Santa Claws can fly with the help of his akumatized reindeer and sleigh with handles like a motorcycle, the sleigh also able to become intangible to pass through walls and windows. Ladybug (formerly)Cat Noir (formerly) Storyboard by: Hawk Moth claims to have been good all year and that as a present, Santa should get him the Ladybug and Cat Miraculouses, to which Santa agrees, turning him into Santa Claws. Miraculous: Las Aventuras de Ladybug - Santa Clavos Sipnosis: ¡Es Navidad! The akuma then lands in his hat. The episode was originally going to also reveal why Hawk Moth has a picture of her. En el especial de Navidad, cuando Ladybug lo hace enojar, él es infectado por un akuma de Hawk Moth y se convierte en un supervillano navideño. Directed by: Un grupo de desconocidos que no recuerdan nada lucha por sobrevivir a la dura realidad y... a la isla que los atrapa. US airdate: The akumatized reindeer also eat some of her presents. Plagg (Plaga en Latinoamérica) es el kwami de la destrucción. Powers and abilities: First appearance: Por culpa de Ladybug un Santa Claus es akumatizado por Lepidóptero. Santa angrily explains that he is not a supervillain. When Plagg is on the snow, one of his whiskers clips through the snow and doesn't leave an imprint. You're not exactly dressed for the cold weather. She assumes that Cat Noir must be trying to protect Adrien from an akumatized supervillain. Sabine reminds her that it's Christmas, and Marinette begrudgingly gives Chloé the Christmas log. Gabriel tells Adrien that he cannot accept him disappearing, too, as he couldn't bear to lose him. When the hat was dissolved, the pieces came together to form the akuma. Adrien wants his father, Gabriel, to decorate the tree with them, but he doesn't come, upsetting Adrien. Alya helps Ladybug find trash bags and packing tape. [2] In "Santa Claws", when Ladybug upsets Santa by wrongly accusing him of being a villain, he is akumatized by Hawk Moth and becomes Santa Claws, a Christmas-themed supervillain.[3][4]. Nathaniel, Ivan, and Mylène don't appear in any way in this episode, despite the rest of the class appearing. Santa Claus ist ein Mann der sich für die Weihnachtszeit als Weihnachtsmann verkleidet. Written by: Are you lost? 2[1] Fue estrenado en Francia el 11 de Diciembre del 20163, el 23 de Diciembre del 2016 en España y el 30 de Diciembre del 2017 en Latinoamérica. Social Information Cat Noir grabs him by his wrist, but Santa Claws uses that to his advantage by climbing back on the sleigh and flinging Cat Noir off it again. Ladybug apologizes and tries to help him up, but Santa just wants her to leave, as he's had enough of kids tonight. Aventura; Animado; Familia; Película La adolescente parisina Marinette se transforma en la superheroína Ladybug para encontrar al solitario Adrien, que se ha escapado de casa en Navidad. Adrien, meanwhile, is wandering around Paris. Miraculous Ladybug Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. Character Information Santa Claws approaches Ladybug, singing a song about how he is Santa Claws and how he will give everyone a horrible Christmas. Nathalie enters the room and asks him to spend time with his son, reminding him that not only is it his first Christmas without Emilie, but it's also Adrien's too. Latest appearance: He also has a black sled with red patches on the side and back and rockets on the back that blast green fire, two black and red reindeer being connected to it. Disponible en: Netflix . She leaves from her balcony. Thomas Astruc Santa Claus' real name is currently unknown, "Santa Claus" being a character he plays for the Christmas occasion. The bodyguard begins the search and leaves in his car. Tikki finds it on her desk and gives it to Marinette before she can make even more of a mess. He wears a black mask over the top of his face and Adrien's Christmas hat. When she does, Marinette takes off her coat and begins singing. Ahora el malvado Santa pretende convertir esta Nochebuena en la peor de la . The episode was originally advertised as a 40 minute special, called "Ladybug in Christmas" when concept art of it was first published by. Based on the characters' mouth movements, the last word in "Marinette & the Bakery" was animated to be "you" instead of "all. Which is about 8 months meaning she would've been "missing" for about half to a year. 1 Sinopsis 2 Personajes… Santa Clavos: Miraculous: Las aventuras de Ladybug. