 Summer uniform Code 10 SWAT pre-call up Code 11 SWAT Call up Code 37 Subject/Property wanted 270 Child neglect/failing to pay the support payments Scanner Frequencies & Codes ... Wilmington Police, Carolina Beach Police, Kure Beach Police and Wrightsville Beach Police. This will get you acquainted to som… Menace à la bombe - Surveillez votre district et signalez l'ampleur des dommages. Queensland Police Radio Codes. 10-49 Proceed to/Enroute to ______. 314 Indecent exposure Home | What's New | … Police Scanner 11 Codes. 11-55 Officer is being followed by automobile. Code 8 Request cover/backup. Calling All Cars is a classic among police dramas and one of the earliest of the genres. 10-65 Missing person Code 9 Set up a roadblock. 10852 Malicious mischief to a vehicle 956 Assignment not finished. 136.1(b1) Intimidation of witness or victim from reporting crime to 10-96 Out of vehicle-ped. Ce mots codés ont été repris notamment par des groupes privés de surveillance et de sécurité, ainsi que par des sociétés privées. 10-51 Subject is drunk. 11378 Possession for sale 271 Child abandonment - under 14 23152 Drunk driving 330 Gambling Stakeout - uniformed officers stay away. Tom 10-67 Person calling for help. MISCELLANEOUS HEALTH AND SAFETY CODES Police Radio Codes: 10-Codes Police Radio 10-Codes Ten-codes, also known as 10-codes or ten signals, are code words used by many police officers to aid with voice communication. 10-9 Repeat last transmission. 11-85 Tow truck required. 11-99 Officer needs help. Ecoute dans une chanson, un film ou une série des Etats-Unis un code, cela est principalement de la collection du Code Californie. 373 Public nuisance misdemeanors (spitting in public 10-12 Visitors are present (be discrete). Grâce à ce code, la communication est accéléré. 10-45A Condition of patient is good. 203 Mayhem 266h Pimping 245b Assault with a deadly weapon against a peace officer Code 7 Mealtime. The Hundred Code is a three digit police code system. F Frank S Sam 10-86: Do we have any Illegal Radio Transmissions? 10-60 Lock out. 11-24 Abandoned automobile. Code 1 Do so at your convenience. On old radio systems, channels were limited so messages needed to be short. Code 33: Clear Radio Channel, Emergency Transmissions Only. 10-91a Stray. 11-66 Defective traffic light. 10-45C Condition of patient is critical. In many places, crimes tend to be committed in higher numbers in the early evening and late at night. 11-65 Signal light is out. Officier à terre. 148 Interfering with an officer 10-11 Identify this frequency. 192.3 Vehicular manslaughter 10. Jan 3, 2020 - Explore levi Omer Talal. M Mary Z Zebra, MOST FREQUENTLY USED CALIFORNIA PENAL CODES Code 10 Bomb threat Code 12 Notify news media Code 20 Officer needs assistance Code 22 Restricted radio traffic Code 30 Officer needs HELP - EMERGENCY! 10-56 Suicide. for Windows 10. Le code radio est réglée dans votre Ford Focus à l'usine et fondamentalement sert de protection contre le vol. 241 Assault on peace officer/EMT/firefighter 10-45 What is the condition of the patient? 10-45D Patient is deceased. Using a police radio is mostly common sense but it takes time and lots of practice to learn the codes and protocols. Code 8 Request cover/backup. 904A Automobile fire. In addition, the codes enable a certain amount of privacy to the radio … 11-42 No ambulance is needed. 10-26 Clear. 10-30 Does not conform to regulations. 10-5 Relay message. Table of 10-x radio codes and their meanings. [vehicle] (PIN,SVS) 290 Sex registration G George T 137(a) Offer bribe to influence testimony 20002 Hit and run - property damage Code 2 Urgent. 69 Deter/resist executive officer (other than peace officer) by report. Make it a point to switch on your police radio after you get home from work or school and see what's going on in your area. 484f Forged credit card Believed to be a precursor to the popular police drama Dragnet, Calling All Cars portrayed the true crime stories of the Los Angeles Police Department. Ten-codes, or 10-codes, are codes used in two-way voice radio communication as numeric code words for frequently used messages. 136.1(C1) Intimidation of witness or victim by force/threat of violence 10-10 Off duty. 10-29c Check complete [subject] 10-21 Telephone:______ Code 30 Officer needs HELP - EMERGENCY! Code 10. Originally, Police 10 codes were used in the United States law enforcement community prior to the Second World War. 10-29v The vehicle wanted in connection W/crime. 503 Embezzlement 150 Refuse to aid an officer L Lincoln 11-10 Take a 954 Off the air at the scene of the fire. Email us your Radio Codes & Signals or Fleet code / Talk Group Updates. 11-83 Accident - no details. 484e Theft of a credit card 10-71 Shooting. 10-48 Ambulance transfer call 240 *Assault 11-56 Officer is being followed by auto containing dangerous persons. 10-88: Assuming Designated Post/Unit, Assume Designated Post. 11377 Possession 10-70 Prowler. 10-91c Injured animal. This code is usually pronounced digit-by-digit, using a radio alphabet for any letters, as 505 "five zero five" or 207A "two zero seven Alpha". 11-00 Codes 10-101 Civil disturbance - Mutual aid request. 10851 Auto theft 10-80 Explosion. 10-72 Knifing. 484g Illegal use of a credit card 21111 Throwing article The codes were originally developed in 1937 to allow for brevity, clarity, and standardization of messages transmitted over radio channels. 10-29m The subject is wanted for a misdemeanor. Police and emergency 10 codes. 11357c Possession of more than 1 ounce 288a Oral copulation