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. As Cat Noir finishes his song, Ladybug is nowhere to be seen: the Ladybug in the background is the cutout from the Dupain-Cheng bakery, but Santa Claws doesn't notice it. Episodio: Santa Clavos Sinopsis: Por culpa de Ladybug un Santa Claus es akumatizado por Lepidóptero. Next She doesn't listen to Adrien when he tells her that Santa isn't a supervillain and chases after him, who runs away in his sleigh. For the first time, Adrien is visibly unhappy while he transforms into Cat Noir. Mientras que Marinette prepara la cena de Navidad en familia, Adrien se alista para pasar su primera Navidad sin su madre. His pants are still red with thicker white trim on the cuffs, and his boots are black with silver bottoms and red soles. She has to shout "Merry Christmas, Chloé!" Ladybug getting her Lucky Charm object at the Césaire household. Marinette is also visibly unhappy when she transforms into Ladybug, similar to her transformation in ". Adrien asks Santa if he has any Camembert, which Santa gives him from his sandwich. JOIN NOW . Santa Claws conjures up a large mace, preparing to destroy it, but the present turns, revealing his face. Tarantulas crawl out of the present and onto the bodyguard, causing the bodyguard to flee while he tries to get the spiders off his legs. He also wears a thick black belt with a golden buckle around his waist, red pants with white trim on the cuffs, and black boots. [2][8], Parisian teen Marinette transforms herself into superhero Ladybug to find her lonely crush Adrien when he runs away from home at Christmas.[9]. Gabriel agrees to spend Christmas with Adrien and tells Nathalie that he needs a little more time. Santa is driving the sleigh and waving to the people who pass by. Ladybug jumps off the sleigh after Cat Noir again, throwing the yo-yo around a lamppost. He walks away and detransforms in the snow. Prod. Ladybug gets on one of the reindeer) Woah, slow down! A Christmas Special: Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug & Cat Noir. Cat Noir runs up and over his baton, Cataclysm in hand, and grabs Santa Claws' hat, turning it black. His magically created presents can also contain weapons that he can wield, like a sword and a mace. Aunque su verdadero nombre es "Santa Claus", es conocido como Santa Clavos por los habitantes de Ciudad de Halloween. Ladybug singing about her feelings for Adrien. Production Information As Santa Claws, he is menacing, bitter, and cruel. DisrespectPeople not following Christmas traditions En el capítulo "Lady Wifi", después de ser suspendida del colegio gracias a Chloé, es infectada con un akuma de Lepidóptero, convirtiéndose en Lady Wifi, una supervillana que usa celular y wifi. However, in later shots, the white streaks are present again. Don't worry, I'm a tough old Santa. 01[2](Special) Jeremy Zag[5] Human Hawk Moth's lair is lit in blue instead of purple, due to it being after midnight. When Cat Noir joins up with her, she questions him about Adrien and what happened earlier in the night. Watch offline. The episode ends with everyone at the dinner table, wishing each other a merry Christmas. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Despite his villainous nature, Santa Claws holds nothing against Adrien, wanting to avenge both Adrien and himself, and he likes getting gifts and praise for being a frightening villain. "Santa Claws" Santa Claws throws a present at Cat Noir, knocking him off the sleigh. Ladybug chases after him. Outside the gates of the Agreste mansion, Adrien rings the doorbell, his father answering. Ladybug writes on the sticky note and tells Cat Noir to go to the Dupain-Cheng bakery to get some items. Episode Guide In „Eine böse Weihnachtsüberraschung“, als Ladybug ihn verletzt, weil sie ihn fälschlicherweise für einen akumatisierten Schurken hält und ihn daraufhin attackiert, wird er von Hawk Moth akumatisiert und in Santa Klaue verwandelt, einen weihnachtlichen Superschurken. Even though his sister and father are in the episode. El portador actual es Adrien Agreste. In "Santa Claws", when Ladybug upsets Santa by wrongly accusing him of being a villain, he is akumatized by Hawk Moth and becomes Santa Claws, a Christmas-themed supervillain. Marlena, Rose, Mr. Kubdel, Juleka, Alix, Nino, Otis Césaire, Alya, Santa Claus, Marinette, André, Tom, Sabine, Sabrina, Roger, Chloé, Max, Kim, and the Césaire twins are all outside the Agreste mansion doors to see Adrien. The special was originally announced to be 40 minutes long. Santa then yells at Ladybug about her hurting him. He gets revenge on those who he dislikes or who harmed him with terrifying gifts, and he enjoys singing songs to proclaim his evil gifts. Cat Noir avoids the question and they both jump and land on Santa Claws' sleigh. Cuerpo de Élite. No need to grab now, children. Gabriel shouts furiouslyat them to find Adrien immediately. 27 Adrien Agreste/Cat Noir • Marinette Dupain-Cheng/Ladybug, Adrien Agreste/Aspik/Mister Bug/Snake Noir • Alya Césaire/Rena Rouge • Chloé Bourgeois/Queen Bee • Kagami Tsurugi/Ryuko • Lê Chiến Kim/King Monkey • Luka Couffaine/Viperion • Marinette Dupain-Cheng/Lady Noir/Multimouse/Multifox/Multinoir/Multibug/Dragon Bug • Max Kanté/Pegasus • Nino Lahiffe/Carapace, Gabriel Agreste/Hawk Moth/Shadow Moth • Nathalie Sancoeur/Mayura, Barkk • Daizzi • Duusu • Fluff • Kaalki • Liiri • Longg • Mullo • Nooroo • Orikko • Plagg • Pollen • Roaar • Sass • Stompp • Tikki • Trixx • Wayzz • Xuppu • Ziggy, Ancient Butterfly Miraculous holder • Ancient Ladybug Miraculous holder • Ancient Chinese Bee Miraculous holder • Ancient Chinese Butterfly Miraculous holder • Ancient Chinese Fox Miraculous holder • Ancient Chinese Peacock Miraculous holder • Ancient Egyptian Miraculous holder • Ancient European Cat Miraculous Holder • Bọ rùa • Cernunnos • Iron Armor Akumatized Person • La Coccinelle • Herakles • Hēi Māo • Hippolyta • Hua Mulan • Jeanne d'Arc • La Déesse Coccinelle • La Mariquita • Micazoyolin • Mudekudeku • Piáo Chóng • Pied Piper of Hamelin • Sasuke Sarutobi • Sun Wukong • Tentomushi • Tomoe Gozen • Wang Fu/Jade Turtle, Alix Kubdel/Bunnyx • Brazilian Miraculous holder • Future Butterfly Miraculous holder • Future Queen Bee • Mylène Haprèle/Future Mouse Miraculous Holder • Fei/Lady Dragon • LadyLion • Lady Butterfly, Akuma • Gabriel Agreste/Hawk Moth • Nathalie Sancoeur/Mayura, Anansi • Animaestro • Animan • Antibug • Backwarder • Bakerix • Befana • Bubbler • Captain Hardrock • Cat Blanc • Catalyst • Chameleon • Christmaster • The Collector • Copycat • Darkblade • Dark Cupid • Dark Owl • Despair Bear • Desperada • Destroyer • Evillustrator • Feast • Frightningale • Frozer • Gamer • Gigantitan • Glaciator • Gorizilla • Guitar Villain • Heart Hunter • Horrificator • Ikari Gozen • Kung Food • Kwamibuster • Lady Wifi • Magician of Misfortune • Malediktator • Mime • Miracle Queen • Miraclonizer • Miraculer • Oblivio • Party Crasher • Pharaoh • Mr. Pigeon • Pixelator • Prime Queen • Princess Fragrance • Puppeteer • Oni-Chan • Queen Wasp • Reflekta • Rena Rage • Replay • Reverser • Riposte • Robostus • Rogercop • Sandboy • Santa Claws • Sapotis • Shell Shock • Silencer • Silurus • Simon Says • Startrain • Stoneheart • Stormy Weather • Style Queen • Syren • Techlonizer • Timebreaker • Timetagger • Troublemaker • Vanisher • Volpina • Weredad • Zombizou, Butterfly Sentimonster • Dormant Sentimonster • Ladybug • Lollipop Sentimonster • Reflekdoll, Trash Krakken • Mike Rochip/Techno-Pirate, Apkli • Dr. Roger and Sabrina search for Adrien in Roger's patrol car. They do not, however, fix Adrien's hat. It's also a pun on Santa's name in France, Père Noël, which translates to "Father Christmas", one of the names for Santa Claus. Next Bells ring in the distance, signaling Christmas Day. Max doesn't know where Adrien is, either. Más detalles. He enjoys giving to others and helping them out, and he gives useful wisdom to those who need it, like Adrien. Dislikes: Fue estrenado en Francia el 11 de Diciembre del 2016, el 23 de Diciembre del 2016 en España y el 30 de Diciembre del 2017 en Latinoamérica. Santa Claws phases through Adrien's window, sings his song, and drops a present in Adrien's room. Con su agencia de operaciones especiales eliminada, las autoridades españolas forman un nuevo equipo para acabar con una amenaza terrorista. Adrien hands Santa back his hat, receiving a blanket and hot chocolate in return. Adrien is in his room, upset and playing video games, his bodyguard behind him. In his lair, Hawk Moth decides to let Ladybug and Cat Noir have a Merry Christmas, but he swears that next Christmas, he'll have the best presents. Netflix respalda los principios de la Digital Advertising Alliance. Santa Clavos. 2016 7+ 21 min TV para ver en familia. He summons his Cataclysm, prepared to destroy the largest symbol of Christmas in the city out of anger, but before he does, an image of his mother flashes before his eyes and he stops. Nathalie makes phone calls to the police and Adrien's classmates. At the Agreste mansion, Gabriel holds a present in his hands and walks up to Adrien's room. Sabine and Tom set aside their presents and go out to look for Adrien, while Marinette says she doesn't feel good and goes upstairs to transform into Ladybug. Nino, while eating a potato, says that Adrien isn't at his house. Jun VioletChristelle AbgrallBenoît BoucherWilfried Pain Santa Clavos: Miraculous: Las aventuras de Ladybug 2016 - 21 minutos. A black present dangles off of it from Cat Noir's baton. Ahora el malvado Santa pretende convertir esta Nochebuena en la peor de la historia de París. Felicitaciones ya puede descargar Videoclip Las Aventuras De Ladybug Un Regalo Para Santa Clavos Disney Channel Oficial en MP3 totalmente gratis. Santa convinces Adrien to return home to his father and even gives him a free ride back. Especial Navidad ''Las Aventuras De Ladybug''. At the Agreste mansion, Adrien and Nathalie are decorating the Christmas tree in the foyer when the bodyguard walks in. Alya drops a coin in a collection box held by cardboard cutouts of Ladybug and Cat Noir. Sadness • Hawk Moth (future) • Ignoblia • Pain and Tears • Monsieur Rat • Timetagger, Miss Bustier's class (Adrien Agreste • Chloé Bourgeois • Ivan Bruel • Alya Césaire • Juleka Couffaine • Marinette Dupain-Cheng • Lê Chiến Kim • Mylène Haprèle • Max Kanté • Alix Kubdel • Nathaniel Kurtzberg • Nino Lahiffe • Rose Lavillant • Sabrina Raincomprix • Lila Rossi) • Ms. Mendeleiev's class (Aurore Beauréal • Mireille Caquet • Jean Duparc) • Adam • Kagami Tsurugi • Luka Couffaine • Marc Anciel • Ondine • Théo Barbot • Vivica • Wayhem, August • Boy • Ella Césaire • Etta Césaire • Manon Chamack • Chris Lahiffe • Mrs. Michelle's son • Quentin, Adrien's bodyguard • Emilie Agreste • Arlette • Art teacher • Thomas Astruc • August's mother • Vincent Aza • Mr. Banana • André Bourgeois • Audrey Bourgeois • Caline Bustier • Butler Jean • Alec Cataldi • Marlena Césaire • Nora Césaire • Otis Césaire • Nadja Chamack • Sabine Cheng • Chris (performer) • Clara Contard • Anarka Couffaine • Mr. Damocles • Armand D'Argencourt • Doorman • Gina Dupain • Rolland Dupain • Tom Dupain • Fire captain • Fisherman • André • Simon Grimault • Fred Haprèle • Claudie Kanté • Alim Kubdel • Jalil Kubdel • Marianne Lenoir • Lila's mother • Maid • Ms. Mendeleiev • Mrs. Michelle • Clara Nightingale • Philippe • Roger Raincomprix • Xavier Ramier • Penny Rolling • Bob Roth • Santa Claus • Sarah • Jagged Stone • Jean Tretiens • Tomoe Tsurugi • Véronique • Vincent (Adrien's photographer) • XY, Amelie Graham de Vanily • Breaker • Wang Cheng • Ghetto Blaster • Howard • Jørgen • Kenya's father • Killabee • Metal Face D • Monk • Order of the Guardians • Prince Ali's chaperone • Public Enemy • Shaolin Soul • Wealthy woman, Evil present conjuration (as Santa Claws). Santa Claws: It's time to open your gifts, kiddies! The episode was shown in theaters during its Korean premiere in February 2017. But, what are you doing out at this time of night? She grabs a Christmas log cake from her mother, almost dropping it when giving it to Alya. They dangle and run over Paris' rooftops before Ladybug flings Cat Noir back on the sleigh. Navidades en Nueva York Episodio: Especial navidad crosssover entre las series ¡Buena suerte, Charlie! Adrien Agreste When Santa Claus gives Adrien a piece of Camembert, his sandwich appears to have sliced Camembert, but the piece he gives Adrien is a triangular cut piece. Adrien frets because he doesn't have any cheese on him. Parisian teen Marinette transforms herself into superhero Ladybug to find her lonely secret crush Adrien when he runs away from home at Christmas. Ladybug flings herself onto one of the reindeer, trying to stop it. She tears her room apart, searching for Adrien's gift. Adrien Agreste2 Adrián en España es un protagonista de Prodigiosa: Las Aventuras de Ladybug. As seen in "Christmaster", he is also very stern and strict towards tradition, refusing to give out gifts to kids early as such, and highly appreciates those who respect them, such as Ladybug. Santa Claws Santa "Christmaster" He realizes that he can't kill something he loved. However, it is region locked for US access only. Ecoutez ou Télécharger Miraculous Noel Compilation.mp3 gratuitement. Santa Clavos. He gets revenge on those who he dislikes or who harmed him with terrifying gifts, and he enjoys singing songs to proclaim his evil gifts. Instead, Adrien opens Marinette's present, which he had with him, hoping it can help. December 11, 2016 (France; TFOU, 09:15 UTC+1)[4] The end credit sequence also has a holiday-themed instrumental of the. Hawk Moth, in his lair, senses Santa's anger and sends out an akuma. Hawk Moth yells at Santa Claws to get away from the present since it's obviously a trap, but Santa Claws is so surprised to even be receiving a present that he ignores Hawk Moth. (Santa Claws falls off the sleigh, but Cat Noir catches him) Santa Claws: Thank you. Santa Claus is a man dressed up as Santa for the Christmas season. (Cat Noir fight with Santa Claws. Santa and Adrien drink the hot chocolate in Santa's sleigh, Adrien telling Santa about his family problems. Ladybug catches the akuma and throws the box in the air, using Miraculous Ladybug. La adolescente parisina Marinette se transforma en la superheroína Ladybug para encontrar al solitario Adrien, que se ha escapado de casa en Navidad. CHIBI CAPÍTULO 1 7 Miraculous Ladybug. Possibly because of this lighting, the initial appearance of the akuma is also darker, without the white streaks. "Especial de Navidad" (Santa Clavos en España) es el primer episodio de la segunda temporada de Miraculous: Las Aventuras de Ladybug. Episode Maybe you'd like some hot chocolate, I've got some left. También es el modelo de la línea de ropa de su padre. In „Eine böse Weihnachtsüberraschung“, als Ladybug ihn verletzt, weil sie ihn fälschlicherweise für einen akumatisierten Schurken hält und ihn daraufhin attackiert, wird er von Hawk Moth akumatisiert und in Santa Klaue verwandelt, einen weihnachtlichen Superschurken. Nathalie picks up the phone on her desk and presses a button, telling Adrien he has a visitor. With Cristina Valenzuela, Bryce Papenbrook, Keith Silverstein, Mela Lee. Horses When Chloé and her father enter the bakery, Marinette freezes in the middle of her song. Ladybug arrives in the Hôtel de Ville square and sees the damage from Cat Noir's Cataclysm and her letter to Adrien. Affiliations: Paulie y Fiona | Caricaturas en Vivo | Caricaturas para Niños | Caricaturas en Español . Watch all you want. Likes: En "Bubbler", tras ser rechazado por Gabriel, es infectado por un akuma y se transforma en Bubbler, un supervillano con poderes burbujeantes. He puts the card in his back pocket. Special Guide Santa Clavos: Miraculous: Las aventuras de Ladybug. He calls out for Adrien first but begins panicking when he sees Adrien's window is open and Adrien is missing. Inside is a Christmas hat. After Chloé and André leave, Adrien's bodyguard enters and drops a coin in the collection box. Plagg wishes him a "Merry Christmas" back. La adolescente parisina Marinette se transforma en la superheroína Ladybug para encontrar al solitario Adrien, que se ha escapado de casa en Navidad. Cat Noir fights Santa Claws, baton to sword. ", When Cat Noir detransforms in the snow-covered plaza, he says his usual "Claws out" instead of the proper deactivation "Claws. Española = Alya Césaire1 es la mejor amiga de Marinette y una estudiante del Colegio Françoise Dupont. Gabriel is in his atelier, staring at Emilie Agreste's portrait. Cat Noir's transformation music in this episode is changed slightly with a rock-n-roll edge to it. El bondadoso y afable Santa envía regalos de Navidad a todos los niños montado en su trineo mágico, pero cuando Jack lo secuestra para quitarle el puesto por un día, desencadena una terrible catástrofe mundial, que solo Santa podrá arreglar. The first time that Cat Noir sings is when he was under. He comes across a Santa Claus and two naughty children who are being rude to Santa. Credits December 20, 2016 (Netflix); November 22, 2018 (KidsClick); December 9, 2019 (Disney Channel); November 12, 2019 (Disney+) He decides that he hates Christmas. at her before Chloé takes it. Marinette runs upstairs when she realizes who he is, asking him to wait a minute. Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. Parisian teen Marinette transforms herself into superhero Ladybug to find her lonely crush Adrienwhen he runs away from home at Christmas. You deal with Santa Claws! Nous utilisons des cookies et des outils similaires pour faciliter vos achats, fournir nos services, pour comprendre comment les clients utilisent nos services afin de pouvoir apporter des améliorations, et pour présenter des publicités, y compris des publicités basées sur les … Santa Claus es un hombre vestido de Papá Noel para la temporada de Navidad. 226[3] Protagonizada por: Cristina Vee,Bryce Papenbrook,Keith Silverstein. When Adrien's bodyguard leaves with his Christmas log, the window is missing the words and the bakery's logo. He ends up outside the Hôtel de Ville and runs at the Christmas tree outside the building. v • e Canciones; Temas de apertura Soy Ladybug • Soy Ladybug (versión navideña) • Soy Ladybug (versión de la temporada 2) Canciones en la serie During the song "Marinette & the Bakery," the words on the right inside window are flipped to where they can be read inside the bakery instead of being backward (to be read from the outside). As of May 11, 2018, "Santa Claws" was announced as a Season 2 episode, therefore, it is considered to be a part of that season, despite the story of this episode taking place during Season 1's timeline. Ella holds up crayons while Etta holds up a notepad. Voiced by: Prodigiosa:Las Aventuras de Ladybug "Santa Clavos" (Especial de Navidad) (Castellano) ¡ESPECIAL HALLOWEEN! "Especial de Navidad" (Santa Clavos en España) es el primer episodio de la segunda temporada de Miraculous: Las Aventuras de Ladybug.,,,,,,,,,, Netflix respalda los principios de la Digital Advertising Alliance. In the French version, when Ladybug leaves the Césaire house, she says, "Ho ho ho," which is absent in the English version. Fumbling over her words, she asks him to take the present to Adrien and to wish him a Merry Christmas for her. The French equivalent to the nickname Alya gives Ladybug (Lady-Claus) is "Coccinoël". Her right foot is repositioned when she stands up, but her left foot remains unchanged. They swing wildly through the city and land in Alya's living room, Cat Noir on top of Ladybug. This is the second time that Cat Noir sings, and this is the first time that Marinette/Ladybug sings. Adrien puts Plagg on the hat and opens the card Marinette left him. André also reminds Chloé to wish Marinette a Merry Christmas, which she shouts back to Marinette before leaning in and reminding her that she hates her guts. Joe Ochman (English)[1]Click "expand" for full listMartial Le Minoux (French)Mojmír Maděrič (Czech)Gerolamo Alchieri (Italian) "Especial de Navidad" (Santa Clavos en España) es el primer episodio de la segunda temporada de Miraculous: Las Aventuras de Ladybug. Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug & Cat Noir Theme Song,,, Adrien Agreste/Aspik/Mister Bug/Snake Noir, Marinette Dupain-Cheng/Lady Noir/Multimouse/Multifox/Multinoir/Multibug/Dragon Bug, Ancient Chinese Butterfly Miraculous holder, Ancient Chinese Peacock Miraculous holder, Mylène Haprèle/Future Mouse Miraculous Holder,